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Keeping us waiting, huh?

why Hollywood won't directly adapt the video game itself? it already presents itself as a movie and you can treat the old cutscenes are story boards.

They're trying to push him as a "leading man". Hollywood doesn't realize they don't exist anymore.

>Solid Spic
Into the trash it goes

Just do the story for MGS2. It's amazing.

>Guatemalan jew

hes got le face but honestly he would make a dickish liquid

Lmao the fucking games are interactive movies, MGS4 is not even interactive, just a movie. Do that shit

Has anyone ever gone from great roles to selling out this fucking hard? In a little over 6 years he's done Star Wars, capeshit TWICE and now fucking vidya shit.

He's almost as bad as the goblin who's playing "Juan" in the Last of Us series

because Kojimbo is a shit director and nobody would care about MGS if it wasn't a video game where standards are super low.

Who plays Fatman?

Ya it's pretty common, off the top of my head Joseph Gordon Levitt

Already has failed.
Maybe the writers of the Halo tv show could help them.

As much as I hate this actor if he does a 1:1 david hayter impersonation it'll be fine in my book. If he talks in his normal voice without any inbetween the movie is already in the dumps.

wouldn't you like to be given millions to half-ass a few movies while still doing stuff on the side like Paul Schrader kinos and interpretations of Bergman?

they should make it like those live-action japanese movies that try to be like anime

Wasn't the plan "Shadow Moses, but with Big Boss instead of Liquid with a few flashbacks to MGS3"?

It's because if they just remake every scene from the game frame by frame, then I would just rather play the game. It's the same problem with Disney's live action remakes. What's the point of it existing if you aren't going to do anything unique with it.

That's exactly why the Tomb Raider reboot film didn't work. It was completely faithful to the source material but it was the exact same story that just made me wish I was playing the game instead. Not a bad movie but ultimately a forgettable one.

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Why do you hate him?

who would you cast Yea Forums?

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Sounds like all that gibber jabber is code for "how do we make kojima schizo ramblings sound woke".

Tom Hardy as Solid Snake
Logan Marshall-Green as Liquid Snake

Bana 20 years ago

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Stop. MGS 1 is very straight forward, it didn't get cuhrazy till 2.
>aside from kojima confusingly not understanding that blonde hair is recessive

Elliot Page

MGS2 doesn't have the same impact without playing it and MGS 1 first.
Shit like "Turn off the game console raiden" or just the fact that the game uses Raiden's VR training as an analogue for the player's experience playing a game to frame both Raiden and the player in the same perspective.
I don't think you can pull that off in a film.

He's not even a good second fiddle.
I've started to realize just how one note he is, and that grating nasal jew voice he has in every single movie doesn't help. Like he can't do one iota of an accent that isn't new york jew.

We’ve been over this before. Movies based on games will never work bc Vidya is the superior medium


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>snake it's me, did you get the boots?
>otacon... I'm not sure about these...
>trust me snake, there's an explosive device implanted in each one. i'll take care of security, you need to focus on jumping on metal gears head!

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>Searching for story

Just pick a game and make a film out of it, why do these idiots feel the need to make everything difficult?

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Are they consulting Hideo, or Kojima?

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The quote the OP article was using is from a sarcastic remark he made while giving a passing statement to some Paparazzi.
They're not gonna be giving us info on the movie unless it's an official release.

Isnt he missing his solid snake ?

Trying to adapt a Kojima story to the screen is impossible and there's literally nothing that they can do which isn't going to be the most cringeworthy shit you have ever seen.
It honestly should end Oscar Isaacs career and I can't wait.

Today? Probably Scott Eastwood.

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They can go all in on the camp and just make it a reskinned die-hard movie with some of MGS' philosophizing thrown in.
That alone would be a 7-8/10 action flick if they do some nice set pieces.

Terrible idea. Could only ever work as an animation.

They either go 100% full batshit kojima or don't even try. And I doubt they can pull that off even if they try.

They gotta have an interactive gimmick to do that.
Something crazy like having special glasses in each theatre that audiences have to put on at some point, or doing some weird shit with the sound mixing, or having multiple versions of the same film.

karl urban would have been a good snake when he was younger

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Because that would make original fans happy and they can't possibly have that. You WILL get your hero character raped into some generic Hollywood story easy to follow by double digits IQ mutts and you WILL be happy.

das rite

They'll find some way to make it "relevant" to modern times. Evil Russians probably.

I would love an adaptation of pic rel, but of course those fucking hacks wouldn't know about it.

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I feel like he's too old for a younger snake. Maybe the older versions sure.

Can't these slimy kikes keep their greasy greedy hands off my fucking vidya?

Colin Farrel

>why Hollywood won't directly adapt the video game itself?
They are a bunch of narcissistic hacks who think they know better than the superior creative who made the original thing. They don't know better.

Maybe I just don't know how Hollywood works but I thought he got cast as Snake BECAUSE they had a story already.

>searching like Solid Snake
what does that even mean? are they referring to Solid Snake looking for the Metal Gear? Then that's your story right there, just have him infiltrate a base and look for a Metal Gear. How retarded are these writers. That's literally what an adaptation is, just take the story of what you're adapting and do it, but for a different media, maybe tweak it a bit so it translates better to film.

jew spic midge

Skarsgard. Hes so hot right now

It's just gonna be MGS1 settings with a stripped down story merging of MGS2 and 3, Mark my words.
Also MGSV is 10/10 despite being unfinished and Yea Forums is full of paint huffing retards.

Just a adapt the first MGS and tone down the backstory a bit. wala.

>I don't think you can pull that off in a film
You translate it for a film. Like turning on the houselights

Oscar Issac is a good actor like Colin Farrell but both of them waste their talent on horrible ideas.

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MGS2 doesn't work without the context provided by MGS1, and the entire analogy of Raiden taking the piss out of players who just wanted a generic action hero game falls flat if you try to make a movie from it

>MGS1 settings with a stripped down story merging of MGS2 and 3
Yeah, typical Hollywoodshit right there.
Is Vogt-Roberts still involved in this?
The guy is a real fan so maybe he can save the whole thing.

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>Trying to adapt a Kojima story to the screen is impossible
No it isn't. Kojima's works are mostly just James Bond. If Hollywood can't make James Bond films anymore, the problem is with Hollywood. It's not "impossible," the industry is just shitty and operates on extremely bad preconceptions.

The safe way to go would be to do the Nolan Batman approach and make it "realistic" but still have the trappings of capeshit(vidyashit is basically just capeshit). Of course this being the current year, all bets are off regarding what kind of dumb shit they'll come up with. Solid Snake will probably be infiltrating Shadow Moses to protect trans rights and BLM.