I give up on this world

It needs to burn…

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Why is it so low bros?

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i hate normies so much it's unreal

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Normies are so fucking stupid. God forbid a superhero film is made for kids and their families and not retarded reddit manchildren.

the only Spidey movie I never saw was TASM 2
is it really as bad as people say?

it's not that bad
electro's story is identical to joker (2019) so there's that

It's a fucking meme, very enjoyable if you watch it ironically.

Did you mean *isnt* ?

or Am I missing something? What is mature about the Holland films in any way?

Isn't that the question of the day?
yeah it's pretty bad, incredibly messy plotwise and all the villains are awful

Yes, the Holland movies are better, I wish I was joking. Honestly one the most boring, worst movies I’ve ever seen.

It’s quite literally Retardation, user. Nothing we can do about it I guess.

I’d still take Spider-Man 3 over anything made after it.

I remember a time when the Raimi movies were considered only okay at best (even though I loved them). I don't know what changed that now everyone thinks they're masterpieces. I guess my generation took over the discourse.

>when the Raimi movies were considered only okay at best (even though I loved them)

Spiderman 2 was acclaimed at the time

And what do these "people" find not to their liking I wonder

What? These movies were loved and acclaimed from the start minus 3 which was mixed but then soon devolved into hatred.

At the time their was a lot of cynicism regarding comic book movies coming off the back of the 3rd and 4th Batman movies and Xmen. Nolan kind of cracked critical praise and audience acceptance a couple years later and the MCU got its shit together. But the first few years of the 2000's were rough for titles.

>microphone pops in
Dishonest filmmaking.

All audience scores are fucked, even on legacy sites like IMDb. They always skew for the newer movies, because normies (especially young people) don't watch "old" movies at all.

My favourite spiderman movie only a 67 on Rotton Tomatoes!? BURN IT! BURN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Raimi trilogy is actual movie making. Everything else is franchise building (even though I think Garfield would have been the best Spiderman if he had purposeful writing). For example, look at the villains and their relationships with Peter Raimi had and the ones afterward. They're all very intimate (except Venom) whereas Garfield and Holland's foes are just showing off the special effects or utilised to be the least Spiderman-related as possible. Too much executive fingers in the pie. Spider Verse is the only good flick in the last ten years because of that

Not enough jokes, no hamfisted political messaging, takes itself seriously, too many whites

Retarded children

Yes, it’s a symptom of a much larger problem.

Same reason why "people" now like the Star Wars prequels.

Go outside, this is a delusion

show me a scene like this from the new movies
it's even all CG

I agree with OP but this was hilarious

Evil Dead was critically acclaimed at the time it was released. Why do zoomers pretend to be boomers and just make shit up?

No, it’s very true actually, undeniably so in fact, I actually think it’s you who needs to go outside because clearly you’re yet another brainwashed zoomer faggot who watches too much porn.

I hit dislike, they didn’t include a quip

Sandman must have been real pissed losing that OP ability and having to go back to jail

Nobody irl outside of a college campus cares about how many white people are in a movie

Holland Spider-Man
>entire movie is CGI, even non-action scenes
>plot holes galore
>cringey voice
>wearing Iron Man's tech
>at this point he's basically Iron Man not Spider-Man
>almost never actually uses his fists
>his highschool drama is extremely lame

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What? Literally fucking how?

Spider-Man 1 and 2 are literally the best cape movies ever.

zoomers are fucked

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>Raimi movies were considered only okay at best
Gen alpha cunt fuck off, Spiderman 2 was beloved even when it came out

I remember it was the cool thing to hate SM3 because of the goofy goth Peter Parker scene even tho it was kino. People were total NPCs and couldn't form their own opinions like today

but it is also a complete coincidence that these ideas find their way into the universities despite "no one irl" caring about them in the first place right?
that's quite naive

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SM3 sucks though, just because it is slightly less shitty because of how bad modern marvel is doesn't make it good. It's a fucking mess of a movie that is hardly held together by anything, it's a massive step down from the first 2

Damn youre retarded. By this logic your average person also must care about astro phsysics, molecular biology, etc

those are scientific fields and ideas, that is the driving force behind them
so I ask you again what's the driving force behind anti-white narratives if 'no one' irl actually cares about that sort of thing? why are there competing narratives and who benefits?

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Check em

>what's the driving force behind anti-white narratives if 'no one' irl actually cares about that
Loud and obnoxious special interest groups amplified by social media

If you're ready for some real stupidity, Phantom Menace used to be certified fresh before the contrarians at RLM decided to make their youtube hit piece and then everyone bandwagond it as always being "bad" when it was great when it first came out.

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Do you not talk to normal people like at all? Go to a fucking bar, talk to regular people, none of them are concerned about diversity in movies

The world needs to burn because Rotten Tomatoes is a shitty website that only idiots use to judge movies on? Seems kind of harsh. Just stop using Rotten Tomatoes instead.

>Posts a picture of elites
>Thinks these somehow represent your average person
Actual room temp iq

and you think media which is owned by private powers don't pick and choose what they wish to amplify according to their own interests?
all these things are run and regulated by the same people
you honestly think society is a bottom to up power structure and that the wealthy don't have a vested interest in influencing society ideologically? as well as selecting for mutually beneficial relationships in their own ranks?

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>Spiderman 2
>only 82%

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What doe Evil Dead have to do with anything? Obviously by the Raimi movies user was just meaning his three Spider-Man films, not his entire filmography

What the fuck does any of this have to do with the average person? You actually have the reading comprehension of a child

what I'm asking user is if he genuinely believes ideological narratives are organic in a top to bottom power structure of influence
'no one cares' if no one cares why don't they speak out against it then? and why doesn't it go away?

does 'no one irl' somehow exclude everyone who hates whites or don't feel like they deserve to be in their countries, or have a burning hatred to destroy them?

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Plato was such a hack lol. Everything he says is like the biggest no brainer pseud shit. He was the black science man of his time.

'no one irl' is referring to your average normie, which seems obvious. I guarantee if you hang out with a group of normies and start talking about how a movie is bad because theres too many whites, they will be very uncomfortable assuming they dont laugh you out of the room

>the two irish ones are just a random nobody politician who didn't do anything of note and a palestinian jew that immigrated here.
I assume a lot of the rest are also just random jewish people they found on wikipedia instead of actual power.

>nobody irl outside of a college campus

you say that as if white fertility rates are strong or as if ethnic people actually wouldn't approach that question quite differently
if you don't understand that you're naive. only white people would actually find it ridiculous. brown people don't identify with you or your interests and in most cases despise them

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Ironic too because it was meant to be stupid (the dancing) akin to Spider-Man 2 ‘Rain drops keep falling on my head’

People are dumb

>brown people don't identify with you or your interests and in most cases despise them
is that why theyre increasingly voting republican?

Was it rape?

you'd think the uniformity with which they hate whites because we identify as a group while also pursuing positions of power within their countries would be more interesting

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you mean in the country where you've been effectively replaced in both parties now? is that your great comeback?

Ebert gave Spider-Man high praise.
Or was that 2?

The vast majority of republican canidates are still white my man