Wha happen

She was everywhere for a couple years then fell off the face of the Earth. Did she refuse to fuck a producer or something?

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Other urls found in this thread:


She had sex

She married some guy that once shook hands with Methuselah and had a kid after with that old fart.

she manufactured the perception that she had a fanbase or fan following via astroturfing in order to force her way into "geek" targeting media, which stopped working as more and more actual people became aware of her existence and instantly became sick of seeing her at all.

I dunno.
But I still think she’s cute. Would impregnate/10

user that was over 10 years ago...

she's fucking ugly and so is tessa violet stop spamming these 2000s internet uglies

Her show was so comfy

She started a production company, Geek & Sundry, there biggest success was probably that Critical Role DnD show but they broke off after they got big.
She realized there was more money behind the camera than in front of it.

She had a kid by a guy 30 years older than her, Patrick Sheane Duncan, and has been supported by him financialy since before she did The Guild. It's been beyond proven she lives in the house he owns, the same one she filmed The Guild in. He's in his mid 70's now.

She was on Twitch a month ago. She was never that good looking to begin with, but man, she hit the wall at 250mph.

Didn't she do an episode of some softcore porno show? Something Hotel

Oh, bullshit. Patrick Duncan, her baby daddy, has been paying her bills for years.

reminder: she posts here.

She got replaced by the red head chick from that DnD show.

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I think she filmed an internet show or something in a rented house that was also used as a porno set. IIRC, it even had the same furniture that had bodily fluids on

she at least lurks here. she wrote about being called a camel in her book


This cannot be real. Surely she realized the parallels...? "I crossed the street to avoid them", c'mon.

I remember that. The user who recognized that room from random porn was legendary

>something had changed in me
>a small voice in my brain full of hate
>I went home feeling totally depressed
these cringe schizos are unironically just like anons creating fantasies in their heads about the jews keeping them down except instead of being fringe loonies on the internet they're the mainstream entertainment industry
no wonder everything they make these days is insane

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she says reddit, but i dont believe it. camel is Yea Forums. prob didnt want to admit she lurks

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the hammer is my penis

she looooooooooves it. she probably started this thread.

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she got knocked up by like a 70 year old guy

yes, you look like an old fucking hag

did she fugg will wheaton?

if youre here felicia please show boobs and pusy dear maam lov u

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Thats the wall brotha

Man, honestly, being 12/13, parents had just gotten divorced and my mom ran off. Watching Jon Stewart at my older sisters waiting for my dad to get off work. Obsessing over Heroes and Chuck and Pushing Daisies on my antenna television.
Writers strike happening. Dad getting internet and digital cable to keep my mind off things, watching AOTS and getting turned onto Dr Horrible, thinking this new plugged in internet thing was so cool, even having vague positive political thoughts about Obama.
I just want to go back.

she cute
he wishes

Everyone realized she's ugly.

is that a GIRL?
who likes VIDEO GAMES?


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she also said the rats from grimrock reminded of herself during a stream. maybe she secretly hates herself

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christ in heaven

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I love to see potential comrades wearing video game advertisement shirts because it makes me think, "I am around fellow Rebels. I fucking love science. Smash the patriarchy.

Does she not realize that unless women are actually talented they're no longer wanted when they lose their youth?


Even that looks cuter


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That's something a lot of women do not comprehend. Some will always think they'll have intrinsic value based solely on their genitals but not realize that shit has an expiration date. It's a double whammy too because the ones who learn a valuable skill or train their talents early in life stay far more sexually desirable waaaay longer after hitting the wall.

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Naw she just knew her expiration date was fast approaching and need to jump on the bandwagon for victim points.

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I'm literally upset.

you really have to wonder about this weird woman who marries a man 30 years her senior. There's something wrong with this picture.

She was homeschooled and her singular childhood story is a ""wholesome"" tale of her mom making her mail a suggestive fishnet stockings photo to a boy she met over telnet. Safe to say there's some daddy issues there.

She is, for the record, pretty cute in the photo and basically attractive for the first several years of her career imo

This, she fucked a geriatric and got infected with the ick. Since then nobody wants to touch her grandpa-defiled ass.

Pretty accurate. She was always a fucking poser and a fraud and anyone with even a slight interest in """"""geekdom""""""" can see that


this except the jew thing is real

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not bad. looks like 1997 so I guess she got walled early

God I miss 00's girls so much, they used to dress like sluts with "regular lingerie" , they showed they "whale tail thong" when squatting down, and not the sporty women underwear and ostentous lingerie pieces girls wear now, they are a turn off.
I'm saving this pic for future gaps.

I must agree with her though. For me women are not old until they're about 50, unless they age like milk like most British women for example, or the other way around, some women stay pretty fine or at least fuckable even after 50 or 60.
My libido might be too high though. Roasties don't gross me out

lesbian spotted

She started a digital geek production company, they struck gold with critical role, critical role realised she needed them more than they needed her and so they left.

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memba the frag dolls?


She had the old 2000 gamer girl vide to her that nobody needed in the 10s.

only an antinatalist would think women aren't "old" past 25