Bely edition
Bely edition
>*shoves your faggy NuTrek characters into a locker and bullies them*
Huh what now?
tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=
it IS a fire hazard
>Spelling error in the general
You fucked up.
You fucked up.
You fucked up.
I've had it with all the Cardassophobia so ubiqitous on /trek/ these days. The Cardassian Union engaged in a legitimate and necessary special military operation to dismantle the Federation biolabs working on a Cardassian targeting Telurian plague.
From now on, the Cardassian Union will only be accepting payment in leks or gold-pressed latinum for dilithium ore exports, f*deration credits will be refused in all cases.
Wrinklenose? More people than them know the value in killing Cardies on sight.
languages are not fixed in time
it's current Street English for belly
like the famous hihicue in Future English
Was the Orion to our right some kind of legacy hire or was she sleeping with the right people? She was the least attractive and had very little dance experience when compared to the other two.
>when you find out Keiko has been getting satisfied by a Cardassian BVLL while you were busy crawling through the maintenance tubes
You're just jealous. Bajoran women CRAVED Cardassian men. They were so aggressive that Garak had to begin sewing the Cardies' pants shut. It was every Bajoran slut's dream to get knocked up by a Gul to hopefully be set for life. (A lot of the dumb whores got killed.) Don't believe the rape stories, user. Or, do. But it weren't the cardies doin' the raping.
holy based
Why do Orion girls like being slaves?
Cardies don't even have dicks. Why else do you think Cardie women want dick from O'Brien?
>trusting a man who is sure to get epicondylitis
I dare you to find better /trek/ belly
The men are slaves, not the women.
You just don't know how to play it right.
ENT was a mistake.
Then why do they keep calling me master and kissing my feet
I am sure Garak loathed every awkward moment of sewing those tall Cardie bucks' pants shut. What a noble sacrifice he made.
Doesn't that chick have some kind of space AIDs or something?
Massive gay
>tfw no time warp episode of SNW where Archad gets sent to the TOS era
why the FUCK haven’t they done this. I don’t give a SHIT about M’Benga or Harry Mudd. if you wanna do member berries bring in someone we like
Belly posters are worse than cartoon posters.
Side curves chads rise up.
Garak had to fix their pants because they made holes in the pants from masturbating, because no Bajoran women wanted them. It was only after Garak refused to sow them any longer that they started to rape the Bajoran women.
Over gripping the racquet is some noob tier shit
Here you go user
that scene is stupid. vulcans are too strong for a tiny china girl to put up a fight.
vulcan skin isnt stronger than a knife and she does get knocked the fuck out
Not even once.
He is one with the racquet. It is an extension not of just his arm, but of his aura. You only THINK he's over gripping the racquet. Look Miles, I know you're pissed that Bashir always beats you but there's no reason to blame Garak for that.
come to the blue side
Is the Karen seethe from this scene what caused us to be given characters like Tilly and Jurati?
he's right you know
Heh. I actually have that one immortalized. She's one of my favorites. Her and Little Boy Blue Wesley.
She was slowed down by the weight of her fake tits
PIC is the end of their efforts on the original timeline.
all they care about now is Kelvin/STD timeline.
just let it go. we have several hundred hours of proper star trek to enjoy.
they dont understand what a timeline is, they just parrot the word canon
jen is a cute
Why are they in slutty crop tops?
imperial decree, i dont know where the silly lingerie comes in though
Even Jurati got her tits half out last episode.
>ruins your show
Ahahaha, love it.
What makes someone post in /trek/ every day for four years?
- lack of real life friends
- echo chamber of peer complaining people
- addiction to (you)
- chaos bearing
- geezer seething appreciation
- trannism
honestly i didn't care enough to watch current season and learn who the fuck that was. theres like zero height to fall from.
they had their budget cut in half for season 4 and they stopped creating new sets and costumes.
its sort of sad because you can tell they were struggling.
theres a scene where lady captain tells tucker to get a new uni with the columbia patch and then a sode or 2 later his columbia enviro suit has the enterprise emblem on it
It’s about family.
this is my first day back after like 18 months. i feel like shit
standards and practices
theyre allowed to use lingerie to imply sexy but its not allowed to actually be sexy without risking TVMA
Long story short, the showrunner decided to hook the main character up with a background pony that had 10 seconds of screen time prior to the “hooking up”. Yea Forums went into full meltdown mode and they refuse to talk about the show now.
Glad I could help!
Next time, take a shorter break. Lack of /trek/ can be harmful, especially if it's your only outlet.
Oh please, Yea Forums will come crawling back for season 3.
done and done
>10 seconds of screen time prior to the “hooking up”
there is how hooking up works, you cuck
it is easier to fuck asap than pandering for weeks
but you are an incel and believe in love or courtship
They got banned from Yea Forums last year because they kept talking show long after S1 ended. Now they straight up refuse to talk about it.
Shoo shoo, Judith.
I’ve been here so long I outlasted the guy who kept calling me “7 years” when I would defend VOY
TOS geezers are the most cancerous fanbase ever. I used to think DS9 fags are the worst, but after coming here I've realized how fucking pathetic TOS fags truly are. Your shitty cheesy Twilight Zone with awful 60's acting and dumb Rodenberry ideas is just as NL as all the other shows, don't even delude yourself.
This sounds retarded but par for the course for Pickle Trek so I don’t care
Are you the same person who said that you never had a friend? God, I pity you.
This is actually a stationfag who wants to express his true feelings about TOS but realizes he has to hide it by slamming DS9 too
I fucked more bitches than you
i guess you dont watch the show. the problem is they played it as if they had been in romantic conflict for months but they didnt show any of the conflict, just rammed everything into one action scene and 30 second exposition.
its doubly bad because its a silly cheap cartoon that could run forever if they dont fuck it up with relationships.
I remember that conflict.
you are the moron cant read the show
the were in professional conflict just because both are bitches, since the barrier is down they can fuck with no love but attraction only
like normal people that are not incel faggots like you
Stationchads and TOSbros are tight. Sisko and Kirk meeting is the only time that two different Trek shows crossing over worked.
He has online companionship through/trek/.
Proof or kys
yeah yeah, gonna make them all call you
I like his interactions with the crew, but I think the way that he got to TNG time was really dumb.
uh huh
kys larper
DSNinnies hate TOS for its heteronormativity
eat feces