Sup Yea Forums, what are you watching this weekend?

sup Yea Forums, what are you watching this weekend?

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Is that Dark Horse wine? Tried their red blend and Pinot Noir, didn’t like either.

I want to watch you drink that wine, preferably like the Hound when he fights those guys at a small Inn

if i have to hear another word out of your cunt mouth ill have to eat every chicken in this room

its stomach ache and acid reflux in a bottle, of course you won't like it (wine)

Hello there, fellow man of culture.

I'm drinking an Underwood pinot gris paired with a pint of Halo Top, peanut butter cup flavor.

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it's grape juice, mom bought it for me


Rex Goliath Cab Sauv is the GOAT cheap wine. Punches above its weight in terms of price ($8.99 for a 1.5 L that doesn’t taste like shit), goes down smooth, and doesn’t leave you with a hangover.

My friends bailed tonight but we're going down to a college town tomorrow.

Anyone got any recommendations of what to watch? I'm taking a break from elden ring tonight.

how's it pair with pizza?

Tusk. It’s a cinematic masterpiece on the struggles of beast and man.

Downloading it now

damn you guys are fancy lol

Haven’t done it myself, but smooth, rich red wine generally pairs well with bright, acidic tomato sauce, so I think it’d be a good combo.

why this nigga eating cheese and wine in the locker room

Wine in a can?

post-workout fag.


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Yes, I get it because the amount left in my daily calorie limit in MyFitnessPal is exactly a can of white wine and a pint of Halo Top.

It is Friday and I've earned a treat.

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OP your house looks like a locker room

shit i'm gonna have to buy some cheap wine tomorrow. suddenly want to go mom-mode for kicks.

just don't order some pizzas for "the boys sleepover" then eat it all yourself

Imagine drinking wine like a fag

Baseball @

the most seasoned winos know that wine is always the way to go. step up, friendo.

Some stuff that I cannot finish.
Last weekend I watched "Looper", "Side Effects" and "After Hours". All 3 were pretty ok.
I re-watched "12 monkeys" too.
Maybe I just like Bruce Willis.

Been revisiting a lot of Bruce stuff lately, Striking Distance (1993) and Last Man Standing (1996) were cool

Whatever I feel like watching but probably Last Action Hero tonight

my life slowly suffocating me into dust


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a toast! to movies!

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Wine is only for cooking, animal


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Wine is for middle aged women who want to pretend they aren't alcoholics

this but you also drink some while cooking

DUNC. On my way to the gas station for this. Where my Steelers at?

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last time i got Steelie i got sick. bums me out, my tolerance is completely fucked since i stopped drinking on the daily.

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serious question. are you poor? i can see no other excuse for drinking this battery acid -- and im okay with nearly all beers

More of a King Cobra guy myself.

An ice cold 40 is way more tasty than general country of your choices main stream/piss beer.

Only draw back is it gives be massive braps in the morn.

Just saw Double Indemnity (1944) so I'm going to get really high off some weed that I have and watch something else from that director

Steelies are very smooth, not battery acid at all.
I recommend getting them in a can though.

>Steelies are very smooth

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anyone else got their crooked I?

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This kino.

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i just assumed because they always seem to be associated with winos. only tried them when some neet i knew had some, and they gave me a headache.
no way a beer that cheap can be good

I wonder if every country has its steel reserve's equivalent. Here's ours, post yours

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if you're going for a cheap buzz then why not buy bottom shelf vodka instead?

bröthers i cant drink tonight. i swore i wouldnt. i have to wake up early tomorrow, and i have a long day ahead of me after that. sucks, but im going to lift weights until im exhausted instead. first weekend not druk in like a year.

I used to think this too, but they're smooth when really cold. They only get bitter when they've sat out. Icehouse Edge is still better imo. Fuck Natty Daddy tho. Turns to battery acid two sips in.

Only women and homosexuals drink Whine(tm)

I wasn't going to drink but this post gave me the spirit to have one in your honor brother.

>and they gave me a headache
limp wristed fag

>x makes me feel gay and i get very angry about it

Different strokes for different folks but I think some have a fine taste. It's just cheaper because it uses no hops. Most high manufactured poster beers of every country are very minimal hops and sell pure off of brand name. America's big 3 - bud, coors, and miller are all just as cheaply manufactured. They just have brand name.


Does it take long for you to get ready for your girl's night out, Stefán?

good on you user

every once in a while I'll crave girly drinks
there's a time and place for everything


OP's hand looks very gay and the second wineposter is an iToddler

Currently eating Bao Buns and drinking nineteen crimes wine, reporting in

the moar you know

yeah, it's called the art gallery you went to at 15 to show off your lesbian life partner

>user why are your wrists so small?

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for me its stella rosa

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who /cozy/ here

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Don't have kino to watch but, plan to drink until I black out

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If you're going to drink cheap why buy Jack? Old Grand Dad is higher abv, tastes better, and cheaper.

>mfw roommate found blanket in the dirt on the side of the apartment where i laid on the ground smoking cigarettes

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