Chocolate or vanilla Yea Forums?

chocolate or vanilla Yea Forums?

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why not both

they both look awful

i'll take the one who doesn't look 80 thanks

Ages better in this context.

The hispanic looks better

as a black man, I lean towards white women for many reasons (racial dominance) but damn if the latina dont look so much better.

I like old big titted hags so right

reminder hat you literally cannot stop farting to save your life. factor this into every encounter and you cannot lose

Is this a scene from The Northman (2022)?

Schizo arquette please


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Yo legit, warm oil + my BBC between those a hell of a time..

The horny one on the right.

kino tits


Salma always wins

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took me a second

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Salma is middle eastern

>Taking a bath in a tub full of sand
Latinas are weird

t. chink
Your women belong to us

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What's it like having sex with an older woman bros?

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Why couldn't it be me? God dammit

It's the same as having sex with younger chicks. They're more emotionally stable in some ways, but more unhinged in others. Physically they feel the same, although less soft. That's probably the major difference.
I feel bad for that substitute teacher though, that barely counts as malfeasance. Teachers shouldn't sleep with their students, I understand that, but they should be rewarded for sleeping with their ex-students.vnd

vanilla mghhhhnh

Awesome, if you can get it try it. I'm 32 and currently having a relationship with a tight 38 year old. She has no kids or a husband. In short lots of fun.

Now this I gotta see!

>be a horny teenager
>get sex with your teacher
>she falls in love with you

I want to die so bad bros, kill me already

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>no kids

stay away from her in 2 years from now

wtf is wrong with white women

definitely vanilla. White women just make my dick hard, subhumans do not
t. white boy

>lifelong dream was having an /ss/ relationship
>denied all my life
>change dream to having sex with women twice my age when I was in my 20s
>turbovirgin until 26

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White women are for sure inferior but I'm just coded to prefer them being white myself, so vanilla


I am as tanned as the woman on the left and my genes are pure white

more like Jewnilla

Why is this jew larping as a viking?

I’m black so I’m hard coded to only want to fuck white women. I really have no choice

Gimme Patricia's big fat tits NOW

patricia arquette owes me sex

These “older” women are old by Yea Forums pedophile standards. 20 somethings are great. Women above 30 are disgusting creatures who I refuse to have sex with. The ones I have had sex with are awful and their skin, especially on their stomach will make you throw up.

Imagine bragging about dating a woman in her late 30s. Most men your age prefer younger women. If young women don’t want you, you’re either broke, ugly or both.

Chocolate for sure

What the fuck are you blabbing about, retard?

Wasn't what the question was

too old for me. I like them young, probably because I'm getting older.

nah. it's normal for men to like younger women. these freaks aren't the norm. probably didn't have a stable home and mom was everything to them. freud had a lot of bullshit, but he was right in a lot of things judging by the amount of fat burgers who love incest taboo and "milfs". Basically this is a psychosexual photoimage of the retarded op's "in anonimity" sexual taboo urges.

Once again, I'd like to state that I want to take a big bite out of a consenting woman's huge tit.

>freud had a lot of bullshit
Ahh yes, compared to the intellectual neckbeard on Yea Forums. Lmao kys pseud.

t. souless

That's not chocolate, that's caramel.

a man after my own heart

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you're aware that you sound like a retarded fat burger nigger by writing "pseudo" as "pseud", right, faggot? God, I hate these fucking uncultured rednecks.

I lost my virginity to my 21 yr old maid when I was 15, shit was so cash.

no one will ever believe you, user, unless you have pics.

I just want veins man

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that looks disgusting. too bad I can't post the tits of a nubile young lady in here. you virgins will have to fantasize.

half of them are black and you know it

Shut up retarded pseud. I gave you no permission to reply.

some vein is nice but that's way fucking too much

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I don't, I tried but she wouldn't let me. To be honest I feel like I could've fucked some of the previous ones that were also in that age range but I only mustered the courage to hit on this one.

lmao, kys nigger. You're not even worth the effort to find tifa rolling on the stairs.