What the hell??

What the hell??

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Muslims had the right idea.

Will smith is literally worth 100s of millions of dollars, why doesn't he divorce this bitch and fuck hookers for the rest of his life

Fucking entitled negro whore dog

Being with her is like being with a piece of Tupac. Will and Tupac were gay.

....and what?


Ever since the slap incident happened, I've read various articles about Will and Jada's relationship that were posted on Yea Forums
And many times while reading the details from those articles I found myself saying "this shit HAS to be fake for keks"
It turns out that was only the case for about 5% of everything that I read. Everything else was confirmed to be true
Will needs to leave this cunt. Seriously. I don't care how much money it'll cost him, in his case it'll be worth losing the money

we'll nevah kno

women should be beaten like dogs

Is this real?

Is this the start of some psyop where Will is now the evil abusive asshole? Man isn't flawless especially in how in raised his children but this is a bridge too far.

mods deleted that bipolar post asking for help/recommendations to leave shit like this up

I want to know what happened at Baltimore.

But it's a real article about television and film stars jada pinkett Smith and will smith.

>Turns out it's some old clip resurfacing rather than another latest hit by Jada
Yet more fuel for Will's bonfire of a relationship, I guess

He's a pussywhipped bitch.

Didn't he say that even the thought of having sex with other women made him throw up or something?

twistin' the knife away

actor/actress discussion irrelevant to roles is literally the first rule

"Is this real"
Wait until you hear about the time they had a big argument right after Will gave her a huge lavish party to celebrate her 40th birthday - which he planned for three fucking years

He's the Ubersimp

this is a ritual both of them are partaking in.
some falling for public theatre

lel, i read about that.
what's her problem?

Will is so eternally cucked. Will had a shitty abusive father that used to beat him and his mom. Will hated his father so much that he tried to be everything that his father wasn't. That's why he spent decades marketing himself as "le nice wholesome black guy" while simping for women and condoning violence. Decades of this shit made him an emotional slave for his bitch of a wife. He envies Tupac because he was able to call women bitches and put on a macho visage that Will could not do. Sure Will fucks Margott Robbie on the side while Jada fucks every black man on earth, but Jada is still the matriach in the Smith household which gives her more authority than any harlot that Will has every fucked. She's the reason why all of his sons are limp wristed faggots. Will has had shitty few years with his own marital issues likely playing a part in it. The slap was just a manifestation of all the stress and masculine rage that Will spent years suppressing. He probably thought that fighting for Jada would have been a loophole to release that rage and even then it was merely just a slap. And what did that slap do? It caused Will to burn bridges with a bunch of Hollywood jews. And ever after all of that Jada still throws in under the bus. This whole slap saga is just a public humiliation for Will for daring to open to his primal masculine urges for once in his life. Not even the most sadistic slave owner could emulate this kind of buck breaking, and it was all done by a black woman.

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so why the fuck did she marry him he should get a compensation

She's so not worth the attention. What dirt does she have on Will that he still hasn't dumped her cue ball?

no he said that having sex with women made him vomit

Based Kemi stating facts

will has morals
unfortunately no one else in his family does

He'd have to come out as gay.

Isn't that a good thing in hollywood?

Literally asking for it

she has the goods on him

nigga gay

Not black Hollywood. Look at Juicy smollets.

Her, Willow and her sister are all looking at Will like shit when he's speaking on that table talk shit. It's fucking atrocious. Why the fuck is he still there?

I'm thinking he doesn't want to get fucked in court and her take all his money.

Cause then he'll only be worth 50s of millions of dollars lol

probably has some fucked up shit on him so he has no choice but to put up with her

Thats exactly why. Because she'd get it all.

is Jaden Tupac's?

Will and OJ need to link up so he can give Will some pointers


Black people hate gays almost as much as middle eastern Muslims.

No one cares faggot, go apply to do it for free kek

Nigga needs to OJ this bitch. That's the only way to win back his honor. EVERYONE will cheer for Will's redemption.

Ironic seeing as African Americans have the highest rate of LGBT people

She's blackmailing him.

Yeah but he doesn't interact with other black people. Only with whites and Jews.

Jaden was born almost two years after Tupac died, so probably not.

nah that lil nigga looks a lot like Will

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And yet there's an enormous amount of gay/bi blacks-- see HIV stats in Atlanta-- as well as several black male celebrities either confirmed (Africa Bambaata) or rumored to be gay.

he didn't get his father's height

karma for all those carlton jokes

Will used to molest Jaden when he was younger. That's why he can't afford to divorce Jada.

She's a dogshit person with no redeeming qualities. I wish she would just fade away so that I can forget Succuby like her exist.

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cause jada is a midget

Jada probably knows a shit load of secrets about him that would probably tarnish his reputation and its not worth it. Jada looks vindictive as fuck and would not take a divorce lightly.

He’s already a black male though.

Both Jaden and Willow are clearly Will's biological kids....via insemination using his sperm


Will is gonna OJ this bitch one day.

>Africa Bambaata
He's an alleged pedo, though

So why didn't he just marry Madonna?

It’s not just the money he has now, it’ll be all his income until we’ll after his death. She’ll not only garnish any income he makes, but she’ll go after his estate as well.

No one knows for sure

What he really needs to do is pay someone to suicide her for him

unironically she was raised by a herion junkie hooker who had her at 15 and was still a jukie all through till she was grown so, what do you expect but some attitude/emotional problems with herself. Nobody seems to want to acknowledge this though