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Why didn't every other jedi he killed before just do that?

Because Mace Windu is more powerful than regular Jedi.

he's the magical ne- jedi

I would fuck Genndy Grievous.

Mace Dindu is not easily intimidated.


What was the GET?

I haven't been into Star Wars lore for a while but I think the average Jedi's force crush is weaker than Grievous physically.

General smeevous

Grevious had fear, surprise, and intimidation on his side so they couldn't concentrate.

only jedi and sith should be able to use lightsabers

>George and Filoni went through great lengths to turn Grievous into a pussy just because they didn't want a Vader clone
What the fuck is their problem?

Force Choke is an evil jedi power, and Mace Windu knew how to do it

If I was a force-user and a non-force-using normie tried to stop me I'd dislocated their body parts by ripping out their bones from their joints internally.

Because Genndy set the bar too high in his portrayal and they're way too lazy to animate his metal ass to that degree.
So now we're stuck with Grievous' one good trick (spinning) and running away and had to retcon everything about him being a feared Jedi killer to fit in with their laziness, so now he's just a coward.

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Genndy Tartakovsky was too much of a chad for Star Wars.

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As a kid I remember watching on CN an episode where a jedis squad go into grievous' house and he shows up and I think kill them
Anyone know what scene I'm talking about?

why would a robot be susceptible to a force choke?

Because he's not a robot, he's an alien cyborg.
He's basically got the same thing going on as picrel.

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That was a a Clone Wars episode, Kit Fisto and his padawan go in and get rekt. It was one of the few times where Grievous actually gets shit done.

That animation's so awful and choppy. 3D was a mistake.

Mace Windu is canonically one of the most powerful Jedi in the republic. All the Jedi Grievous killed were Padwans or knights

I liked how Gendy actually gave a good reason why he was shit in Revenge if the Sith. Filoni is such a hack. I have no clue why Lucas and Lucasfilms simp
for that cowboy cuck.

Except unlike pic related he doesn't spend 85% of his screen time exploring free will ethics

Ah yes that was it, I even forgot that it was 3d

It's a hate crime

Why does this show act like Grievous hasn't defeated a master yet but still try to imply that it fits in with the old continuity where in his first ever appearance he beats five of them, killing one?
>Aayla Secura
>Shaak Ti
>K'Kruhk (thought to be killed)
>Daakman Barrek (killed)

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*survives peak Grievous, Order 66 and more in you're path*

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K'Kruhk is so based.

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Use 4plebs to check.


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Damn bro you're fucking cool, i would be careful if i was a sith.

Poor dude had a wife and children.

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Lucas is such a faggot, not only did he completely castrate Grievous cause he was pissed that Genndy had created a memorable villain on par with Vader but he had to go and get rid of his iconic white cape, changing it for a red one and dropping it as quickly as possible so lucasarts could lazy out on the animation of the obi wan fight.

fentanyl grevious is good boy


>They cut this entire part of season 7 for the fucking Martez Sisters arc

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Holy shit that is some good CGI, usually that stuff looks like shit, that is some good shit.

Wait are you saying that diverting from the main plot of a show that has returned becuase of fan love after years to finally see the culmination of these characters before the movies to focus on two ebin brown quairky latinx lesbo sisters for four straight episodes wasnt good? fucking incel chud racist is what you are.

It's just the one nigger, actually

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At least we got to see some Coruscant in the beginning.

Was geniunley so petty how they shoehorned those fucks into Bad Batch becuase they knew people hated them.

i thought his face was fucked up and the bone mask was just that

stupid fucking nigger lesbians, ICONIC for star wars.

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Force-crush was a Sith technique that is deeply frowned upon in the Jedi circles.

Except if you happen to be one of the higher ranking Jedi in which case you can do whatever the fuck you want.

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Kind of hard when you're trying to fend off 4 lightsabers coming at you with enhanced cyborg speed

>Book of Boba wasnt episodic chapters in his life exploring the mindset and coming of age of a man who is the clone and son of a great Bounty Hunter watching his fathers face rip up the galaxy in a war headed by the very fucks who killed him

>instead its a bloated man lying in a bacta tank on tatooine for 7 hours

Can someone explain what the fuck happened here?

shut up, CISlord

Mace was always kind of a rogue in that regard. In old EU lore his fighting techniques required tapping into the Dark Side. Jackson asked for a purple saber and the lore came after
Blue + Red = Purple

Did you really expect something decent from Disney?

That whole show was basically just a vanity project for Temuera Morrison. Not even his fault because it was Disney's idea. And since he's an old man, he can't really do much else but lay in a bacta tank or do minor stunts.

Did luke use that on the Gamorrean guards in ep 6 It always looked like it?

We got a weak Boba Fett that is friends with Tuskens and doesn't kill and it's great, chud

luke being ambiguously evil is a plot point that vanishes after they save han
it's just a movie meme from before EU autism, where they could go "wtf, is Luke evil now? he's like, wearing black and stuff!"

The bone masks are part of Kaleesh culture.
Even his personal droids are dressed up to resemble Kaleesh warriors.

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based cubone retcons

IIRC they were attacking him with force attacks in the fight vs 5 Jedis but he was just dodging them. I'm not sure if those were the same force attack Windu used in picrel tho.


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