Best Western

Best Western

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Tied for my dad's favorite movie between the Godfather and O Brother Where Art Thou

Good taste
My dad's favorite is the Good the Bad and the Ugly.

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>Clint Eastwood is.... LE COOL
There, I just described every single western he's been in. They all suck


Nah, this one it's a revenge story and he's motivated by the death of his family to become a rebel, rather than just being random gunslinger 43

Josey Wales is my Dad’s favorite too. He things the good the bad and the ugly is boring


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agreed. really good characters and plot for its time.

I'm surprised that this has no blu ray release

I prefer this

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English Bob is kino.

>for its time
You make it sound like plots and characters have gotten better since

My Darling Clementine is the GOAT

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Rio Bravo is easily the worst movie mentioned in this thread.

I like it, but it's too long. Also the romance between Wayne and Angie Dickinson is pure filler

Not at all. Peak Duke, Dean, and Brennan. Even Ricky Nelson. Pure culture oozing from it

it does. it has a criterion blu ray which looks excellent

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the fact that it was only made after High Noon made John Wayne and Howard Hawks seethe and that it still turned out great is pretty amazing

Earworm theme song.

>dude it like, subverts the genre

I've tried, but I just could never get into the classic westerns unless served with a big helping of spaghetti.

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lol I'm the opposite, I find spaghetti westerns meandering, self indulgent and boring. I also don't like the shitty dubbing or Spain doubling as the American West. I would rather watch any by the numbers 50s Hollywood B western than one of Leone's "masterpieces"

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If you haven't seen josey wales try it
It's a little bit rougher than your standard American western. Clint directed as well as starred and I think produced too.

Which ones did you watch? Or at least, what 3 or 4 did you dislike the least?

comfy western general?
I watched this one tonight. It was okay.

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For a Few Dollars More > Yojimbo > The Good The Bad and The Ugly

I wouldn't go that far but I do prefer American westerns by about 80-to-20. Any western that respects and is made with reverence for the setting and its people is good to me. I like hero protagonists over outlaws too.

I watched John Ford's 3 Godfathers earlier today. Was not impressed

Truth, love the first shootout at the church. The music and the atmosphere was just mindblowing.

>a few dollars more fags continue to cope post

i hate that we no longer get great posters like before.

I've seen that one. I thought it was okay would have been better if Wayne's character died at the end like his character does in the novel.
Ford made a silent film loosely based on the story a couple of decades earlier which I think is a lot better.

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>gregory peck
Kino gauranteed

So the ending to josey wales, did he live or did he die after he rode off into the sunset

I like Unforgiven, and Eastwood in general, so I definitely think that would be more up my alley. I enjoyed the Wild Bunch.

Mostly the highly-rated classics like High Noon, Liberty Valance, Rio Bravo etc. For me that kind of traditional John Wayne fare is just too boring, plain, and lacks any flair.


Just watched this last weekend

Fuck anti-westerns

I recommend Westerns directed by Anthony Mann, Peckinpah, Sam Fuller, Robert Aldritch, and the Randolph Scott-Budd Boetticher westerns. Westerns by these guys contain darker themes that inspired the Spaghetti Westerns that would come in the next decade.

Do you like older movies in general or is it the whole era of film you dislike?

Unironically my favorite western and Eastwood movie

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also the ones directed and/or written by Andre De Toth.

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Yeah definetly give Josie wales a watch
I like some of John Wayne's movies but I know what you mean about the traditional fare. It's cleaner, less blood, etc. Wales is not like that and the fact that it was made in the 70s rather than the 50s allowed them to push the envelope more

Also the fact that Clint pushed so hard to do it when Westerns were dying out is a testament to how much he liked the script

No, I love classic cinema of all kinds, it's just that particular '30-50s romanticized, traditional, pulp/dime western genre that does absolutely nothing for me.

It doesn't outstay it's welcome.

If I didn't like Once Upon A Time In The West would I like this?

Thanks I might look into these, I recognize all the names but Peckinpah is the only one I've seen anything by.

Once Upon a Time in the West
The Wild Bunch
Blazing Saddles

Try Winchester 73 and if you like it, watch other Anthony Mann stuff

Red Dead Redemption 2

>t. Hasn't seen 2 mules for sister sara

Possibly. I've never been able to get into once upon a time in the west but Iike Josie Wales
It's shorter at any rate I think

That game where all the cowboys are woke feminists?

Pretty decent motel desu. It's a big enough chain that they keep their franchisees in line and sometimes there's a free breakfast. If they have an outdoor pool I might go swim but indoor pools are kinda weird to me.
Very good cost to value ratio and the linens are always clean.

Pilgrim, you walked into the wrong saloon

The unforgivable dubbing ruins them for me. I can't watch a single one because of it. Why the fuck has no one ever tried to fix it? We have the technology.

It's one of the best posters ever made. Just look at some of the other examples in this very thread. They're dogshit by comparison and either predate or postdate that film.

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Good game, poor western. I wouldn't enjoy it in movie form

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Based and quite literally redpilled

Is this the only movie where the protagonist is a confederate? No movie would get away with it today but the funny thing is this movie does it very tastefully, showing good and bad people on all sides of the American West. Confederates, union, natives, they have nuance and grit in this movie.

>Josey Wales is my Dad’s favorite too. He things the good the bad and the ugly is boring
Sorry to hear your father is a fag, user

It actually emboldens the genre, dipshits

>William Smith

your dad got filtered

It's way closer to a book/tv series than a movie.

They cucked out for the blu ray

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Randolph Scott!?

Shut the fuck up digger

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Plenty of older movies were from the Confederate perspective, most famously Gone With the Wind. The most recent one is probably The Hateful Eight, but it's much rarer now.
When the US was still considered a white country, people were able to move past the war and understand both sides of the conflict.