> OH N-

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Like that one guy from Yea Forums.

>previous joker would've been a perfect fit for the world they built
>instead uses the jockey from l4d2

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Bri'ish Joe Kerr

Joker was in his 40s in the 80s and Batman 2022 takes place during the internet age. Theres no way in hell he'd be capable enough to do anything.

No one cares Barry, retcon the timelines, no one fucking wants potato eating Joker.

>Doesn't pay his TV license
>Cuts the line at the bank
>Spill a cup of tea

Imagine taking this seriously

How much does this figure cost? Let me guess like $300 right?

>Paying hundreds for a figure of a character in a deleted scene that is so bad he will be cut and not included in the sequels


>'ave some fish and chips
>Don't tell me mum so I don't have to share


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Don't care, still a good movie. And a good easter egg deleted scene.

Friday the 13th part 3 remake when?

>Joker has herpes

kinda looks like a coomer meme

when will Joker fatigue kick in?

It's an entirely different timeline. It wouldn't be inconsistent, just confusing to sub-90 IQ niggers

That's like asking when capeshit will die. It will never go away and there will never be a fatigue.


You don't?

Even if your parent or someone in your family who has herpes of any variety has ever kissed or even touched you on the arm you have it user... I'm sorry.

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dc has been shilling joker since the fucking 1940s

If Reeves is going for a cross between the aesthetics of The Crow and the grotesque cartoonishness of Dick Tracy/Sin City villains then I'm down for that.

I personally really liked the performance. But this is a Joker who has already been defeated by Batman. So if they plan on using him in the future the question is what will the plot be?

I think they should just adapt the Batman Arkham Asylum game as the basis for part 2 along with a bit of Alan Moore's Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. A low key Horror movie set in the asylum focusing on mood and atmosphere.

I think Reeves can pull it off. Put on the deleted Joker scene, close your eyes and just listen to the sound design and how Batman and Joker converse. It's a great example of how critical sound design is to Horror movies because that's exactly how it feels and what I want from the next one!!!FACT!!!

I want to see a sequel where he dresses in purple and has tbe white make up and only red smile.

Hyper Realism Batman:
>Bruce Wayne the billionaire tries to make Gotham a safer place through politics, he never wears a goofy costume or becomes a vigilante, he is attacked by the media and politicians because he stands against the powers that be
>The Penguin is a just a regular short dumpy Jewish politician that speaks in progressive platitudes, pushes for diversity and inclusion, is supported by media, and makes Gotham a terrible crime ridden shithole
>Harvey Dent isn't deformed, he's The Penguin's political opponent on the surface, but is actually in cahoots with him. He's like a Mitt Romney type. He's referred to as two-face by the people because he pretends to be one thing but does the opposite
>Catwoman is just a nigger burglar, who the penguin uses as a "police brutality victim" for political purposes, she supports penguin because she wants more gibs. There is no romance between her and Bruce
>The Riddler is a Q-user type, anonymous internet personality, who hates all of the above
No capes, no action, no faggotry.
Directed by Clint Eastwood

>Alan Moore's Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

Sorry, mean Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth


jesus christ what a edgy tryhard design

Worse than Leto's

Honestly Leto Joker was fine and I'm tired of people saying it wasn't. Yeah, there were a couple of stupid scenes with him, like laying in the knife circle. He was a good modern gangster joker, doing stuff like putting that one nigger in the trap of "you wanna fuck my girl?" There was no correct answer to it and he just wanted to kill the nigger. The hand having the laugh tattoo was pretty good design and made him look unhinged.

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Perfect fit yeah right. Anemic cripple incapable of defending himself or hurting anyone.

you cant make joker a monster mash lookin ass after years of him being an unspoken sex symbol

Reminder that creepythinman revealed himself as a black dicklet

Other than the writing, which wasn't Leto's fault, what was bad about his joker?

damn gottem ellemmayyohh

>Reminder that creepythinman revealed himself as a black dicklet

I don't recall revealing any such thing and dare I say that you Sir are a cad and a bounder for implying as such!!!FACT!!!

Kys lolcow. Everything you have posted is in the archive. Shitskin.

Wasn't he some old fat redhead youtuber or some shit?

>Kys lolcow. Everything you have posted is in the archive. Shitskin.

90% of that isn't me but there's a 10% chance of that!!!FACT!!!

Literally everything

Even this Irish faggot is better than Leto. Leto was easily the worst Joker, dressed and acted like a wigger, molested men on screen, was a literal cuck. Anything can be a better Joker than Leto.

hes not even the joker, he's the guy who inspired the joker

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Go ahead then, I've given you a platform to describe, in detail, what you disliked, other than the writing, which forced him to do silly things like lay in a circle of knives.

see Jared. P.S. your new capeshit movie sucked donkey dong.

The Alfreds and Thomas Waynes were different.

This is the roastie cope. Not everyone has herpes, just whores and whore fuckers.

Like I said literally everything. His looks, his outfit, the way he acted, the way he laughed, the tattoos, I don't what else to say man, the list goes on. Everything about him.

I don't like a bald Joker, but his face doesn't look bad in this pic

Everything about him is so fucking tryhard and shit. His laugh, his voice, his look, his attitude. Everything sucks ass. I hope he's not in the next ones even though I know they set him up to be.

Like I said, he was a modern "gangster" type Joker, owned strip clubs and did prostitution stuff. The cuck thing was literally just a trap to kill the nigger. That was the whole point of the scene. Morbius was also fine bordering on good. It's just an action flick. Did you need more diversity or something? The black detective to fuck his girl?
Other than the "damaged" meme, the abundant tattoos were fine cause that's just how gangsters look nowadays. The acting was just unhinged, and the laugh was debatably good because it was a new thing, with the hand tattoo.

It's a fucking comic book movie, with saying the joker was a teenage in this time line at the moment this happened was enough.
They don't even had to use Joaquin Phoenix, using the same aesthetic, that has proven to be popular and successful with the dark night and the joker, was enough.


looks like the lead singer from Rammstein

If it goes for the full creepy freak aesthetic then im ok with it
It cant be worse than "please fuck my wifes hunka hunka"

looks like edgy brian azzerello version of joker.

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It looked just as stupid here

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No he was shit and it was embarrassing to see.
>tfw moms gonna freak

Proven science, but I guess youre an american where people believe in god... HmmmMMmmm

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Can't believe people didn't realize he was trapping the black guy with the wife fucking question. He just wanted to kill him.