KDrama thread! ive been watching hotel del luna recently and finished episode 8

KDrama thread! ive been watching hotel del luna recently and finished episode 8

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i feel like grooming something


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We finally get to see her entire past.

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Yes! I've been watching this recently too, I love IU's music so seeing her act was so awesome lol

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right!! i like how they pretty much showed the whole thing now so we know, except that cliffhanger at the end!!!

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really! what have you been watching? ive watched my mister and this now

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We discuss a new episode every two days. Come join us if you want!

I finally got some things correct! FINALLY! I still think that when the guy went to thank her for letting him approach the group and how this made his job easier he was only doing it so she could live. The princess must have allowed her to stay alive if they got married and he accepted.
Bad choice tho because she went and killed everyone! I enjoyed the revenge scene.

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you did!! i knew that you knew what was going to happen haha
and youre probably right about the next thing too because he didnt really look happy marrying her
i couldnt believe he did that though >.> what a jerk!!!!!!! pretending to be her friend like that and back stabbing her
OH and why didnt the princess scream for help?!?! i wouldve started screaming immediately lol

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yeah he doesnt look happy haha

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so late x_x

Any KDrama where a girl gets dicked down by BWC? Thanks

sorry its a bit later than normal but its the weekend! lol

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I don't think he betrayed them. What I think happened is the princess likes him and so she followed him or sent someone to follow him and saw what was happening. She grabbed the wine gourd and put it on the tree. Manwol thought it was the guard so she went back. Turns out everything was a trap by the princess.
Now that she has manwol captured she sends the rest of the army to kill and capture every other rebel.
The guard then asks if manwol can be allowed to go free and the princess agrees if the guard marries her. He does and manwol is sent free.
I guess they didn't expect her to come back and kill everyone lol.
Maybe she thought it wouldn't make a difference by that point?
>i wouldve started screaming immediately
When you realized it wasn't your husband or when she took out a sword lol?

He really doesn't.

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you should include info for this thread into your comeback post

No she shouldn't.

why not

The only reason we left was because people complained all the time that we can't talk about dramas. Let them create their own threads on tv if they want to.

People complained about you, kpg has had kdrama discussion since it started and it was never a problem.

ooooohhhhhh ok i thought by the way he was talking to iu he did it on purpose!! there is still hope haha
i hope he tells her that before they have that sword duel!!! and iu would win because shes that good lol
>When you realized it wasn't your husband
that one!! maybe the princess knew she was going to die but at least have all the guards come or something!!!
also killing her and putting on her clothes, i guess iu always liked new clothes LOL
and when iu blew mira into the water she told chan seong (i learned his named finally lol) to take care of her because thats his job?? is iu saying hes the captain??? idk lol

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idk if i can link to tv?? i delete my post when i link to tv because technically its not on topic for kpg so im scared lol

i dont think it would be a problem but its ultimately up to you, i just think it would be nice to get more kpgfriends here

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I don't think he did because iu seems to still hate him a little or maybe I'm mistaken. I'm starting to think that manager isn't the guy. It looks like he got sent to be with iu because he used to date the new incarnation of the princess.
The guards were dead. Maybe she knew that if there was anyone inside the room then the guards would be dead.
Hahaha! Good one.
Would you watch my new drama? The name is "i married this random princess but it turns out it was iu all along?!" ?
Yes. KOO CHAN SEONG. She always calls him by his full name. That's his job because she always (always but only two times I guess) falls in love with someone who is somehow related to the princess.

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I'm still here and will continue to be here talking about it so better to not post any link back there.

The only reason you don't want a link posted is because everyone on kpg hates you and you only join these threads to talk to one person anyway. Take it to a private chat if that's your concern.
Personally I'd love if Yea Forums could have active kdrama threads, so the more the merrier.

>he used to date the new incarnation of the princess.
ohhhhhhhhh im wrong again lol oops
oh right she killed them all!! idk i wouldve screamed anyway haha
>Would you watch my new drama?
LOL youre funny that sounds like a great drama just dont mind that iu killed her haha
i wonder what the thing with the bracelet was, i expected them to show the princess wearing a bracelet or something but that didnt happen so i guess it just repelled ghosts by itself
i wonder how chan seong will find the hotel next episode haha

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ok ill link it just to see if anyone is interested! if i get banned on mu im going to be VERY SAD haha

really enjoyed the 2 minute long subway ad this episode

is this your first IU drama? years ago I watched here scarlet heart drama. The story was really sad...

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>ohhhhhhhhh im wrong again lol oops
We don't know that yet. We are both speculating on what we think that's why it's fun to discuss things.
Hahahahaha. I wouldn't blame anyone for screaming after seeing a stranger with a sword inside their room lol.
If I was the guard I would be happy for marrying a princess and then finding an iu in my room. Iu is freaking cute.

Just make Iu wear a veil and hide the body. Nobody needs to know the truth, :o
I think it's a common protection amulet you can buy from shamans? Maybe not common exactly but something like that. I think it's just a protection thing koreans believe in so she wasn't affect until she took it off. But then... How did Iu manage to use her ghostly powers to make her fall in the water?
How hard can it be? Just follow the ghosts.

hii!!! ive watched my mister before this, it was really good i highly recommend it! if you like sad stories my mister is pretty sad for most of it haha

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yes!! cute iu
>How did Iu manage to use her ghostly powers to make her fall in the water?
HMMMM youre right!!! maybe it only protects against ghosts and technically iu isnt a ghost so she doesnt count lol but iu smashed it so its gone haha
>Just follow the ghosts.
LOL youre right hmm iu didnt thin it though all the way............ lol
the imaginary ghosts part was funny! if you can create ghosts just from your imagination id be creating ghosts all the time haha

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>the imaginary ghosts part was funny! if you can create ghosts just from your imagination id be creating ghosts all the time haha
that part reminded me of the show foster's home for imaginary friends. the imaginary girl the granny made was so cute I wish she stayed in the episode for longer

LOL i saw that too they love their subway

Maybe the wind doesn't count for protection. That part where iu decided to create false memories and put it on mira was nice in fu***d up way. And I when KOO CHAN SEONG decided to sacrifice himself so iu would not become an evil ghost even knowing that was a powerful curse. ;_; I like how he is willing to go that far because he cares for her and because he believes in her so much that she always thinks she will protect him in the end. Nice pciture!!!

A long time ago there was a fad on Yea Forums and some other places on the internet about creating your very own imaginary/delusion/hallucination friend. They called it a tulpa. I think you can still find mention of it on /x/ but they believe it to be a entity you sort of summon and only you can see, haven't read a lot of it from the perspective of /x/. Anyway, I thought you are afraid of ghosts? Are you sure you want to be creating a bunch of them?

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right!! she was like a doll or something it was cute!

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>Manwol thought it was the guard so she went back. Turns out everything was a trap by the princess.
>Now that she has manwol captured she sends the rest of the army to kill and capture every other rebel.
this is why you never let a lovesick woman take control of your military forces

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this one scene made up for all the annoying screaming her character did

i want to make a tulpa of my very own vertically challenged crybaby comebecky

>Are you sure you want to be creating a bunch of them?
i dont have the special ghost eyes and i dont have a record player like that guy in the episode so id be ok LOL
how is the tulpa different from an imaginary friend??
what iu was going to do was so mean!!! mira didnt do anything to her......... but i can iu is really quility about after chan seong does that and iu is like oops! lol
also we got more of this story between yuna (i know her name too!) and the bellboy (not his name though) she was calling him her boyfriend and it was going right over his head lol

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If the person in charge of your military force is in love with the captain of the guard of the enemy's daughter you have big problems. No matter if it's a man or a woman.

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Why can't we talk about heckin SQUID GAME instead?

We wanted Naragf

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Then what's the point of making a bunch of ghosts?
It's been a long time and I don't quite remember exactly but let me try. I think it was closer to something like schizophrenia in that your brain would separate the being into something outside of yourself and it would have it's own thoughts and would be able to interact with you like talk without you knowing it's responses before it gave it to you. I think they speculated about being able to trick your brain into going so deep into the hallucination that at some point you would be able to physically interact with it but if I remember correctly people often said at that point you might have induced a mental illness in yourself. It's hard to explain. I once had hallucinations because of a medication and during it some scary being appeared and kept taunting me, I kept telling myself it wasn't a real thing but I was still scared of it because my brain could see it and I could talk with it and my brain just saw it as a real existence outside of myself.
I don't think iu was in the right at all. Mira doesn't even remember her past life but for iu... sure it was 1000 years ago but everyone she loved ended up because of her and we know she isn't over it yet so I understand where she is come from even if I disagree.

Trueee! I love that part. He smiling (like he always does) without a care in the world, her getting angry and frustrated about how oblivious he is. And they were cute with their casual clothes eating something and then going on a date (bad date to go stalk someone lol) together. They are really cute together!

why are you telling cbsis about your schizophrenia and medications

OP is just a thirsty slut for pedos

the sad part is that it actually works and ends up making me crave subway, i hate ads aka consumerism propaganda

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word fuck this thread i'll be back when season 2 drops

They had an ad for a drink too. Sanchez is drinking it when manager guy arrives home but it's very fast.

What should I watch if I enjoyed Descendants of the Sun?

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hmm that sounds serious story friend are you alright now?? that sounds a lot scarier than an imaginary friend
yes!! they are really cute the storyline was unexpected but its one of my favorites now
also mira just keeps showing up where ever like the docks and then chan seongs house lol

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no he isnt alright this is what everyone has been trying to tell you

Oh yes, I only had an adverse effect because of the medication so I was fine the next day and it all happpened to me many years ago so it's just a memory now. It does. Probably why everyone else stopped talking about it and only the people from our paranormal thread still has an interest in it. I did say it's closer to schizophrenia than to an imaginary friend or if I didn't that was what I meant to convey.
Mira seems to take advantage of people. Why is she staying there? Go away x_x
Can we talk about Sanchez tho? Guy casually says that veronica's father is going to open an hotel and his father will use that opportunity to get two 5 stars restaurants, then he says veronica likes him so I'm thinking they are dating? Then he says she likes him because he pretends to be the owner of a pizza shop but is secretly a millionaire? What the hell? Chaebol sanchez I kneel.

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paranormal board I mean

that really sounds terrifying but glad youre ok now!
yes!! sanchez sounds like he is insanely rich lol hes in the yacht club!! or did he just run it? and he could get chan seong a crazy job in an instant!! that restaurant scene was cute too because he said chan seong liked iu and he almost choked haha cute

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i liked the colors in this scene!

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I love these screenshots you take from the color schemes.

I have no idea but he or his family is super rich. I think he was the one who invited manager guy to korea to work at a hotel in the first place right?
I didn't remember that. At this point the only two people pretending they don't like each other are iu and manager guy.

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certified tulpagroomer thread