I go Hong Kong

>I go Hong Kong
This wouldn't be allowed in 2022

Attached: hmj.png (597x415, 340.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:



He 100% says "I go to Hong Kong"

stop being racist towards asians, chuds

China has:
>a far more homogenous society
>one party system, no illusion of (((democracy)))
>no one gives a fuck about trannies and faggots
>no wokeism
>no niggers
>Xi Jinpoo probably the most capable leader currently alive

Muttland has:
>niggers, beaners, mulattoes, gooks, chinks, nips, halfbreeds, mutts
>cringe, obviously fake (((democracy))) [election fraud 2020]
>biggest exporter of degeneracy across the globe
>Biden: geriatric, incestuous smoothbrain that that regularly soils himself

why did you reply to me?

>zipperhead noises

shut up its funny

stop being racist towards chuds, asians

>ching chong ping pong
don't care chang

You can’t be racist to those more powerful than you. Checkmate slopes, either admit you’re inferior or take your lumps

China also has Echo Yue.

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i fucking love these tiktoks bros

Is Nolan a racist?
Here’s the proof

>Zero black actors in Dunkirk
I am sure he wanted to be historically accurate, but YOU KNOW some jew asked him to cast at least a couple black extras for background scenes and he told her hook nose to fuck off. In Atonement, another film about Dunkirk, there are numerous black actors in their Dunkirk scenes.

>Black guy dies first in Interstellar
They leave his ass on the ship and he ages like 60 years. Also there is no "in the future everyone has an interracial relationship" / look at my mixed race kids bullshit like other sci-fi tv show and movie tries to shoehorn in.

>Arthur(JGL) taxi scene in Inception
In the first dream sequence there is a scene where Arthur hijacks a taxi. Take a wild guess what race the taxi driver is. Then notice what Arthur does as soon as he gets in the car. There is some muslim shit playing on the radio, and Arthur, IMMEDIATELY turns that shit off in disgust. The scene is barely a half second long, but Nolan INTENTIONALLY put it in his multi-million dollar blockbuster. Why

>Black SWAT member in the Tenet Prologue
In the Tenet Prologue, Denzel's kid disguises himself among 100 Ukrainian swat team members to infiltrate an opera being held hostage. AS SOON a Ukrainian SWAT guy gets a good look at Denzel’s Kid through his SWAT mask, he yells, “who the fuck are you!” and draws his gun. Why? …because there are no black cops in the Ukraine and Nolan made a point to convey this fact. If he was white, he could have easily blended in.

>Zoe Kravitz in The Dark Knight Rises
Zoe Kravitz was on a short list to be named the new Catwoman in Nolan’s TDKR. Zoe was ultimately let go when Nolan said she looked too urban, and went with a more posh Anne Hathway Catwoman instead.

>Chinese guy in The Dark Knight
“I’m good with calcuration” “I’m good with calcuration” “I’m good with calcuration” “I’m good with calcuration” “I’m good with calcuration”

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haha watch Arcane!

>I go to Tiananmen Square

That's grammatically correct in context though. Or at least it sounds like something a fluent English speaker might say and not CHING CHONG I GO TO HONG KONG TAKA ARR YO GWEILO DORRAS! FUNDS EXTREMERY SAFEU!"

No one cares. The point is his chinky voice sounded off. That's what we're making fun of you.

You fuckin bug person.

Then go there and leave us alone, kike.


Attached: Arcane - Kino shots.png (2160x1594, 3.76M)

If China is better than why are Chinese people always fucking killing themselves? They're like Japanese people but without the honor or work ethic

That was the chink's point. Think before you post.

>dude extraordinary rendition lmao
>dude mass surveillance lmao
>dude enhanced interrogation lmao
wtf was nolan's problem



>me go hong kong wif arr ror gweiro bukku bucks
jesus nolan


This honestly spoke to me. This line.

Attached: dsdfa.gif (343x498, 3.24M)

I don't think they'd allow this one either

Attached: Jap on violin.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

Someone took the time to make this.

I go ching chong

Attached: chi134.jpg (930x500, 93.43K)

Yeah? That is how creating things works????


Fuck the chinese. Bat eating pieces of shit.

Attached: asdf.gif (368x368, 1.92M)


Dumb esl poster moment

What are you talking about?

>Rook out

Attached: 1638419620840.jpg (224x225, 5.27K)

I'm white

Attached: IMG_20210514_203640.png (1280x536, 729.28K)

end movie

Attached: 1649477813235.jpg (1563x1225, 278.4K)

The excessive question marks is something that only happens when uneducated non-English speakers try to post here.

Can I be honest for one minute on fuckin 4channel? You know that if you were white you wouldn't have to quantify it with a post. No matter what you do for the rest of your life, no one will ever respect you. Not fully. Because you're not white. You will never be white. People calling you "light skinned" is a coping mechanism. And you've always known that.

You will always be considered a nigger. Always.

you can hear a pretty clear "T" sound from him before hong kong

I'm white, you're not lol


Attached: Screenshot from 2022-04-09 00-20-08.png (472x151, 40.62K)

You will never be white.

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Is that your headcanon?


Attached: Your name.png (550x550, 271.38K)

Based. Look at the seething burger chuds in the replies

I teach non-English speakers for a living. I know the tendencies.

>Based. Look at the seething burger chuds in the replies

Attached: avyg.jpg (645x770, 84.44K)

I am a native English speaker and I do not know any other languages. You are just a retard that makes things up to try and feel intelligent. You are a retard.

Hong Kong? What's wrong with a phone call?


I actually agree with you, even if the low IQ whites of Yea Forums don't. I've never heard a white person say
>I'm white
in my entire life. I went to a school that was all white and all Christians aka the whitest school possible and nobody ever said something full retard like that. That's why they're probably just Americans who had to be around shitskins all their lives or they wouldn't even feel the need to say they're white. It's really pathetic stuff. If someone is White then you should be able to tell by speaking to them and if they have to state it then they're likely negros on the inside so you can't even tell from speaking to them.
Someone reply to my post after I've filtered this thread.

You're so native and yet you don't use contractions? I know what you are you shit skinned faggot.

I think it’s more he just lives in his own little bubble like J.K. Rowling. He doesn’t care about wokeness.

>I do not know any other languages


I am an extremely pale white man with a German last name. Where did your life go wrong? How did you fail so hard that you became an English teacher in a foreign country?

What does that mean? I am American, by the way.

He's not a European. But, to rebut you, there are no other languages.


Don't care faggot. I'm not interested in some foreigner.


Im not sure whats more retarded, your middle school tier joke, or the fact everyone thought you were being serious

>I've never heard a white person say I'm white
Because you could see his skin color, you fucking troglodyte. You can't see user and so you couldn't possibly know his race unless he told you.
You fucking retard. Jesus Christ.
>they're probably just Americans
>they wouldn't even feel the need to say they're white.
>If someone is White then you should be able to tell by speaking to them
"They" is plural, you dirty queer faggot. I hate you twitter LGBTP faggots so much, you've ruined the English language.
You black fucking gorilla nigger.
You're the biggest black gorilla nigger I've seen on this website in fucking years.

I am a Chinese please erase this

The first reply called me Chinese what the fuck are you too talking about. What the fuck else was i supposed to say? Armchair psychologist retards

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Lovin that yellow skin ping pong

Chinese people don't have arm hair, and have you never been around old fluorescent lights ? Fucking retard

>But, to rebut you

Attached: 1623361353920.png (1538x1076, 350.71K)

>someone was insecure enough to post their chinese arm and their shitty setup

>lights ?

There is no space there ping pong. You don't understand the fucking language.


>shitskins revealing themselves

Honestly? I'm out.

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fucking yuropoors I swear to fucking