What did Peter Jackson mean by this?

What did Peter Jackson mean by this?

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Peter Jackson was amazing from Braindead up to King Kong. What happened to this guy? I get that Hobbit was a complete mess and he took a huge break from the industry because of that, but now this? What's going on with this guy?

He looks like smooth Yoda on the bottom.

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He had one job and he fucking blew it. I hope he knows how much of a fuck up he is

modern zoomer consoomers expect the "face filter" aesthetic.

Fuck John Lennon and the Beatles. George is cool tho

I mean, Peter Jackson has done some good things post LotR.

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"That's right Paul, I'm Get Back"
This is why I miss John so much

Here comes George with more of that indian horseshit

>its a Paul carries the band episode

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>oh this is yo great grandpather?
>lets cut him out for the sake of widescroon.

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>carries the band
>let it be is their worst album
wah wah

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Yoko was the 60s version of Jada Pinkett Smith

nah, she was just an obsessed stalker

say what you want about yoko, at least she isn't bald LOL

they just used the smidge tool'd every frame.

>Removes every scene that shows Yoko sitting next to John throughout the entire session
>close ups on John to not show Yoko sitting next to him
>in the original they show Yoko literally screaming his name and demanding his attention all the time
>Get Back executive producer: Yoko Ono

Most based post of the month

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Holy shit.. he zoomed in.. and used remini... woah...
I like.. can imagine myself there. Its like the smudged face guy from scary movie. Woah... lifelike... huzzow.. bing pang boom... woah

he fucked it up, and i'm glad! because beatles fans will never see the original footage! doesn't that just make you angry?
ha ha :D
you'll never see it!

>in the original they show Yoko literally screaming his name and demanding his attention all the time
They showed that too, in the first ep

they had some ai replace faces too, and simon peg was one of the original images it based things off of, so he shows up like a dozen times in the film

peter jackson is an incredibly fucking hack. that I know now.


phillipa and her "partner" turned him into a massive cuck

it was censored for disney. the had to digitally remove the junkie scruff off his face

If you mean carry by shoving his songs down everybody's throat then you're right

>Imagine no possessions

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>an 8 hour documentary with no narration about a band from the 60s won't alienate milennial and zoomer audience
>but some film grain will


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I would usually use this opportunity to shit on british "people" but I recognize that this man does not represent them.
Incredibly bad taste though.

Jesus christ Elon you can't just post that.

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I think I'll be leaving the thread now

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I miss this lil guy like you wouldn't believe

I'm not one to say kind things about british aesthetics, but in this case it seems like more of a hippy thing than a british thing.


I know. It still looks like absolute trash tier. Boomers were on some different shit.

Photo was taken 4 years before that song was written and bought the car 3 years before that

I see that the John Lenon Internet Defense Force has arrived.

Paul literally made evert Beatles song worth listening to


looks like mj

>Here Comes The Sun
>While My Guitar Gently Weeps
>Long, Long, Long
>Within You Without You
>It's All Too Much
>Think For Yourself
lol, no

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I said good songs

>unironically liking paul's granny shit
pleb taste

>Only a Northern Song

>Getting filtered by Paul
Holy pleb

Your multi-millionaire international playboy idol might not have been 100% sincere about that whole "imagine no possessions" thing hmmm...

Nah I'm a George guy but John was based and still pisses people off 42 years after dying

The best Beatles song


normies fear the film grain

A liberal beatnick heroin addicted hippie communist music professor was teaching a class on John Lennon, a known wife-beater

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Lennon and accept that "Imagine" was the greatest former Beatle album the world has ever known, even greater than anything by Paul McCartney!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic Granny who had bought the entire Paul McCartney discography and understood the genius of "Ob-la-di ob-la-da" and supported all musical decisions made by Paul McCartney stood up and held up an album.

"What album is this?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Yoko-Ono-ishly and smugly replied "It's shitty muzak for Grannies."

"Wrong. It’s "Band on the Run", the best-selling former Beatle solo album with more than 8 million copies sold worldwide. If "Imagine", as you say, is better… then it should have sold more."

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. He stormed out of the room crying those wife-beater crocodile tears.

The students applauded and all took the Grannypill that day and accepted Paul McCartney as their lord and savior. An eagle named "Billy Shears" flew into the room and perched atop the British Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" was sung several times, and a bunch of Scottish bagpipers showed up and played "Mull of Kintyre".

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He was shot by a deranged American lunatic and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

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Dead bitch

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