Everything Everywhere All At Once

This was the best film in years

Attached: p.0.jpg (1200x675, 207.32K)

shill thread

letterboxd shill spotted

It has a reddit title and it appears to be about an Asian grandma that suddenly gets kungfu magic powers which is also reddit as fuck. No thanks. I’m waiting for The Northman.


>he doesn't think Robert Eggers is reddit as fuck
Fucking delusional.

>Reddit title
You know that perfectly describes why I thought it was such a weird name.

yes I shill movies I enjoy I do it for free like a jannie
The Northman looks like it's going to be Eggers worst film and I thought the Lighthouse was the best film of 2019

nothing in his films corresponds to anything close to resembling reddit related media

That's an awful title
>directed by the Daniels
Alright I'll give it a watch then.

There's no such thing as reddit related media, it's just a catch-all terms for things that people outside of Yea Forums like.

It's a great movie. Go and see it!!!FACT!!!

Which is funny cause the venn diagram of things Yea Forums likes and reddit likes is a single overlapping circle.

Yeah but I'd say the Yea Forums circle is smaller because we have more people who hate things as a substitute for personality.

Don’t know who this old lady is but I’m sorry I can’t take her seriously after seeing her feet on here

I will never in my fucking life ever watch a single frame of something "directed" by a fucking piece of shit that looks like this.

Attached: MV5BNDg5ZWFmMDYtNTZlNC00NTE4LWFjNDEtNmQ4NjliNzc3ODE5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTExNDQ2MTI@._V1_.jpg (964x1308, 248.88K)

You're missing out. Swiss Army Man was good.

>will never watch a single frame of something "directed" by someone who looks like the average Yea Forums user
not a bad filter

>You're missing out.

>Swiss Army Man was good

Captcha: GAY aka (YOU)

Attached: HimAndYouAreGayEverywhereAllAtOnce.jpg (465x480, 48.4K)

>can't enjoy his hobbies without thinking about leddit
They won

I'm the OP and I actually didn't like Swiss Army Man. This is a similar movie as far as the use of conflicting tones/emotions but is a much better film in pretty much every respect

even the average Yea Forums user doesn't think the "OH LOOK IM TAKING A BAD PHOTO ON PURPOSE HAHAAHAHAHA ISNT THIS SO FUNNY OH MY GOD I CANT STOP LAUGHING IM A GENIUS AHAHAHAHAHA!" schtick is interesting or clever or funny in the slightest.
I'm sure his "movies" are along the same lines as the photo and appeal to the same people who think that photo is fucking hysterical.

>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
christ come up with another insult

you know you can watch movies and decide for yourself if they are good or not rather than doing phrenology off promo photos

You're right, good movies are probably not up your alley.

That movie looks reddit as fuck but I will pirate it and give it a chance.

>even the average Yea Forums user doesn't think the "OH LOOK IM TAKING A BAD PHOTO ON PURPOSE HAHAAHAHAHA ISNT THIS SO FUNNY OH MY GOD I CANT STOP LAUGHING IM A GENIUS AHAHAHAHAHA!" schtick is interesting or clever or funny in the slightest
But that's wrong you newfag. Pretending to be retarded is peak Yea Forums humor.

touch grass

i hate long titles, but in this case, it really fits and its probably short as nessesary

Reddit like Eggers for superficial reasons. they don't understand his actual genius and I suspect not many here do but there are a few who can appreciate it.

grab the grass and shove it up your ass.

>59 years old
>looks better than most 39 year olds.

I want to see it but the only theater playing it near me is an alamo drafthouse and I'm not gonna go to one of those alone

This movie will become the ultimate millenial and zoomer film that everyone worships because it's a quirky sensory overload about being unhappy with your family and travelling through a meaningless multiversal world. Just watch.

Attached: 1644636566528.jpg (828x828, 106.13K)

What's with the googly eye on her forhead?

Attached: eyes.jpg (350x350, 6.53K)

I hate zoomer art.

third eye is like a asian thing about magic or something

she is too cute

sonic was much fucking better

Attached: get a load of THIS.png (1016x1016, 953K)

it wasn't the zoomers it's all this guys fault

Attached: 1518479905965.jpg (700x934, 386.76K)

saw it last night, easily the craziest movie I've ever seen, at least since Holy Mountain (they are not similar in any other way but craziness)

No thats the root chakra, but nice digits anyways

I hate that this bitch needs so much attention. You suck and are old and ugly.

weird comparison but I actually see it

Ok it looks like you

>>not torrented yet

fuck you

don't post if it's not available to watch

it's in theaters


Why they gotta make a character lesbian. Stop hollywood.

She made the bullets turn into googly eyes.

An early reference to her husband putting googly eyes on people's laundry bags.

>phantom menace enjoyer

when will I be able to torrent it ?

People who hate this kino are niggers because there are none of them in it

Does that mean you're an old Asian lady?

Northman is generic as shit

I think it looks generic too. It also doesn't have actors I like so I won't be surprised if skip it.

Gook grandma power fantasy.

Say what you want, I will NEVER watch a movie starring an Oriental woman.


What are some other reddit titles? How about that "Extremely Gay and Incredibly Retarded" movie?

You must be seething inside cause now everyone this year will be praising this film and giving Oscars to it instead of Northman, which will be branded forgettable in comparison.

>>grandma chink knows kungfu


Don't Look Up

I mean I like hawke and dafoe but the movie looks eh. Same tier as capeshit imo. Just mindless violence that I can get better with Elden ring

The casting is so soulless it feels like something AI generated. It's exactly like the new Dune.

I have already seen people call it racist for depicting asian stereotypes

I love how Yea Forums is never gonna talk about this movie because most of Yea Forums just aren't going to be interested in it. Gatekeeps itself

Anything by wes anderson, although I like his movies.