How did Korean movies and series skyrocket so much recently?

How did Korean movies and series skyrocket so much recently?

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Korea = good acting
Japan = bad acting

Why do Japs only produce good animation and videogames nowadays? Where did all their real acting go?

western movies/shows are just gay progressive political fag propaganda shit that nobody wants to watch.

this and:
USA = wokeshit.
people will literally go and see Pajeet stuff if they can avoid the woke shit.

They didnt

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Because white women are obsessed with everything Korean.

This. Majority of normies arent actually pozzed, they just tolerate the propaganda to fit in. Given the option to watch something decently interesting and not insultingly woke, they flock to Korean kino, where characters are based on behavioral traits and not the race/fag/tranny card they're playing.

I had seen shit like Oldboy and I Saw The Devil years before Parasite and they were all very good. It's definitely the writing that stands out most of the time.
Also Fighter in the Wind is a solid movie slept on by most. It was popular with my MMA obsessed friends in school but not much outside. Think it sets the record for a protagonist being stabbed potentially lethally and surviving

trannies on twitter posting about BTS constantly did this to us.

I always hear about this faggots. Is their music ACTUALLY good?


it's generic boy band dance-pop
same crap from twenty years ago just with gooks
The difference is that now you get called racist for not liking them

Korea's been churning out kino since the early 00s. All of Japan's good directors are senile/dead except for Miike and he can't get a studio to greenlight his films because of all the violence. That's the other thing, Japan passed a bunch of censorship laws a couple years ago that killed a lot of their more risky media.

As much as I hate Korea for being a cultureless country with no true identity, even I have to admit their movies have been great since the early 2000s and some of the best in world cinema now.
>Good animation
You're thinking of America. Japan has never been highly regarded for their animation especially compared to American animation. If you're talking about the narrative and stylistic quality of their anime, even that has taken a nose dive in the past 10 years. I do like their music way better than Korea's though because it's not just a shitty ripoff of other countries music

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>Japan passed a bunch of censorship laws a couple years ago that killed a lot of their more risky media.
What do they censor exactly?

the pozzed and the wokeshit isnt for the adults and teenagers, its for the kids that were born while it happened, thats what they are after, they plan to fuck up people born in the late 00´s and recently

with so much japanese animation available it's pretty much the normie choice, and most people watching it just watch because it's the default for animation anymore.

Where's that gif from? Honestly, 2D Western Animation is so good, peak kino. Sadly everyone is throwing out 3D nowadays, it's sad. I love doing things with pen and paper.

this and the sad thing is that you just know that the US is going to sink its claws into Korean studios and make them more woke too

Koreans are the only people cynical enough to pay netfucks bribes to push their shitty shows. It's also how gangnam and parasite happened.

tired of mixed race casts I want to watch a homogenous society

Nigger fatigue

Koreans make live action anime and people like shitty entertainment like that.
Lol at all those brainlet retards that genuinely think people watch Korean and Japanese crap because it's not 'woke'.

It started with Gangnam Style, now all the most popular shit is Korean
>Squid Game

>The Admiral: Roaring Currents

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So I should get a Samsung then?

>good animation
Not anymore.

>based on the true event of a legendary real battle
>true event
>real battle
What the fuck lmao

>Japan passed a bunch of censorship laws a couple years ago that killed a lot of their more risky media.
Really? can you post a source?

No one should buy samsung anything.

I watched Korean kino like A Bittersweet Life
LONG before Parasite and Squid Game came out and now everyone started jumping on the bandwagon over the last few years. It's honestly cringe to see so many people eat anything Korean up just because it's Korean and they want to fit in with the current trend.

People ruin everything.

>makes your flick kino

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I guess

Essentially because
1-it's devoid of sjw boring bullshit, diversity for the sake of it etc
2-they make an effort: Korean series and movies are made with care on all aspects and it shows

Korea isn't as male dominant as Japan, is and it's reflected in their entertainment. K-entertainment lets you hate men and still be a weeb like your Naruto Pokemon childhood

writer's strike and death of hollywood opened the door for creative well written movies. then as long as roundeyes can tell the gooks apart, success.

there's also no longer any sort of distribution barrier, so hollywood can't pretend foreign films don't exist and then squeeze out a mindless remake.


Their Japanese with good acting


It isn't recent. Bong Joon-ho and Park Chan-wook have been getting mainstream attention in the West for almost 20 years. Note that this predates streaming--and there's your answer for why you yourself noticed (zoomer).

>Where did all their real acting go?
The industry is extremely compressed presently and only a tiny amount of films wind up making it anywhere outside of their home countries, much less to an international grand stage and massive theatrical releases. There is unbridled kino still being made to this day all around the world, but a plethora of it gets buried underneath retardation, and unfortunately when you get extremely lucky cases like Parasite getting a huge international release and widespread praise, it constitutes the good "Asian" movie of the year for Academy retards.

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Exotic East Asian country. Korea is joining Japan as the cool Westernized oriental country.

>How did Korean movies and series skyrocket so much recently?

Same reason why anime has taken off. People are tired of Hollywood woke SJW bullshit and are looking for other forms of entertainment!!!FACT!!!

10 years ago, Tokyo passed a legislation that basically banned the sale of any comics that depict gay characters or violence. Eirin (the Japanese MPAA) and studios also work together to heavily edit and censor films.

Korea replaced Hong Kong both in filmmaking and tourism now that CCP took over HK

>Tokyo passed a legislation that basically banned the sale of any comics that depict gay characters or violence.
holy fucking BASED.

So... chinks destroy everything they touch?

The corny ending kind of muddled it a bit, but it was really good.

>banned the sale of any comics that depict gay characters or violence
Are you from an alternate dimension? Violent and homo manga is still being produced in great numbers.

HK's relevance in the filmmaking sector ended far before China started to do anything to them.


Kpop brain disease. This is the consequence of not giving gen Z boy bands. You can retroactively thank nsync, bieber, and the jonas brothers for keeping the korean shit at bay for years.

its okay, if they're wearing a dress, they're a girl!

>nsync, and the jonas brothers
Literally whos

I remember Baby and his Despacito cover but haven't heard from him since

also backstreet boys and the hanson brothers

It's a matter of timing. You call nsync and jonas brothers whos but know bieber because you just outed how old you are, lol. Debating the quality of boy bands is pointless, the fact that they died with the jonas brothers is the only relevant data point.

Complete Bullshit

I totally disagree. You might say there are no Hong Kong movies like Police Story
But the filmmaking sector, the cameraman, stuntman, director and Jackie Chan, are still working under the Chinese companies.

He's not wrong that they tried passing a bill, but I don't think anything came of it. And it was specifically about child characters.

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There's a couple of pre-2000s stuff and I like the indie/arthouse scene to some extent, but by in large I despise South Korea, the mainstream films are just defanged Hong-Kong films combined with the worst of Hollywood and anime, the country feels incredibly plastic aswell.

This is better than most S.Korean film made in the past 20 years.

One of my favourite Korean films is a North Korean one.

This. All those sexy K-pop singers have brainwashed us consume anything korean.

It was the master plan.

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>they're still working under chinese companies
And for the most part their general relevance was dwindling far, far before the CCP decided to start taking them over. And in regards to people like Jackie Chan he did so willingly, if i'm not mistaken.

The Osmonds, Jackson 5, New Kids On The Block, can maybe trace it to the doo wop formula in the 60s. Boy bands aren't new (they just got hyper-commercialized in the 90s and then mostly dropped away in popularity as the 2000s wore on--Asians picked up the torch way early and have shit like local scene idol bands in Japan).

>the mainstream films are just defanged Hong-Kong films combined with the worst of Hollywood and anime
Which is why it's so popular.

Not the chinks, just communism

literally korean bots
like an actual government program

deals between multiple media cults

The Soviets and East Bloc countries produced a lot of very good movies and directors. Chinese censorship laws are too strict. It's like Soviets, but during Stalinism.

Recommend me good Japanese movies Yea Forums

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There has to be at least one Chinese ballet from the cultural revolution that's kino. My instincts tell me it's there to be found and I'll have to sift through a tonne of shit--but it has to be there.

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Black Cauldron. A disney movie known for being a huge box office failure. I'll admit it's not a great one, but the lore of the world and animation was very good.

They were gifted with the ability to market well to the west in exchange for having dumb fucking names like BONG JOON HO.

No. Well, they had some good songs once, but now all they do is "sing" english songs with their bad pronunciation hoping that they will win a Grammy

because hollywood blows


The true events of the naval battle spawned legends, making the battle legendary. I see common core CRT zoomers are struggling with basic words now.

Yeah, i'm not udnerstanding what the problem is with that wording.

I recommend these.

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It already started with Oldboy. I think it was the first popular Korean thing.

Unironically Squid Game

>it’s because of de S Jay Double U’s and brown people
god damn Koreaboos and rightoids are fucking braindead

Squid Game fucking sucked.

i love her and i need to make her mine. i will treat her with care and kisses and hugs

don't forget ESLs.

>t. lonely fat incel

Plenty of excellent korean movies and shows (Family Outing, early Running Man), but I think the dramas are fucking boring. I also love a lot of kpop. I also think that the world would be better off without blacks and browns.