What a fucking retard

>According to Deadline, Washington, acknowledging his comments to Smith, said of the incident: “There’s a saying when the devil ignores you, then you know you’re doing something wrong. The devil goes, ‘Oh, no, leave him alone, he’s my favourite.’

>“Conversely, when the devil comes at you, maybe it’s because he’s trying to do something right. And for whatever reason, the devil got a hold of him that night.”

>Washington said that him and Smith prayed after the actor hit Rock.

>“Fortunately there were people there, not just me but others. Tyler Perry came immediately right over there with me. Some prayers,” Washington said.

>“I don’t wanna say what we talked about – but there but for the grace of God go any of us. Who are we to condemn? I don’t know all the ins and outs of this situation, but I know the only solution was prayer. The way I saw it. The way I see it.”

It's always the devil with these apes

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I mean I'm an Atheist but this makes me 1000000000000000000000000x less angry and seems 10000000000000000000x more reasonable and rational than the satanist democrats who want to castrate children and chop the tits of healthy young girls who've been groomed into believing they can become the opposite sex


why is Denzel the Black Godfather of Hollywood?

why are actors retarded

Nigga's talking like he's in a Cormac McCarthy book

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they usually drop out of school

The white devil made Will Smith do violence by putting so many darkies in the same room.

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denzel must feel so vindicated for not cooning himself, tyler perry, not so much

So what exactly did they pray for?

For Will to control his temper? For his wife not to be a horrible person? For what exactly?

bird sex

>he doesn't believe in the devil


nigger it was a mentally unstable cuck who overreacted over nothing
just because he can't sort his shit doesn't mean he can go about slapping people around and get approval from low iqs

Dear lawd jeezus
>da savior
We ask today
That you pull the white devil
from brother Will's body!
>preach nigga
and give him the strength
>praise da lawd
to reject satan
>reject him!
and all his bald headed, 50 year old temptation


what a retarded saying

i sniggered

I think he just doesn't understand what the saying actually means


mental illness

>when you're sinning the devil is cool with it
>when you're not sinning the devil starts to tempt you in order to make you sin
Makes sense to me

because he’s the only one the whites respect (and with good reason he is based as fuck). the blacks delegate to him

>Will Smith prays his wife away for an hour and a half, every night, before bed.


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Pray away that personal responsibility and accountability, fellas. Pray it away now.

>And for whatever reason, the devil got a hold of him that night.

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and? That makes it insanely more based

abusive alcoholic

Completely off-topic, retard. Just because this seems more “reasonable” than child body mutilation doesn’t mean this isn’t also stupid as fuck. “Muh prayer” doesn’t undo the assault.

Based Denzel subliminally shitting on roastoids

do all black actors hang out with each other wtf lol

>Everything is the devil to you, Denzel!

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So gross when these satanic hollywood people try to talk about god and act spiritual

whatchu want wytemane?
he already prayed for his sins!

>Completely off-topic
no it's not, gender ideology is a religious tenet of the left, except it's more fantastical and less science based
If Will Smith had prayed (been thoughtful and reflective) beforehand, he might not have let the devil (bad decision making) get hold of him. True, prayer now doesn't undo what has happened, but inward reflection and the ideal to do better might prevent such situations from happening again

angry fedora is angry as usual

If he’d slapped a white person they’d be high fiving instead of crying and praying

Played one in a movie anyway

this guy fucks

>“Muh prayer” doesn’t undo the assault.
Was it supposed to? Why are atheists so retarded?

American news and distraction. imagine your country is dying and a cuck slaps a comic and your civis are concerned about that instead of the wolfs at the gates of your very young naive country lol the old world is about to swallow america whole and eat the bones.

Pretty stuff, user.

looks like a scene out of some nu woke tv show or kike movie for zoomers lol

>>“Fortunately there were people there, not just me but others. Tyler Perry came immediately right over there with me. Some prayers,” Washington said.
Fuckin' classy. Didn't even have to include Perry but he did. Perry must've rubbed the right shoulders. And sent the right boys to the right people to get a public, if brief, sentiment from a permanent A-lister.

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I agree. Kind of like the Republicans and Evangelicals

>Next I want you to slap the Spider-Man!



You're the one who posted a derogative post about the intelligence of someone you don't like (racist) or disagree with.

The reply compared what you think is dumb to what the other person thinks is dumb, and you whined like a little bitch that it was "off topic" Not if the topic is stupidity.

You're the fucking retard in this, you fucking retard.



Majority of the woke takes on this were some variation of
>you mayo ass crackas need to shut up and listen; violence is a big part of POC culture

Whatever the case blacks should not be allowed around White Christians you see the end result of pretending blacks should be around people

>works for the most satanic industry in Western civilization

Meds. Now.

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>I’m an atheist

Enjoy staying in hell with those child mutilating freaks while I’m enjoying the warmth embrace of Jesus and his apostles.

>"Muh prayer” doesn’t undo the assault
Nobody said that retard.

bald women are disgusting

Most people are pretty retarded. Even people with high IQs.
It's just that actors constantly get asked to make public statements, so they have more retarded shit floating around than other people do.

>all these nogs posting on my Yea Forums

black don't cra--

Denzel is a high functioning autistic, not an insult, a clinical observation.