Just saw the Northman in theaters...

Just saw the Northman in theaters. I don't want to give away plot details but I'll give my opinion and maybe answer your questions

Few things I'll note:
>The film wasn't epic adventure like Conan the Barbarian. Parts of it are adventure, mainly the beginning and end, there is quite some violence although few is in action scenes.
>most of the trailer, especially the berserker action scenes, is in the first half and beginning of the film
>Dafoe and Bjork are only in the beginning of the film
>Kidman's bogging is kind of obvious in some shots, nothing too bad though
>Doesn't have the "medieval blue colour" that hollywood likes to use. It was quite colourful. The night scenes were almost black and white as opposed to blue tinted which I liked
>Beginning and end sections were great, mid section I found not as great. In the beginning the locations change rapidly and the plot moves forward, and then for the middle the location is the same and not that much changes
>Not sure if anything was edited out but it might have worked better if the section between the start of his revenge journey and death of his father had been a bit longer. I can't really elaborate on this without spoiling
>Ending is absolute kino
>we get to see Anya's bush and butt
>no le cool edgy liberal atheists with undercuts that were shown on the Vikings series
>not a single non European (Anya is part Argentinian or whatever but it's clear she's descended from Europeans)
>Conquer your fate is a very apt subtitle for the film

Attached: the_northkino.jpg (1280x853, 153.63K)

>>we get to see Anya's bush and butt
Literally buying my ticket rn

>we get to see Anya's bush and butt
I heard the full frontal stuff was an obvious stunt double? Or is it clearly her?
Also does the ending loosely follow Hamlet -i.e. revenge is bad and everyone dies or is it somewhat 'happy'?

>not a single non European (Anya is part Argentinian or whatever but it's clear she's descended from Europeans)
Was about to ask if any token niggers make an appearance.

>we get to see Anya's bush and butt
>not a single non European

>>we get to see Anya's bush and butt
Another user said we see her tits was that motherfucker lying?

pretty sure it's her. It's not that clear in the scene but I was quite sure we saw her bush
some parts of Hamlet are present, for the ending as well. The "choosing between love for your kin or hate for your enemies" plays a big part in the ending but not in the manner you might think. I won't say more on this as there are points in the film in which I really thought it was going to be a certain way only for it to go another way
literally none

I think he was user, sorry

It's divisive

How was Marylin Manson?

Attached: mm.jpg (1280x720, 55.93K)

Buying the cucumbers right now for me and my gf

Do they mention what year it's set in, even a rough timeframe?

your pic rel scenes were absolutely stunning and kino
also nice digits

It's not out yet in theaters?

any resemblance to ridley scott's last duel?

no year is mentioned, only locations and even they are not that specific. Maybe someone with more historical knowledge could stamp together a timeframe using tidbits of background dialogue

it is in my country, films often release here before they do in the US idk why
haven't seen it. Don't know anything other than what Yea Forums has told me. Based on that limited knowledge I'd say the differences are
>no believe women feminism of any kind
>no edited blue grey daunt atmosphere

Ok thanks, it's sounding pretty kino.

Nice. Gonna drag my gf with me to watch this next week. I want to avoid spoilers until then but in your opinion which actor pulls the best performance in it?

Are you British or French?

Do you even have to ask? Björk

Alexander Skarsgård has the best performance but also has the best lines imo. A lot of the dialogue, especially his, is very poetic and 'epic' (done well though). Ethan Hawke I thought was also great. I kind of doubted his casting before I saw the movie as I thought he'd be too American and that I'd only see the actor but that's not the case at all. Dafoe is great as well

Apparently the producers thought the beginning is too slow and around 9 minutes got cut.

>>not a single non European

how did they get away with this?

a shame. The beginning has Amleth as a kid and Amleth as a sort of vagabond/member of warband. Not sure which part has the cut footage but the vagabond part felt too short

Nice. Really looking forward to seeing this next week but until then I'm gonna stay off Yea Forums to avoid spoilers. Cheers m8

good idea, have fun!

What about the fantasy elements? Are they real or more like dreams, visions?

Anya looks so cute in her new interviews

Attached: FP10LMyXMAcJy7m.jpg (1300x675, 212.84K)

Both, but moreso the latter in the way they're presented

If the film is set in Iceland then it will be between the 10th and 11th centuries

How does one active a forehead this big?

I think it's 10th century.

Annunaki genes

Not as cute as Skarsgård.

What country is it?

Probably the Netherlands, they always get kinos early for some reason

Also, the soundtrack is good and fitting. Not really a specific melody that repeats throughout the film but it's thrilling and quite thunderous at times

lol yep, tonight was the first showing I believe, at least in my local cinema. Maybe 10 other people were there

>Anya bush
>Anya butt
my only regret is that this isn't from peak Anya. I'll take what I can get.

my dad thought that The Lighthouse was a disgusting movie because of the weird sex shit and depressing atmosphere and senseless violence, is The Northman more "conventional" and boomer-friendly in terms of morality and having a message? I like watching kino with my dad.

>>Doesn't have the "medieval blue colour" that hollywood likes to use. It was quite colourful. The night scenes were almost black and white as opposed to blue tinted which I liked

The blue tinted is the medieval filter you dumb dumb

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There's weird stuff but it's not really sexual. There is quite some violence, murder and a human sacrifice, even a bit of gore although it goes by fast.
Compared to the Lighthouse it's still a lot more conventional, but you'll still enjoy it more if you're into the more non-conventional stuff. It does have a message. I suppose a classic "basic" boomer would find it a cool film that's kind of weird at points

nope. The blue hollywood tint is like the last duel and the kingdom of heaven parts that play in Europe. The blue night tint is in a lot of films, even non-medieval ones

Thanks op

Not a good sign for Eggers and the studio

Are there any runes displayed in the movie?

If there are stung runes (dotted runes like ᚤ ᚵ ᛂ) that could be a sign it's set after late 10th/early 11th century. Otherwise earlier. I'm no expert though, maybe they were used differently on Iceland compared to the rest of Scandinavia.

vikings were around during the middle ages yankee brain

No, although I must say that google says the release date is in 5 days from now. I specifically searched for the Northman on my cinema's website and saw that it was actually this night

not sure if I saw any dotted runes, I wasn't even aware of the distinction

Supporting characters good? Seems to be a lot of them, like the parents from The Witch with Ralph Ineson. The female Scottish actress is something I took notice of cause her character is called Halldora the PICT, so she's a Celt foreigner


shit movie who does not know what it wants to be, a historical movie or fantasy. also barbarian niggers. everyone loves conan because of Arnold's muscles and nostalgia.

yeah this aint it hoss.

>shit movie who does not know what it wants to be, a historical movie or fantasy
Ignorant yet arrogant retard.

Hey OP, did it earn its R rating? What's this business about Eggers referencing a naked duel by a volcano?

Leave the internet forever

>shit movie who does not know what it wants to be, a historical movie or fantasy.

You have mental retardation

The supporting characters are not very important. It's really about the main characters. The ones you named have very, very minimal presences
>shit movie
opinion disregarded
Sure, plenty of R rated stuff, mainly violence and it's quite bloody. Not a lot of nudity and definitely not a focus on the little that there is. Can't say much about that last part other than that it's not a lie

>not a single non European (Anya is part Argentinian or whatever but it's clear she's descended from Europeans)
How in the fuck did they get away with that in (((current year)))?

This whole 'ANYA IS A HECKIN VALID LATINX WYMAN!' nonsense reminds me of this Victor Davis Hanson talk where he's going on about people lying now about race or exaggerating to get ahead and are effectively the another version of old American racial codes

Because Latin American is not a race.

>The supporting characters are not very important. It's really about the main characters. The ones you named have very, very minimal presences
Finchy getting shat on again.
Shame, he's a bloody good rep.