This was a 10/10 in 2001

This was a 10/10 in 2001

Attached: MV5BMmZkZTllMTAtZjZhNC00MTE3LTg0YmQtZWM2ZDBkODc4YzUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI1NzMxNzM@._V1_~2.jpg (320x320, 17.88K)


I wanna kiss those 10/10 lips

This joke is only funny when it isn’t true.

>amy SMART
>not actually smart
really makes you think

she's gorgeous

she was never considered a 10/10, she filled the "cute girl next door" niche, and filled it magnificently

Imagine the blowjobs.

I think the porn stars of the decade that determines what type of actress is considered hot in hollywood.

Her body in Road Trip was so sweet and horny inducing

This was considered hideously deformed in 1999.
I want to go back.

Attached: 9F840E11-AE85-45DD-B93B-97375FED4659.jpg (2044x1142, 287.07K)

Does Paris Hilton count as a porn star?

never was

Is that paint on her overalls?

>cute girl next door
This bitch is a total Stacy you nincompoop

Not to go sharp knees on you, but take a second look Spoiler: she wears glasses. Yikes. Get out and learn what good looking girls look like. And look at those pants.

god imagine ejaculating heavily all over her lenses

>thinking glasses and a pony tail are attractive

Seems about right

Through years of gruelling research, I have figured out how you retarded niggers differentiate between the two
Cute girl next door
Stacy supermodel

That’s about right.

Early 2000’s had the hottest bitches idc

Attached: 946950D3-7D08-4D40-9608-EF87FA2DB990.jpg (460x297, 30.8K)

she's also aged well

Attached: HAT8.001.jpg (600x350, 30.07K)

Freddy vs Jason confirms it

Her/His name is Noel.
I had a dream about how she/he rings my bell. If you get what I'm saying.

Crop tops are coming back in a big way
Believe me, I follow dozens of little girls (only to track fashion trends of course)

Attached: marisa.jpg (1061x569, 337.06K)

She was so cute

she cute

she looks weird

>this is 10/10 in 2022

Attached: 1643238525931.jpg (2893x4200, 2.24M)

You picked a better photo

Fucking rights

Is this from rat race?


goddamn I really love small, perky titis and a skinny frame.

They are, even if women don't believe so.

yes, she a cute

Teeth are weird and anti-eucledian

This is a 10/10 from the 90s

Attached: BD8255F9-711A-445E-99ED-543996AC41B7.jpg (640x480, 47.8K)

you just know

her face looks more decent here

>ywn see a thong sticking up over low rise jeans again

Attached: 82176387126312.png (365x267, 62.32K)

It was the best of times brother

>>Paint covered overalls
What an absolute shit bomb

Here bro this is for you. Shit quality but top tier spank bank content.

Attached: E05C8D50-6F9E-41E2-A3A7-7708934FF047.jpg (236x359, 17.92K)

i noticed this trend with a lot of 15-19 year old girls at my work this summer

I was a teen in the early 2000’s and nobody ever said girls were prettier 20 years ago but now I hear it all the time.

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prime smart was 8.7
this coming from a strong 6 in a dark room

Should be banned from twitter for racism imo

You picked a good photo of her and she’s still ugly as fuck

Racism? Nothing to do with race. It's because of her nigger nose, nigger lips, nigger hair, nigger skin, nigger brow, and nigger attitude.

As pushed by the same hags that said Sarah Jessica Parker was the sexiest woman alive.

I was in the odd men out then. My circle of friends in the mid 2000s liked 80s women and thought women looked better 20 years ago (in 2004).

why does the thumbnail always look like "polar express"-tier cgi

>2383 quote tweets

These two are strong 8.5's.
Smart is .5 below.
Liz Olsen is 8.8

Attached: 1649339037930.webm (800x1080, 3M)

i give you they are pretty
but im gonna be a cunt and say these things are subjective
liz olsen to me looks off with her proportions, a big mouth for me, 8.2
this redhead is an 8
the young selma hayekish girl is 8.4

Attached: sh.jpg (1250x2000, 435.62K)

lol Smart is way hotter than both. Those two are have pounds of makeup on. This is what Amy looks like all done up

Attached: amy 92380526.jpg (310x416, 15.91K)

stop using words you don't understand

liz has a completely meh body outside of her tits and her face is mediocre

This scene awakened my sexuality, thanks satan

at least she was female


IMMEDIATELY renege and make Entangled™ right after

Attached: km.jpg (736x947, 76.14K)


These days, anything under 300 lbs is attractive.

don’t you try to gentrify me user

imagine her farting on your dick