Jimmy Savile

Any bongs explain how his betrayal felt?

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He's not dead, they moved him to Singapore.

The only betrayal was the establishment pinning all their sex crimes on him because he was dead and couldnt defend himself.
Jimmy did nothing wrong, just a patsy for the royal family and well connected politicians. Thats why they kept around the funny but stupid northerner

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>did nothing wrong
They weinsteined him prolly but he wasnt innocent. Just look at him. Thats what a child rapist looks like

>Jimmy did nothing wrong
all nonces must hang

>Thats what a child rapist looks like
This. When his crimes were exposed, the biggest surprise was that people were surprised.

>t. Fell for the BBC narrative about 'are Jim
Face it, the msm lied to you again and pinned the crimes of the pervert elites on a harmless jolly northerner to protect their own. Parasites. Just look at this friendly old man. You think he is capable of what they say?

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It always bothered me how 6 gorillion people came forward the moment he couldn't defend himself and how he was instantly assumed guilty.

Only boomers and gen xers really knew who he was. When the story broke kids in my school used to just say creepy male teachers were friends with Jimmy Savile

you shouldn't judge people by their appearances and most people are excessively judgmental, but I've noticed when someone looks like a retard, they usually are, when someone looks like a faggot, they usually turn out to be one, when someone looks like trash they end up stealing from their place of work and so on...

Luvd his country
Luvd young slags
Simple as

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T. Not a britbong and utterly clueless. Anyone could tell you just how far the beeb went in suppressing the stories (of which there were many). After his death someone put together a documentary exposing his crimes but the bbc refused to air it because they had like 5 in-memory-of tv shows lined up for the Christmas holidays, so it was aired on ITV instead.

But anyways, his noncing was very much real and was an open secret at the BBC for decades. The fact that you insist that this is msm lies just goes to show that you are completely disconnected from reality, since if Saville really was the fall guy of the elites then the BBC would’ve jumped at the chance to reveal his crimes. That’s not to say other powerful people aren’t nonces either- just that the accusations against Saville aren’t a fictitious distraction.

You have no idea just how powerful he was, he had friends in all sorts of high places. Plus he even had at least 3 accusations made against him while he was alive, but because each accuser was unaware of the others, they believed it would simply be their word against his and so retracted them.

Im from leeds u muppet
>t. Fell for the narrative

Bongs are utterly neutered servile cucks. Jimmy could've raped and eaten babies on live TV without anyone raising a finger.
The big "outrage" was a couple of twats defiling the old nonce's grave, like that's gonna do anything.

Not everything is a narrative you mouthbreathing retard. Why would this be a BBC narrative when it was the BBC who worked so hard to suppress the truth of his noncing behaviour? And if he was supposed to take the fall for other pedo elites, why didn’t the BBC jump at the chance to incriminate him while protecting their friends in high places? Your position doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

i remember my dad being distraught when the news about it came out, even more so when it came out abut rolf harris as well

Just you wait until David Attenborough dies. God knows what the BBC has been covering up about him

I did a removal job for a couple once who had a genuine rolf harris painting hanging above their kids crib kek.

Tell me u work for the bbc without telling me. Your wages come from the vulnerable grannies that still pay the license fee

Your dad is a retarded boomer fuck if he looked at this man and didnt instantly think nonce

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How do British people make it to adulthood without living out a shota/loli hentai?

>Pedophile politicians
>Pedophile celebrities
>Pedophile pakistanis

I mean, Jesus Christ. You can't go outside without some drooling pervert waiting to pounce on a child.

Wasn't this guy supposed to be your version of Mr. Rogers or something?

>>Pedophile politicians
>>Pedophile celebrities
They aren't just in bongland, user.

Stop avoiding the questions you pussy. Even the slightest bit of common sense undermines your retarded take completely. If anyone here is working for the BBC it’s you, seeing as you’re just as eager as they were to preserve Saville’s reputation.


Why you so eager to tarnish the reputation of a dead old man who did nothing wrong? 400+ abuse claims but not one (1) single piece of physical evidence

He really looks like a christian youth pastor in my small town, who was found to be a pedo when I was moving away. There really are pedos everywhere, I was in a rural town of 6k and there were two different pedo pastors

Unfortunately the noncing is transatlantic, as proven by Epstein. Even you mutts aren’t free from it

Me mum was almost featured on Jim'll Fix It but she got sick. She jokes that her best friend saved her by giving her chickenpox.

Wasn't uncle Jim chums with a serial killer?

Which is more likely? That 400+ people lied about being abused by a man who is now dead and so can neither do the time for his alleged crimes, nor pay damages to his alleged victims? Or, just perhaps, they (or most of them at least) were telling the truth?

I know you only have a room temp IQ but this can’t be that difficult. If you honestly believe a lack of physical evidence for sexual assault (which is impossible to source years after the fact anyways) trumps HUNDREDS of victim and witness testimonials, you are simply doing whatever you can to protect a fellow nonce. Disgusting.

Yea Forums is the only board on this whole website that actually defends pedophiles instead of condemning the pedo cabal that runs the world

didn't care, he was finished long before I was born. Plus just look at him, he's an obvious weirdo so it's not even a surprise.

>Here we are, in the heart of Oxford
>The dominant male has smelled a small female
>She is a virgin and cannot accommodate him physically yet
>But that shall not discourage his efforts
>Hormones raging, he will grasp her in this position for many hours over the next week
>He remains on high alert for rival males and constables

Is there a pedophile phenotype? I'm starting to notice a few patterns

Depends. Cunnyposters are usually /pol/ refugees.

I don't know, like in the US we've definitely got our share of pedophiles in high places but in the UK government and media it seems endemic, like you'd have to go to Nickelodeon Studios in the US to find the amount of diddlers that just openly parade around Parliament. Also the UK has a weirder vibe about theirs, like in the US when one of them gets caught the rest throw them to the wolves pretty quickly, even Epstein couldn't stay out of jail, but in the UK there's this unapologetic air about it, even now it seems like British elites like Jimmy Savile and it's like they're mad at everyone else for being outraged.


Our (britbong) institutions are much better at protecting the pedos, it’s why most are only revealed as such after they die, and why nonces like Saville were able to do it so openly without consequence. It’s also just part of our culture to be very reserved and prudish, so talking openly about these kinds of things is very difficult to do.

Whereas in America most of the high-profile sex criminal cases have been revealed through snowballing online movements like #metoo surrounded by Frank, honest discussions about abuses of power.

nigger our entire government is demented pedophiles. Biden gropes kids on national television all the fucking time.

Have you seen how he talks to the other female guests on chat shows? That's how he acts in front of a live audience with cameras pointed at him. Imagine how he acts in private

Exactly. Trump has been on the Lolita Express many times and has molested cheerleaders.

e were jus a bit odd simple as

He was the Bob Ross of Britain

Epstein was rich and decadent and paid 16/17 year olds a couple of thousand dollars for an oily handjob. that's not the same as jimmy saville raping mentally retarded children in a hospital for which he has the backdoor key for whatever reason

Based. Our pedo was better than your pathetic kike, mutts

Lovable rogue

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>pedophilia is le bad

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>how's about that then

Just a bit of banter at the time, saved a lot of kids lives with his charity work so a bit of diddling is a small price to pay - our standards have changed now thats all.

"A proper British Eccentric" - Ricky Gervais

yorkshire ripper, yeah.

Trying too hard, this only works for Michael Jackson because he performed some really good tunes, this guy didn't do shit.

Fair take. I do wonder though how many of those are psychos who just want to be included in the narrative. I wondered the same about Cosby. Not saying they’re all liars but it’s hard to know for certain. Regardless I definitely think Jim was an evil guy but he definitely wasn’t alone considering he was pals with the elite of England.

Uou absolutely should judge people by their appearance. We have the instinct to do so for a reason. People tend to carry themselves in a manner that reflects their character and personality. The exception doesn't change the rule.

> I definitely think Jim was an evil guy but he definitely wasn’t alone considering he was pals with the elite of England
He definitely wasn’t alone, he was just incredibly brazen about it which is why it was such an open secret. Being such an influential and well-known guy AND being able to diddle kids, cadavers and god knows who else, he probably got off on the power trip of doing whatever he wanted while getting away with it.


>Jimmy did nothing wrong
No, no, no, no, no. You diddled them a little bit. He got a little bit out of order himself.

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Betrayal? He was carrying on a fine British tradition that even 'Asian' gangs have assimilated to.

You are desperately stupid. I mean bottom-tier fucking retards.