Why aren't you vaccinated?

>why aren't you vaccinated?

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Still waiting for millions to drop dead.

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I simply don't want it

I am.

I am vaccinated

Still waiting to die from Covid-19.

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I was forced to take it because my mom wanted me to join her on a vacation to Southeast Asia

>the right is so out of ideas they’re stealing left-wing memes now
Top kek

>left-wing memes

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i just took my 3rd booster and my arm hurts

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The people doing bottom surgeries are actual MDs. Most anti-vaxxers only have a high school diploma, if that.


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Actually all of you hurts. Your arm is all that has feeling left.

>vacation to Southeast Asia
So what you’re saying is you had two short pricks pushed inside you?

did you at least get to bang any asian chicks back there?

>not vaxxed
>in busy city outside a lot
>utterly fine

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>The people doing bottom surgeries are actual MDs
They're doing a great job!

I guess just disregard all the MDs that spoke up against the vaccine. Oh, but they didn't talk about them on CNN, so you probably don't know.

>friend is vaxxed, boosted, etc
>got covid recently, coughing his lungs out, sounds like absolute death
>me, no vaxx
>got delta and exposed to omicron
>couldn't smell for a month but otherwise fine
Yeah go vaccine.

The vast majority of MDs and scientists have concluded the vaccine is safe. A fringe minority with a financial incentive doesn't mean anything.

VACATION is different from VACCINATION, but yeah.
No, I was with my mom the whole time and was scared to do anything behind her back.

I am, by my own choice.

My roommate and I just got covid recently (his fault.) He's vaxxed and was out of comission for two weeks, thought he was gonna die. I had a fever for a day and was perfectly fine lol.

Data says otherwise.

Technically Doreen is a left-wing meme, I guess. It's more fitting for the right to mock him though

Reminder that quacks looking for their 5 minutes of fame should not be taken seriously. The only reason you’re paying attention to them is because they affirm what you already believe.

mark my words chud you WILL die from the flu. two more weeks tops.

It's happening all day every day you fucking kike

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No, it doesn't.

Never had covid
Never wore a mask unless employees confronted me and told me I have to wear one or leave
Never made a scene like a karen
Never stressed once about getting covid

Anyone who doesn't blindly obey the government and get a clotshot to protect them from a virus with a 99% survival rate is a quack?

It doesn’t, but feel free to use whatever mental gymnastics you like to spin the data to your advantage. Won’t change the fact that deaths and hospitalisations were reduced massively after the rollout

Oh it absolutely does.

The vaccine is dangerous.

>mfw refused to take the vaccine so I lost my job and have been unemployed without any income since January 1st
Still not taking it

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>a few bad reactions means that millions of safe administrations worldwide are dangerous
Whatever helps you cope buddy

A man with an advanced degree committing an act of depraved, grasping evil is still doing evil, regardless of his qualifications. In this age, the most warped and obviously unscientific or dangerous trend can be given the seal of mainstream, mass-media approval, and people like you will suck it all up with a straw.


i've never even been tested and don't care there is no reason for the ridiculous fervor that people got in for this crap and most people still shilling for "restrictions" at this point are straight up commies

...why did they sew it to her bellybutton? That's not where a dick goes.

Care to share some peer-reviewed data, then? JRE clips and one-off news articles do not count, btw.

Why does /pol/ insist on spewing its unfunny memes on other boards. It's not like it's against the rules, well it is, but no one cares.

I am. Got my first booster shot last month.

>cherrypick a bunch of unrelated deaths that don’t even show cause of deaths
Were people immortal prior to taking the vaccine or something?

>it doesn't
But it does.

>news completely filled all day every day with people of all ages suddenly dropping dead but that just means it's safe and effective

Actually the data supports his claims

My job doesn't require it and when I go out to places that require it I just use a my fake pass.

that's pretty hilarious

the whole coof shit is well and truly over for everyone who just bothered to get the vaccine, now life is moving on for everyone except the schizoids who wouldn't voluntarily end polio if given the chance

No. Never will.

I am, and boostered, because I'm cool.


Anti vaxxers look dumber by the day and some people are still at it.

Yeah, you've got nothing.
YouTube videos don't count either. I want academic studies. Until then, everything you say is conjecture.

The coof shit was over before it began

Ideological buzzword, covid 8x as likely to cause clots as the vax.

>99% survival rate
Direct cause of death from covid is not the only issue, see above. But nice deflection away from the topic of your rebel MDs, good to see you aren’t willing to defend them.

This is what NPCs actually believe

>it's just a few thousand vax deaths every day goy wake me up when it's a few million okay

Coronavirus literally doesn't exist, libtards are NPCs.

>I want academic studies over Pfizers own documents
No wonder you're retarded.

I never cared about it and that argument is retarded because the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission

Nobody believes your lies jew, we all know kikevid isn't real, go suck the blood out of a baby dick you fucking demon

>retard makes claim
>plug words into google
>fact checks

it's so predictable bros

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I don’t have 20 minutes. Give me the actual figures showing the vax is dangerous, or stfu.

>covid 8x as likely to cause clots as the vax.
Do you have a source for this claim?

>But nice deflection away from the topic of your rebel MDs
What are you talking about, schizo?

But the vaxx does nothing, user. It's essentially useless. Where have you been?

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>more deflections
When it doubt, just call the person ruthlessly dunking on you a kike, that totally proves them wrong!!!

I don't really care about the virus or the vaccine so I'm not going to get it

You don't have 20 minutes, but you want academic studies? Either you have the time, or you don't.


It's not useless, it causes bloodclots and heart issues in anyone stupid enough to take it

Independent scientists and MDs have concluded the vaccine is safe. Every drug has issues during trial runs. And the fact that you can't provide raw documents, but rather the opinion of someone else, is telling.
>it's just a few thousand vax deaths every day
There aren't thousands of vax deaths every day and you have no data to back it up.


Didn't get it 'cause you idiots turned it into a political issue. If you had just rolled out the vaccine and not insulted or belittled anyone who expressed hesitancy or doubts, I'm sure a lot more people would have taken it.

>meet my uncle today
>he's a vocal shitlib that works for the IRS
>havent seen him since before the virus
>his wife is an MD from russia
>she bitches about masks and flat out says they do nothing
>tells me his son, who is on the board at qualcomm and did his postdoc in nanotech at berkely refuses to get the vaccine despite living in SF

my experiences during the virus has been very different than what i see on tv

Pfizers own documents have concluded the vaccine is dangerous.

See for raw documents.

The opinion of someone else, aka these scientists and MDs you are speaking of?

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Same, I don't buy the "it's literally poison" narrative but covid is unironically harmless.


because covid lays dormant attack during wartime so I'm safe

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>right can't meme

My uncle had a ministroke after taking his, and he walks eight miles a day in the country for the hell of it. Still doesn't believe it could be the shot.

already happened and keeps happening

>Overall, there were 68 cases with co-reported AEs reporting Harm and 599 cases with coreported AEs without harm. Additionally, Intercepted medication errors was reported in 1
case (PTs Malaise, clinical outcome unknow) and Potential medication errors were reported
in 17 cases.

nigger do you read what you're sharing

they even break down what cases caused what harm and it was almost entirely due to overdosing or inappropriate scheduling

Good thing nobody did because even little kids are dropping on playgrounds from heart attacks now and it's only been a year

>can't meme
Thats a right wing meme

That's a democrat, terrible doctors

>Pfizers own documents have concluded the vaccine is dangerous.
No, they've concluded that there were complications during trial runs. A majority of professionals have vetted the vaccine including the federal government and millions of doses have been administered worldwide without issue.

why would anyone trust dumb Yea Forums niggers to be able to read or comprehend an academic study, they get their info from youtube videos, discord channels and other anons

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>it's retarded
Who could have guessed.

>this thread

The only reason the negative reactions to the COVID vaccine are highlighted is because literally so many people are taking it at such a short amount of time, even then major adverse reactions are rare. For context, regarding "adverse events" even fucking muscle pain at the site of injection counts as an adverse event.

learn to read academic studies, even just reading the words and the text will help you

They have documented the vaccine is dangerous.

It matters not who or what has vetted the fake vaccine. It is still dangerous.

No, I want YOU to cite the figures yourself. I’m not gonna go trawling through the document to prove you right, and I don’t even think I’m capable of interpreting data like this to any degree of accuracy. If you’re so confident that this document proves beyond doubt that the vax is dangerous, cite the specific figures which prove it.

he says while using a referencing a right wing meme

I do the opposite of what the media tells me

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