Movie takes place in distant future

>movie takes place in distant future
>It looks like the left image rather than the right

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there is nothing eternal about tradition because it had to be created at some point. in equal measure it can just as easily be discarded, or more moderately, built upon via ideas of progress

>America vs. Europe

this is one thing I give credit for that robot movie with robin williams it had fairly realistic take on the near future

I really wish we had realised earlier that controlling population numbers and resource use would have led to an overall better world. Maybe it would mean I was never born, but that’s a price I’d pay retroactively knowing the world could be beautiful and humanity advancing infinitely as a species versus our imminent collapse now.

that's why naboo is the best planet

Isn't naboo in the distant past?
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away?

What makes you think that the "imminent collapse" wasn't planned for?

>implying its not to obfuscate

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Tradition always changes. Those futuristic buildings are well built and can last years. And they are perdectly sustainable. Everything else is subject of personal opinion. If you value hierarchy more than equality, fuck you.
And just out of spite, I'm gonna call you the r-word

lol so now lowering populations is good? don't you retards complain that bill gates is trying to make everyone infertile?

>local/regional style
like all of Europe looks like that

do not fall for the eugenicist demoralization psyops. live your life, start a family. have kids, do not eat the bug, do not live in the pod

Overpopulation is a meme. We're in for a massive contradiction, not expansion.

equality is a meme
off yourself

we have more than enough resources to account for the domestic population, speaking from a usa perspective. how that's distributed and the structure of that distribution under the current system (read: capitalism, which is impossibly unavoidable to not mention here) is the problem. believing in extreme scarcity otherwise is a dupe to keep you atomized so that you fundamentally loathe other people; enough so as to vaguely call for eugenics here, and to keep a collective consciousness from ever forming that would have the potential to actually upend the elites. the elites love nothing more than you hating your neighbor more than you hate them


Braindead third-worlders seem to disagree with you on that

I liked the way Looper had a futuristic setting, but also "old" stuff (the diner, the farmhouse, the miata). Go outside today and you see a mixture of high tech"stuff and old stuff. Most movies set in the future don't reflect that.

>it had to be created at some point
Wrong. Traditions arise from natural behaviors and the acting out of values. The behaviors and values were always there, or were always becoming, and traditions are a representation of them. The "traditions" that arise from someone declaring something to be a tradition arbitrarily don't last more than a generation.

>Traditions arise from natural behaviors and the acting out of values
meaning they were created at some point
fucking dumbass

>and can last years
Yes. A couple of years and then it's time for the construction company who made them to rake in additional money with those sweet renovation contracts.

The most rudimentary reading of dialectics begins at Nothing if you're going to invoke "becoming" here. Tradition is constructed.

>Built to endure
let me guess: suburban flyover retard who is not aware of the millions devoted to retrofitting old buildings because the only architecture around him is a pawn shop and a waffle house.

Perhaps if you didn't fail reading comprehension you wouldn't have fallen for the post-modern Marxist view of history, and also wouldn't have quoted me without a rebuttal like an idiot.

that has nothing to do with the modern art style, it has to do with money accounting and marketing

taking place in the distant future is bullshit to begin with

really tho, why would the elites want to reduce population? that would mean less consumers so less money

>things require maintenance
wow no way. meanwhile new apartments, like everything else these days, are built with planned obsolescence in mind and are frequently abandoned altogether

All building need maintenance and buildings as new as 40 years ago often need retrofitting. That's not a sound argument.

Its honestly a tragedy that we don't build like that anymore. I don't understand why gorillionnaires love to throw up soul less and spiritually vacant glass towers as opposed to genuine works of art

this. fuck the aristocrats

>america having clean streets

niggas really be simping for capitalist monoculture in architecture to own the nazis

Remember what they took from you.

Attached: new york city-penn station demolished, modern architecture.png (884x809, 520.27K)

go back and reread, you were indeed rebutted
>>Traditions arise from natural behaviors and the acting out of values
so there was a time before they arose... so traditions were created at some point

Both of these can be just as easily be destroyed by wars and disaster

Because the gorillionaire class isn't aristocrats anymore, it's bourgeois capitalists whose fundamental aspects are those of flux, fungibility, movement, standardization and homogenization. This class totally rejects things like native culture as well as any sense of connection with the past or responsibility to the future because they're individualist lunatics that identify Progress with economic growth and using their fecal matter in artwork (self-expression)

detox from reactionary propaganda

Bicentennial Man.

correct. I really dislike that title

Wow, bad opinion. Equality is faggy and retarded and harmful (and fake).

Tradition receives its eternalization through its daily observance within a community. You're right to point out that tradition, usually conceived of arising out of the "mists of time" does have a hypothetical origin in material history, but that isn't what matters, what matters is the continuity from that point. This continuity unites the past and future to the present, mooring individuals in the present to a kind of legend, the participation in which rescues them from feelings of smallness and nihilism. Tradition is a god that requires daily attention and sacrifice, but it is a god.

Population fags are the worst

I hate the elites more than I hate my neighbour but I also hate my neighbour. They are all shit bag invaders who harm my interest and suck cock by choice.

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Yeah you hate futuristic housing until you realize you're going to get mega filtered by never being able to afford housing within several hundred miles/kilometers from wherever you're looking at

you are not worth talking to anymore. this is a religious belief for you, not anything grounded in logic
why would you even pretend you were interested in debating when you're literally just here to be an ideologue

Small town and suburb and rural and city dweller here, and
>Built to endure

this. fuck the aristocats

It's good to react to things, you fucking commie retard.

He's correct though, you're just mad about it. Your communistic fabrications arent commensurate to traditions. They're not both "created" in the same way at all. Traditions is good and works. Your shit is bad and doesn't work. It's not complicated, you just hate reality due to your weakness in the face of fear, and your small mind, and your incomplete animal humanity.

People mourn the destruction of traditional buildings and celebrate modern trash being burned down.

Attached: demolish modern architecture, build traditional.jpg (820x960, 97.45K)

>/pol/ ruining everything

I hate this episode

/pol/ fixes.

I really hope I live long enough to see the revival of traditional architecture. I remember grinding my teeth when I saw that new building get announced for central London: the tulip. The think literally looks like a cock with bellend. I thank god and the british people for kicking up dust and making sure that shitty brazilian sperm didn't get built

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Do your part then, kill yourself.

Very well put. They're businesses, bankers, financiers. Borders, nationalism, nativity, culture are not only meaningless, but something that actively impedes their business and hinders profit. Its an enemy to be modified, changed. The opening of borders and markets is the primary goal.

First the Washington monument is a phallic symbol, now they go and build a giant sperm. Wow, elites. They're on a whole new level

How's you pedophillic thought crime corporate oligarchy world going for you? Are you happy in this?

No, no you're not. /pol/ has the solution and it is a lot easier than you think for it has done before many times over. It is called, return to nature and natural order.


>The think literally looks like a cock with bellend.
you have a weird shaped dick.

The more retarded human cattle there are in the world, the more profits for me.

If I must live in a future dystopia, then it should at least look good. Also sex bots would be nice.

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