Are neo nazis common in usa?

are neo nazis common in usa?

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The republican party is big and has a lot of supporters

>The republican party is big and has a lot of supporters

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No. And those that do exist, most are really FBI agents.

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Yes goy, they are the number one terror threat and weeks from overthrowing the government.

Republicans are Democrats from 5 years ago. You're not fooling anyone with your two-party propaganda, chud.

It's ironic because a lot of the white power and neo Nazi groups in America are huge criminals who deal in drug trafficking and basically behave like the niggers they claim to be superior to.

Only in prisons where they clique up to survive since they're the minorities. They come in as normal peckerwoods.

You mean Democrats?

this, and if they are real, they're just brainwashed by the jews. the white american man never did anything wrong

They used to be. They've been replaced with actual National Socialists.

they're more into the pedophile business, user
remember: it's always projection.

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>no immigrants
>mandatory gun training in schools
>infinite cunny
21st century GOP is on a roll.


Nah they're all posers. I used to hang out with some skin heads who did it because they liked the fashion or some gay shit. It would be cool if there were any skin head groups left actually beating up black people who jump old ladies

They have to hide in society for their views, so who knows.

Go to therightstuff dot biz and listen to two free shows per week of the daily shoah (commentary on current events, usually comedic) and one fash the nation (news and analysis). Also look up national justice party.

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Its a real small number and the don't do shit. They're a boogeyman to the left

60 million people voted for Drumpf. Let that sink in.

this has already been debunked a dozen times, meanwhile democrats still think it's okay to pump little Billy up with estrogen

This would make such an amazing movie if done right.

>groomers need to lie about what the bill actually states yet again
Imagine my surprise you don't like that bill neither because that's not what it says but you know this already because you're a pedophile

Democrats run pedowood....

Literally just happened with the Michigan kidnapping plot. Whites are too smart for ZOG tricks.


meanwhile, Tucker Carlson is the most popular talking head in the country
>inb4 he's not a neo nazi
didn't say he was. In fact, I can fairly concretely say he isn't. He does however frequently repeat their talking points and rhetoric as a way to court that audience, and as mentioned he has the largest audience of any news entertainment host in the country.

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Yea Forums is a popular website in America

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Whenever i do a political party test come election year in my country, I end up with 50% ultra socialist party and 50% the hard right party.

Guess that makes me some kinda *smacks lips* national socialist

In a peculiar paradox, yes. Despite being inbred mutts, they are weirdly obsessed with pretending to be white.

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>How do you do, fellow neo nazis?

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If you ask Europeans they would say yes, if you asked an American they would laugh at you for even asking

So you're against the exploitation of minors now?
Good to know you support the "don't say gay bill"

Mph, i posted the wrong image. Here's one from the US but it does show Yea Forums is a worldwide threat

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>now, back to my 13th cunny thread of the day! A proud conservative Yea Forums tradition!

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Mostly socialists in the world and in history have an issue with jews user
Try reading a book

>Babylon Bee
>h-ha ha l-look you guys, we're like The O-onion, conservatives can be f-funny too you know!

As a burgerstani, I've never met one.

yeah but I wanna marry the kids I diddle, dems wanna sterilize them

do americans really?


>fuming over a skit
Sorry fed, but you guys are the real joke.

They are funny though, just like the onion
Only a faggot comes to Yea Forums and doesn't understand satire

So what you're trying to say is he is just like you?

>meanwhile, Tucker Carlson is the most popular talking head in the country
that's nothing compared to how most major news channels are liberal, the talking heads from the left outweigh Tucker even if he as one individual is more popular than any of them
Your argument holds no weight

go cut a 5 year olds cock off you fucking freak. trannies are so desperate they have to scrape and claw at a single news story that's already old news

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user... it's not about the Jews here, it's about the parallel he's drawing
>the ADL says Israel has a right to defend its ethnic majority by excluding non-jews
>so why is it racist for Americans to want to exclude non-whites to preserve our ethnic majority?
this works on two levels
1. it's a good dogwhistle for any anti-semites who may be watching, while providing plausible deniability in that Tucker isn't saying outright that what Israel is doing is either good or bad
2. it makes a reasonable-sounding argument for why a racial purity-based immigration policy should be allowed.

The somewhat obvious problem with this is that Israel is heavily criticized from all sides for that policy and is labeled an Apartheid state by many. So if America were to do the same...

>mostly socialists
can't say mostly. Many to be sure, including Marx and many of the leaders of the movement. However, idk if you're much of a history buff, but fascism has a bit of a bumpy track record when it comes to Jewish people, too.

>muh honorable Nazi saviors!
I grew up around multiple skinheads in my town. They were all trailer trash junkies who sold meth and beat their fat girlfriends. They were just as niggery as niggers. Cope loser.

>frequently repeat their talking points and rhetoric

user, you accidentally posted a picture of Tucker quoting jews. Unless you're saying that jews are the real neo nazis.

>pointing out that Republicans as an institution support child marriage (and therefore grooming and rape) can be excused because it's old news
over and over is also old news, by that logic what's your point here?
Just stop raping kids. Stop electing people who want to make child marriage legal. This should be a no-brainer we can all agree on.

Imperium is a similar "FBI infiltrates neo-nazi militia" movie starring harry potter, which is hilarious for unintentional reasons. It starts out with the FBI grooming a retarded muslim man into bombing a government building and the movie plays it off as a good thing.

Not at all

Hitler would kill himself again if he saw the people who support his policies nowadays

republicans do rape kids, because they're jews. all jews are pedos and troons are a creation of the jews as well, kikes love molesting children. all of the american government is run by kikes and kikes rape kids
is this the answer you wanted?

see Jews are not the real Nazis, but Israel is and has been for quite awhile now controlled by right-wingers interested in legalizing racial purity laws.
If you're drawing favorable parallels between those policies and policies you want to see implemented in your country... you may not be a neo-Nazi, but you're espousing ideas that most neo-Nazis would applaud and tune in for.

The bill is not allowing child marriages what are you talking about? You're making shit up. Trannies still want to rape and mutilate children, so no it is not old news.

>be f-funny too

It's funny because it's true. Remember the Govenor Whitmer "kidnapping" case? The number of FBI agents in the "militia" outnumber all the defendants.

Stalin would start another famine and then kill himself after he sees current day "communists"

nobody here i think loves or shills for republicans, we just vote for them because they keep leftists for gaining more a foothold in our culture and society, simple as, we think they are corrupt faggots as well, but at least they are not extremely progressive anti white corrupt faggots

Only in Ukraine.

>everything's jooz
that is the answer I was expecting, certainly.
Problem being, a lot of them aren't Jewish, don't support Jewish issues, and are privately rather hateful of Jewish people. Or increasingly even publicly. See Rep. Taylor Greene's Jewish space laser comments.

but don't let that get in the way of a good narrative, you ride that one into the ground, king

Of course he would. Especially if he saw american "communists". And honestly, who could blame the guy?

>Israel is and has been for quite awhile now controlled by right-wingers

'Neo Nazi Israel.' What the fuck are you smoking? user, it sounds like you think basic nationalism is "neo nazi". Is that what your problem is?

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There are Neo Nazis in most countries, including Russia, which makes Putin's "special operation" even more absurd and his people even more dumb.

Imagine if Stalin saw current day russia, looking back russia really got cucked here. No longer communist and is struggling to take over a satellite country.

Stalin would be called an alt right chudcel.

Its like the 400th most popular

>Stalin would be called an alt right chudcel
He isn't alt right and isn't a stud chad, try again!

In 2022, just knowing what a woman is makes you a "neo nazi". Welcome to Clown World.

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>all right-wingers are neo-nazis
what the fuck are YOU on?
Not all right-wingers are neo-nazis, though all neo-nazis are right-wingers. Not all right-wing policies are neo-nazi policies, but neo-nazis do love certain right-wing policies in particular, and that includes racial purity based immigration policy, which both Israel has/is pushing for more of and Tucker wants here in America. That doesn't mean Tucker of Israel are neo-Nazi, but the policy is pretty undeniably racially supremacist.

Do you deny that Benjamin Netanyahu and Naftali Bennet self-identify as right-wing?

You can say the same for black nationalist. Is it a crime to look at different sides now?

>muh Greene
>muh reddit formatting
time to go back, tranny. Republicans are cringe christcucks, Democrats support giving estrogen to toddlers. it's okay to hate both of these things but I can tell you which one I'd rather have on my side

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cope kike

The average right wing person in the states hates Nazi symbolism because it has thoroughly been associated with tyranny and the central enemy in a war they take pride in, but your average conservative at this moment would shrug at a right wing dictator, calling progressives the real fascists all the while.

flying a kekistan flag in public is downright embarrassing

The average right wing person in the states hates Nazi symbolism because jews run the banks and media and control the public opinion*

I've looked long and hard from backwoods punk redneck shows to biker bars where they are snorting some meth mix shit off the bar. I've only found 2, they were assholes and they were Hispanic at a punk show once by the port. The search continues.

Also I hate niggers and want them all sent back to Africa.
Thanks for reading my blog.