Gentlemen, the bitches are looking fine tonight. I can smell their juices from here

>Gentlemen, the bitches are looking fine tonight. I can smell their juices from here.

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women don't understand masculinity on a fundamental level and lesbians like her prove this

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*breathes in then gags then coughs* Ellen, when was the last time you cleaned the inside of your body under your medically attached meat graft? I think the smell :horror: is coming from YOU!! :disgust:

Funny thing is he would never talk like that, part of being a guy is all that misogynistic jibe, sure, you can be a gay male but then it's so weird why would anyone sign up for that. It's the equivalent to a female presenting person talking about how hunky a guy is and her ovaries going nuts. Men as a species is in such a tricky place right now and to bar oneself into that position is mindboggling.

She looks like the actor from Mr robot

Is this how women feel when they see mtf trannies?

do you guys think Eliott has a good pussy eating technique?
like he gots to have inside knowledge rihgt? about how to do it good
my nigga and man about town Eliott the pussy slayer

It's called brine.

Yes. Insulting isn’t it? At least guys don’t have to worry about them competing in men’s sports :grinningfacewithsweat:

she doesnt just eat but devours pootang my guy

No I doubt he does hes sucked more dicks than ever touched pussy, so like a gay guy

You've never heard women talking.

>It's the equivalent to a female presenting person

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>hit the wall
>cut your tits off and pay a doctor to make you a penis out of the flesh of your thigh so you look like a wrinkly, balding 12 year old boy for the rest of your life

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i could fuckin explode him with a single punch

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>hink Eliott has a good pussy eating technique?
Lets ask Kate Mara.

Sneed page

>Hey Elliot, welcome to the club! We're so glad to have you, you seem like such a stand up guy! Say, listen, we're pretty tight knit here. It's a secret, but one of the techniques we use to bond with our new found brethren is to put it up the pooper. It really just demonstrates the trust in both sides. All of us have done it. And as you move up in the male's world, you'll get to do it too! So come on Elliot, let's get to bonding!

Security! We have a lost child

he's looking great

Lol before it's transition it looked more like a boy. Now it looks more like a girl. These things really are God's punchline aren't they?

I’m sure the waiter can find a phone book for you to sit on Mr Bond.

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That's the other thing women never really get about men. Men are mean. They usually don't really mean it, they're just testing somebody out, or just trying to be funny. But also we just practice it, because there are times in a man's life when he is actually required to be mean and ruthless. Women never understand this aspect of us.

how many times do you have to hear?
from your dumb bitch (yes i know you never had one, but just agree with me anyway).

I wish south park would make him into a charector

Okay tell me where I'm wrong
beer, steak, shooting stuff, being bros, pretending to be stoic and then complaining about everything ever

he is not a lesbian he is hetero.

you just don't get it

you forgot the having a literal dick and balls part faggot

Do you think if someone beat the shit out of this eunuch, would women treat this attack like they would male on male violence or treat it like male on female violence? I just look at this thing and don't see a man.

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>I just look at this thing and don't see a man.
because it's an extremely mental ill disfigured woman you fucking retard

I do though
It's just not that deep

Masculine traits don't require male genitalia you oaf. A woman can be masculine

>A woman can be masculine

I know that. I'm trying my best to see the eunuch from another perspective.

go away now you

Yes tho
A 6 foot tall WNBA player that wears flannel shirts and uses a chainsaw is more masculine than a femboy who paints his nails

Elliot Page has never been in a movie and as such his threads are off topic

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>A 6 foot tall WNBA player that wears flannel shirts and uses a chainsaw is more masculine than a femboy who paints his nails

No she's not stupid. The femboy can probably beat her in basketball, and snatch the stupid chainsaw away from her weak ass.

but he was the final boss in Elden Ring

Maybe you should take up reading lessons

is that game set in Transylvania?

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when you're handsome nobody cares what you think you fucking dweeb

No shit. First thing she does after going trans is to post a “””sexy””” topless selfie because that’s what they think dudes do instead of mowing the lawn and having a beer after

tranette no passto

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>instead of mowing the lawn and having a beer after
wait are we talking about men here or mexicans
I'm so confused

>uhh female athletes must be weaker than the weakest men because... they just have to be okay?!
Stop being stupid because you're terrified of saying something that will accidentally be pro-trans
The entire point of masculinity/femininity is that things can be more masculine or more feminine than other things. They're gradients. So a woman that's less feminine than another woman is more masculine. A woman who takes that to an extreme is a masculine woman. It doesn't mean she's a man.

Less posts, makey.
More meds, takey.

Same energy

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>A woman who takes that to an extreme is a masculine woman
that may be but you're still a dumb bitch either way hun

Any random kpop idol will mog him.

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>The entire point of masculinity/femininity is that things can be more masculine or more feminine than other things.

No, if you're a woman who plays basketball, you're just a women that plays basketball. You're not suddenly manly, faggo. If you're a guy who paints his nails and wears black lipstick, that means you're just a little queerbo, you're not actually feminine in any way.

I rip on coworkers and friends constantly. I expect the same. If I sense slacking I'll feed them embarrassing shit to get some better material outta them. The non stop circle of abuse is fucking great and helps pass the day. Goddamn its fun being an asshole

it's set in a world where Type A and Type B people live

>Goddamn its fun being an asshole
shut up and get back to work faggot I have to be outta here in time to fuck your wife before you get home

Damn, Elliot's hot now. I'd have some pir with him

In the same way that if a kid just puts on a cowboy hat that it doesn't actually make him a cowboy, if a woman just adopts one or two masculine behavoirs that doesn't make them more masculine, it just means they're a woman who does one or two masculine things. Actually being masculine is something far beyond their mindset, as there's an entire lifetime worth of culture, and hormones, and experience that goes into being masculine. Similarly, you can't just chop your tits off and put on a tux and expect to be accepted as a man, it's like wow, you have done exactly one masculine thing, where's the other 15,000? No, you're just a mixed up, mutilated woman.

Yo doesn’t Elliot still have a pussy?
That’s like the most accurate bussy ever.

>No, you're just a mixed up, mutilated woman.
ugly too!

>You're in the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass
What do?

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