How did your theater react?

How did your theater react?

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I don not and never plan to leave the house


A bunch of kids were screaming "Shadow!" here, it felt weird.

I took my nephew to see it and had no idea what the fuck that was, but some 30 year old autist in sweatpants and an anime t-shirt jumped up and started yelling "IT'S SHADOW! SHADOW CONFIRMED! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT SHADOW CONFIRMED!" to everyone around him and everyone just looked at him like what the fuck are you talking about? He looked all mad when no one was excited like him and did a really long loud sigh and stomped his feet a couple times then sat back down. The secondhand embarrassment I felt was actually painful. He was still sitting there alone seething when we left. Why are all autists so into Sanic? Is it the colors or something? I truly don't get it.

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I wish this shit happened everytime someone tries to hype up an audience during a Marvel movie.

I work at a theater and my favorite part of this has been seeing loads of little kids decked out in Sonic gear getting hyped as fuck for this movie. Like, this is a KIDS movie, if I was 7 this would be the greatest thing I'd ever seen.

bright colors and anthropomorphic animals are soothing to autists

Somebody make a sonichu edit

This. And it's a shame that autismoids like this guy was talking about ruin the experience for actual kids. We had a fat grown ass autismo sitting in front of us and he smelled like BO and was laughing really loud and talking to himself and chewing whatever lardass food he had loudly to the point we had to move. I wanted to punch him in the back of his fat retard head but my gf saw it coming and had us and her niece and nephew move instead. Fucking animals should be shot.

it does look pretty hype but i know nothing about sanic. is that guy like sonic's vegeta or something?

I went with my gf to see this and 3 teenaged boys sat in the very back row with a laser pointer and kept swirling it on the screen. It was pissing me off.

I was at a showing where there was only like 8 people total in the audience. Most left and then the post credit scene came on and I silently thought "Ooh, that's neat!" to myself like a normal human being.

my theater was full of blacks but the autistic kind so there was some hooting and hollering then they filed out with masks and headphones on. I don't judge cause I'm autistic too.

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Cute. Shit like that would give me an ounce of hope for this world.

Some fucking Swede behind me kept shouting "Mario! It's Mario!" any time there was a reveal like this.

based swede

We all pissed and shit and cummed in our pants.

That's exactly it

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They should go out of their way and make a Shadow solo movie for the Joker audience

Sonic is brainrot

I'll never going back to a theater ever again, I'm done

My theater sounded like this. I couldn't help but laugh.

I want to fuck them

hopefully with disgust
shadow is probably one of the worst characters ever created. literally the original "oc do not steal" edgelord
the 2000s in general were a mistake.

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god, a faithful movie adaptation of this game would be complete kino

Huh, why?

It was a very fucking good movie

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Why? It made you realize you're a fucking loser obsessed with media made for literal children?

Marvel fans are weird as fuck. I've never seen people so rabidly defend writers anytime someone brings up a potential plot hole or logical issue.

o m g

>Implying I viewed this movie
I would have to be tripping balls on cactus to go see something like this

No, it should be Ghost Rider-tier cringekino, with the title song being written and performed by Eminem.

Did anyone hear his voice? Who would voice him?

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How would kids even know who Shadow is? I only know who he is from playing Adventure 2 and that came out 21 years ago.

Cast him!

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Some of us have kids/nephews, user. What is it with you people and being antagonistic for no reason?

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lol he actually paid for it

who is this

I work from home, and I think the last time I went outside was when I visited my parents for New Years.

Me in the sweatpants

I don't know either, when i went to the theater before covid struck it was mostly kids lining up to see Sonic.

t. Hue

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Half the audience left before this, I guess since it's not Marvel

I'm older than 18 and I'm not a parent yet so I have no fucking clue

My wife and I had fun

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You people paid money to watch Sonic in the movie theater?

>How did your theater react?
I do not own a theater

Joooin us Carly Beth

My dad called and asked if I wanted to go see it with him and my little brother. Not a fucking chance.

>was an autist that played the genesis sonic games over and over again because they were the only games I had
>somehow didn't become a furry or care about sonic in adulthood
I feel like I dodged an entire magazine
is it the later games that rot your brain?


Just think, one of those little tards could be the next Chris-chan.


Best not to think about it.

How could you tell he was Swedish? Was a refugee fucking him up the ass the whole time?

Not Eminem, Mario Judah

The Vergil voice dude

Yeah, Knuckles is piccolo and Shadow is jobgeta

Sorry man I just got really excited. And that's not what I normally wear, my mom threw all my clothes in the wash so I just wore what I had on.

Same, I loved the Sonic games up to Sonic and Knuckles, after that never played another one because I wasn't a child anymore and don't have brain worms. I will never understand the adult Sonic fanbase, and I think that's probably a good thing.

Yup, the formula to not become a sonic lunatic is not watching SATAM, Sonic X and not playing the post Saturn games