Why did nobody tell me this was kino?

Why did nobody tell me this was kino?

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everyone I’ve ever talked to about this has loved it. critics are the biggest fags alive I swear

They definitely got it wrong on this one. I mean it’s not PERFECT or anything, but very solid movie. Does not deserve the hate.

You asked the wrong negroes.

half-way when he starts time travelling and is just so nonchalant about it really shows how he can't act for shit and his 70's show persona starts up, I shut it off

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Because it isn't. Amy Smart is a qt3.14 though

I thought he did well in the film. I think that was done because the audience should have accepted the premise at this point.
I just have to disagree. Nice mindbender but without getting too much up it’s own ass. I do prefer the theatrical version though, I think the directors cut ending is more shocking but the original ending had a better understanding of the themes of the film.

The sex scene in the 3rd one is kino

>the only way to make everyone happy is to FUCKING KILL YOURSELF AHHAHAHAHA HANG YOURSELF FAGGOT
interesting message for a movie

I heard the sequels are S. Darko tier, but at least that’s something.

I agree, the directors cut is weaker, the hollywood meddlers had it right for once.

>when he went back as a baby and sucked his moms tity

There's sequels?

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Famously bad sequels, yeah. Nothing to add to the original, just bad side stories.

just a donnie darko rip off

I would be aside from the plot hole on the jesus thing. His marks shouldn't appear out of nowhere

>I'm a retarded zoomer


I saw this movie when I was like 12 and it was fucking intense. Had never seen anything like it

I did tell you about it but I then had to change the timeline so you just don't remember.

I love DD and don’t feel like this rips it off. Similar concept but different direction.
Established with the cigarette burn, if nothing else changes in the timeline he gets a scar.
I’m a millennial.

How do you figure?

Does the director's cut end with him fighting the girl at her birthday?
I may not have seen the original ending.

>go change the past
>entire timeline shifts, everyone's future is different
>destroy your hands in the past
>no timeline shift, magic marks suddenly appear on your hands that weren't there before
It also goes against the entire point of the movie (butterfly effect) where small events have significant impacts.

Thought the actors sucked, honestly.

I unironically fucking loved this movie and I feel like most normies didn't get it

The theatrical ending is he ends up telling the girl off at her birthday, they never get close, everyone gets a happier life, he sees her again years later on the street and decides to let her go, messing with fate is bad, etc
The directors cut is he goes back to his birth and commits suicide in the womb, everyone is better off as a result
There’s also two more endings they shot but didn’t use, both variations of the Theatrical but more schmaltzy.

I think the name of the film didn’t do it any favors for sure. I’ve seen this sentiment with certain people. I buy it, but I can see why you wouldn’t.

>stop crying your heart out

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It was an entertaining film but it has way too many flaws to be called kino. girl in it is hot though

Weakest part of the movie, but I wouldn’t say sucked, just a few clunky moments. I thought the kids were good for kids, Ashton Kutcher mostly pulled his weight.

also directors cut ending reveals she keeps having stillborns so he isn't the first to kill himself in the womb iirc

>Established with the cigarette burn, if nothing else changes in the timeline he gets a scar.

Yes, but the scar doesn't magically appear when he comes back to the present, its like he actually lived on with the scar thru all those years. The stigmatas appear out of nowhere in the present with the inmate looking at it.

True too. I get the appeal and why the directors wanted to go that way, but ultimately looking at the four endings I think the theatrical ending is thematically the strongest. The directors cut is more shocking but I think it misses the mark on a good message. The other two non-used endings miss the point worse though and is Hollywood schlock so glad they didn’t get picked.

Ah I get you now. I think the idea is he didn’t see his hands before in either timeline, an editing misstep if anything.

From what I remember all the problems came from her fucked up family.

No they definitely have it as suddenly appearing, which is actually two plotholes because clearly his life would have changed drastically, like his mom would definitely freak out about him suddenly going crazy and hurting himself in class

I can believe that his mom would ultimately react the same way from the picture to the hand freakout given her experience with the husband, and I don’t remember the guy seeing the hands beforehand, if so that is a mistake.

The problems came from her dad, and the reason the girl stayed with her dad is so that she could stay close to the protag.

I made a thread about this when i after i watched this kino and a bunch of faggots came and shittalked it. They just cant appriciate a good fucking movie.

this movie is the fucking reason every midwit says "if you don't do this then you're LITERALLY doing THIS"

Protagonist. Was it really that hard to add last letters? Le' us al' tal' lik' u n abbrevi8ns

They mean figuratively. I hate you all.

Uh no, that’s just marxist praxis going mainstream which is gay.

Yet you understood what I meant, curious

If the cellmate didn't know about the stigmata why would he be shocked? He would say something like "I never paid attention to your hands, this doesn't prove anything"

realistically they should have just done a different scene where he's cool with him because he got Jesus Hands but I doubt they wanted to spend more than a day filming in Prison

no it's because of this movie, same reason no one can spell Claus correctly since "The Santa Clause"

Gotcha. Yep, I think that you’re right and it’s a mess up, but if you’re willing to believe the stigmata itself was enough for him the movie doesn’t break here. I think that could have been cleaned up better. Good catch.

You MUST watch the directors cut with alternate ending to get the true kino.

Yeah I hard disagree with this. I think the directors cut is more shocking but doesn’t have a good message, whereas the theatrical version, though less shocking, remains impactful and has a good message.

Reminder Theatrical ending is better.

Message of the theatrical cut don’t mess with fate, be the bigger man for the people you love and the curse stops with you

Message of the director’s cut The world would be better off without you, kill urself faggot

in fairness it was better for him to change fate a little bit because his initial timeline had him accidentally cause her to kill herself because he wants to know more about his blackouts

Both are tales of personal sacrifice, I just think the theatrical cut shows a grown character who’s been through a good arc, whereas the director’s cut is more muddled

Oh I agree completely, just saying that it was definitely ok to roll the clock back to fix that one

The theatrical ending with the Oasis song is pure kino, blew my mind as a lad


>your shit on my dick, or your blood on my knife
what did he mean by this?

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Butterfly Effect is dogshit and there's nothing wrong with killing people who say it's good.

You do gay shit or you die.



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I think most people like it, like "Jumper" but assume they'll have to defend it or something so they don't say anything.

>The sex scene in the 3rd one is kino

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