Watching kino

>watching kino
>character who is 60+ comes on screen
>has a full head of hair and Norwood 1

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Bro nobody cares that you're bald bro maybe if you were like the only bald guy on earth it would be weird but hair loss is normal for men bro


Hate when this happens

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My mom is 65 and still has hair

Lucky bitch

I wish I was your age. And bald. Don't waste your youth worrying about dumb shit.

ditch the glasses and larp as napoleon

Chud is going bald???

be sure to comb it over, nobody will notice.

honestly thinking about suicide bros

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Bro everyone cares that you're bald bro maybe if like every guy on earth was bald it would be okay but hair loss is a complete turn-off bro

over hair?

yes imagine not having it

Why don't balding people just shave it all off?
Trust me it looks 100% better than gross patchy hair or that thing where you try and comb it but then the wind blows and it looks ridiculous.

I'm slowly thinning, it's still manageable for probably the next 4 years
Should I:
>1. Risk finestride
>2. Shave it and grown a beard aka the reddit special
>3. Some combination of the Chad embrace+a hat

If 3, what types of hats don't look like try hard shit while still being a bit less basic than a baseball cap?
Mind you I'll be 37 at that point

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I feel like I became invisible when I went bald

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>Mind you I'll be 37 at that point

Don't be hat guy. Literally anything is better than being hat guy

i dont

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You lose 1 element of your visual personality when you lose your hair. If 2 bald guys of the same race and height are standing across the room they look nearly identical
You need to compensate with some other visual gimmick, hence why so many bald guys go the big beard route or tats and muscles
Of course those have both been done to death at this point

How do you avoid getting sunburnt on your head though?

I wish I were going bald.
Dumb bitches are constantly bothering me with compliments about my thick, luxurious hair.

Lady, I'm trying to find tomatoes...
Yeah I know it's great... No, I don't want to take a picture with you, sorry... I'm not ready for a relationship, besides I'm not sure you're 18...


If so many bald men do gimmicks then does not having a gimmick count as a gimmick

h-haha imagine being in your late 20s and full Norwood III

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Even 14 year old white girls are balding these days bros...

Sun cream + go outside less. Or don’t be a faggot who lets a random Yea Forums user’s opinion dictate his entire life

Sunscreen + hat outdoors is ok if it's for practical purposes. Just don't wear one on non sunny days or when you're indoors. It's peak insecurity.


I disagree

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hating on broads giving you attention
it will end soon enough buddy

Do like Ralph Machio in Cobra Kai

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Norwood IV at 30 here. I have a decent face which meant I wasn't forever alone in my 20s but I'm suddenly invisible to women and it hurts. I guess if I just last another 10 years all my peers will go bald too and I'll be back on even playing field

she cute

Honestly just take the Toupée pill

Can’t be worse than being a 19 year old approaching a norwood III, right?

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>dad is 62, has Alex Baldwinesque hair that's not even full grey yet
>my hair is shitty and fine, when I'm standing underneath a light you can see straight through to the scalp, small bald spot in the back forming.
It's not fair

Wow that looks bad. Wig? Why not just get a transplant?

Sunscreen is fucking nasty bros

But yeah my one coworker wears a baseball cap literally 24/7 and it is attmitedly pretty cringe
Like you're 50 dude who are you fooling

It's not a sure thing, but maybe this will tank the price of transplants and also normalise them. Just make it another 5 years boys

He's trying to look like the bad guy from Heat

>watching kino
>actor with full head of hair comes on screen
>unlike most people, I know he wears a wig because I also wear wigs and can spot them

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>Risk finestride
what risk is there

>youthful face
>fucking Jude Law tier hairline
They say God is giving his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers

Actors get transplants these days, not wigs

>j-just two more weeks!
They have been saying that balding is about to be cured soon for legit 50 years at this point

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I am 33 years old and my head is full of gray hair.

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No, because there are plenty of bald men with no gimmicks walking around. Funny enough, those tend to be more refreshing to see.

I think somehow it's a wig AND a transplant

>tfw going bald
>shave head, get in excellent shape, great gains and 12% body fat
>start getting laid
That was close lads

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Honestly yeah kinda
Clean shaven well dressed(but not overdressed) bald guy is way better that a shaved head foot long beard soiboy

30 here, just plucked out my first grey hair yesterday and kept it for good luck

own it

This is my hair and im 25? Is it good or shpuld I finasteride

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your penis can literally invert into a vagina

Why didn't he fight it? Brad Pitt, Leo, likely Keanu all have had transplants and this dude just lets his genes cuck him

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Depends. Not everyone can get a transplant. Some people don't have enough donor hair to cover the entire bald spot, so they will end up with an extremely high hairline like Nick Cage or Vince Vaughn. If you don't want that, and you want a genuine full head of hair then you have to wear a wig, or even half and half.

Nigga imagine being 21

I just got on fin and had no problems

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Grey hairs can look sexy. Especially if you grow a beard too.

He did get a very subtle one or is wearing a very convincing piece for acting gigs now
Look at young pope or whatever

>Why didn't he fight it?
He was always getting lots of praise for "balding with grace"

gr8 b8 m8

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Fr fr no cap

no it cant. JFL the fucking fearmongering

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What if I'm also short and have been carried through life by my hair and face?

I can handle short. If I was tall I could easily pull off bald. But I'm short AND starting to bald.

I've shaved my head once for a charity even and it someone even makes my face look worse.

Not being arrogant but I kept compliments on my looks a lot but I'm afraid they will disappear before I find someone I really love

Grey hair posers aren't allowed in balding threads, we literally don't care
>buy hair dye
>problem solved
Wow it's the end of the world

>tfw look like an irl soijak but don't share any of the characteristics
I'm honestly thinking about growing a skullet. Maybe then I'll be as cool as Reggie from Phantasm.

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You either go
>Fin oral + minoxidl + dermarolling + caffeine/ketoconazole shampoo
>Saw palmetto oral + Foti root oral + rosemary oil + dermarolling + caffeine/ketoconazole shampoo
Collagen + biotin supplementation orally, scalp massages to improve blood flow, which mimics the minoxidilesque products, and can add further benefit from ointments made from pic related combined with caster oil.
Fin is used primarily to treat enlarged prostates so it has a reasonable safety profile, saw palmetto is a natural albeit weaker 5a inhibitor and functions much the same as fin. Minox aka rogaine again originally a medical application of vasodilator and safe with rosemary oil being its natural equiv.
Better to start now than in 2 years wishing back.

get on finasteride and stop falling for the fear mongering

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It's crazy how beards are soi now. What a world

You never had a chance regardless.

>Saw palmetto oral + Foti root oral + rosemary oil

does nothing compared to a 5AR inhibitor like fin or dut, it is a waste of time and money. Same as biotin, if you eat normal food and not starving you dont need biotin

>there are people over 18 on this board

Holy fucking shit ahahahahaha. Time to move on guys

t. zoomer

Beards aren't soi, soiboys with beards are soi.

Damn dude I hope he's lying...

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I've had a five year relationship, a three year one and have slept with 8 women. Not exactly Chad thundercock but I do have a great face and work out.

I wonder when I wear a hate if people think I'm just a bald coper. Bald people should be dealt with and banned from wearing hats.

>witcher 3
not trusting this sorry

I didn't even know that could happen lmao

Well how short are we talking

he is great, stop being an idiot

>Some combination of the Chad embrace+a hat
that one usually works for most people.

no it fucking can't. can it?

How does this happen at 19? Wtf

cope products, the post.

aren't finasteride tranny pills?


Patrick Stewart said he lost all his hair when he was 19.

>no it fucking can't. can it?

no lol, not even close. JFC think for a second

This is what everyone you see on screens uses user

>aren't finasteride tranny pills?

no they are used by trannies because it keeps their hair but does not decrease test, it actually increases free test

i dunno bro. he said it with such confidence.

You know how much heat dissipates from your head? No, you have hair. My dome is cold at a slight breeze.

good news for young baldies is it's usually a hormonal issue that can be treated with much greater efficacy than those of us who MPB or diffusing or both


They really aren't. It's just a Jewish subversion thing. Beards are masculine and always have been. What makes a soi beard is when it's not properly groomed (but not overly groomed like a hipster) and it's almost entirely a neckbeard with no hair on the cheeks.
Soi's also tend to have round faces and/or squirrelish features

Dunno user you could search the topic yourself in a couple of minutes and make an informed decision instead of parroting buzzwords you read which somehow solidified your perspective of something you know nothing about as if being part of the hivemind and fitting in automatically takes precedence over not being a moron.

>notice thinning hair
>start taking biotin, exercising more, and taking better care of hair
>it gets thicker

>start taking biotin, exercising more, and taking better care of hair

will not have an effect on your hair, its all genetic. Biotin will not do anything unless youre starving in the desert. only a 5AR inhibitor will stop hair loss

>silver fox
That's kind of based user

When I was 18 I noticed abnormally high shedding. I got on fin immediately because I didn't wanna be like my bald dad. Now I still have all my hair at 26 but my penis only gets 75% to fully hard. I miss being rock hard. But I'd look awful bald. I'm a small skinny twink with a baby face. Guess there's no winning.

Who /alpecin/ here?

>reddit spacing
>its all genetic

>be third rate pro gamer soiboy nerd
>go bald
>still get a cute big tiddy Swedish wife

Is it true European women care less about hair than westerners? Demuslim has unironically given me hope

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do wh*te people really?

Do the genetics come from the mother or fathers side?

Hairloss is genetic, androgrenic alopecia is genetic as well as alopecia universalis. alopecia areata is caused by stress

That just might be an aging thing
Or a big dong thing, I used to get rock hard boners that stood straight up when I was a young kid but after growing up fully even if I'm hard as a rock it still flops over onto my chest like a tower falling instead of standing straight up

>its all genetic
While that is true your lifestyle absolutely has an effect on it.

I've been balding since my early twenties and anytime I stop taking daily walks and a healthy diet the receding accelerates. Smoking has a bad effect too.

>Do the genetics come from the mother or fathers side?

bothl, the idea that the mothers dad causes balding is not true. Its just random genetics.

cope junkie

Who are you fucking people? I'm a fucking low self-esteem loser and even I only had a brief moment of grief over losing my hair and I just shaved it when it got obvious. It didn't stop my from getting women and if anything I get more attention. You sad sacks make me fucking sick stop acting like your life is over. If you accept the identity of a victim of a cruel fate that's what you'll be, if you choose to be a normal person who just happens to not have a full head of hair then that's what you'll be. Simple as.

Who asked tho

>can't grow a beard

It's the Gollum look for me brehs

>While that is true your lifestyle absolutely has an effect on it.

very very very little, almost non existant use of drugs such as steroids may accelerate hair loss. But loss is 99% genetic, because hairloss is natural the only cure is non natural ie.pharmaceuticals

Humans are self conscious messes, don't be mean

clean it up janny

he's taking notes

I handled balding easily.

It was losing my front teeth when I fell off my bike that ruined my life

>very very very little
True but squeezing out another year or so can mean the world for early balders. Ultimately it's inevitable though and I don't know how to feel about pharmaceuticals, apparently they fuck with your hormone levels among other things.