Be the most expensive show ever produced, 400+ Million dollars

>Be the most expensive show ever produced, 400+ Million dollars.
>DON'T hire the best, most experience writers in the business
>DON'T put together a council of the greatest Tolkien experts to oversee the project
What are they spending all that money on if they are not hiring the best people? Just CGI?

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The Nigs of Power

Gibme son of Purloin

There's no reason to believe it'll be any better than WoT. They also fucked up hiring amateur showrunners on that.

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They are doing it simply to ruin it.

You know they were thinking shill. Destroying everything.

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250 of that 400 is for rights, so stop being disingenuous
That in mind it is still twice as expensive as GoT. Either way it's just buying IP to hang some YA fanfic on for the ladies and can be comfortably ignored

What were they thinking? Best case scenario they get Witcher s1 numbers which wasn’t particularly impressive, and seems unlikely with how much they’ve pissed off the fan base.
This seems the most likely. I can get why the millennial feminists within the Amazon corporate structure would want to destroy le ebil cis heteronormative white religious Tolkien fantasy universe, but what’s in it for Bezos? He’s seemed to have direct involvement in the project and doesn’t seem particularly ideological. All he had to do was have an all white cast that was faithful to Tolkien and he’d have guaranteed success.

The flop will be attributed to white people and that no one cares about tolkeins work any more. Then that'll be that forever.

To avoid paying taxes.
Start production in a country where you get a tax exemption. Start a company that sells, for instance, wigs and overcharge the movie company. Then send the money to whichever tax haven you’re using.

Isn't most movie and tv spending just a big money laundering scheme that means you want to spend huge amounts on the lowest most disgusting people in the industry?

Ah, but you think they want to make a work of quality that will stand the test of time, and not just milk the easiest cash cow ever by appealing to the lowest dregs of human society, tasteless plebeians who will happily live off a steady diet of capeshit and reality TV, the types of "people" who unironically, wholeheartedly pay netflix and are rewarded with utter trash in return.
This is probably the main argument against democracy, why should some retard who is perfectly content with living in a gutter and eating dogshit every day of his life have the same vote as a patrician, six foot two and a certified IQ of 180?

What we should be doing, is culling the population of retards so that we will, one day, have kino again. Instead we are slowly going to drown in watered down garbage, designed solely to accumulate as much wealth for the few who are currently on top as possible.


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its about controlling the narrative and correcting past works
>To avoid paying taxes
also this, store makes a ton of money, the whole streaming side only exists to push psy-ops and dump profits

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Its almost as if a trillion dollar company doesnt need to hire the most "qualified" tolkien experts to write a script full of political subtext.

Seems like a trainwreck to me. I'm not naive enough to think it'll flop though.

How can it possibly flop. You need to have amazon prime to watch it. Every single consooomer in the Western world has a prime account. Even if it did "flop", they would never release those numbers.

look dumbass, there are ratios enforced by production companies that provide things like lights and catering. it's not even up to amazon at this point if they want just white people

Didn't they begin with a bunch of Tolkien experts on staff? Then they all quietly exited for 'reasons'.

>put together a council of the greatest Tolkien experts to oversee the project

lol it's a tv show not an archaeological dig

One guy. And they fired him because of an unauthorized interview.

Reminder that tolkien hated globalism

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I think they are very shortsighted. Instead of creating something that will be loved by generations like Peter Jackson they try to reach as wide of an audience as possible just to have the show forgotten in no time like GoT. Or maybe /pol/ is right about jews and Bezos

That doesn't mean I'm going to just accept the shit they're trying to shove out. Just because their bosses tell them to make garbage doesn't mean anyone has to watch it. Fuck them, they should work on something better if they want their work to be appreciated.

ok sailor good luck with all that... no new media at all


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It's working out pretty well so far. There's tons of old media available. TONS. I could not watch it all if I wanted to. Eventually someone will start making good shit again, but this isn't it.

>Reminder that tolkien hated globalism

>posts a quote about how human myths are, in his mind, a way to connect to something greater
>nothing about globalism

okay friend

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Not him but sane people with souls would rather watch grass grow then jewish globalism shoved down their throats

I posted the wrong one, somebody post the other one where he talks about languages and babel

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>willingly watching shit to own the righties
i'll stick to anime thanks, there aren't enough kikes in nipland to subvert the whole industry

It's money laundering you retards.

>a way to connect to something greater
yeah God

If you think its about money. you're retarded. They systemically push antiwhite, race mxing, race washing shit in EVERY tv show now

The writers and producers are not interested in telling the stories and events that Tolkien wrote. The vanity fair interview pretty clearly stated they wanted the story they're telling to reflect what our modern culture is today, so that's what's going to be pushed. They're using the medium to preach their cultural and political messages. So you're going to get diversity, modern politics, rewriting characters like Galadriel to appeal to modern tropes. It's trying to make a timeless story dated.

The LotR movies didn't reflect modern society when they came out, they just adapted a three book story into movies, with a bit of creative leeway, but either due to narcissism or destroying the past, Amazon studios is not interested in the actual source material.

I don’t think this show is going to do particularly well. The more extreme the fandom, the more dedicated they are to interpretations being strict. Star Wars was basically destroyed because they prioritized aesthetics in the sequel trilogy, not story. And certainly not compelling characters.

Star Wars fans are to Tolkien fans as making out is to triple penetration. Motherfuckers are seriously hardcore. You aren’t going to have much involvement from them. That leaves casual fans. But the few images that we’ve seen show that they are more focused on diversity hiring and political messaging than story and, again, characters.

I honestly hope I am 100% wrong. I hope there are amazing riveting stories. Unfortunately, there is zero evidence of that so far.

Yeah it's pretty blatant now. Watching Upload right now and they went out of their way to make the pretty white girl they introduce in S2 into a bumbling dumpy retard who gets bullied by the black chick who they're trying to push off as the hot chick. It's retarded.

Stop watching. There is no way it’s getting renewed. It is really bad.

Russian gangsters need their money laundered FAST nowadays.

The concept was interesting. I'd been playing around with a similar idea a bit ago and decided to watch it to see their approach to it. Its retarded. They're glossing over all sorts of interesting implications that could be touched on, different applications for the technology that could shape the greater world around the characters, and its just so disappointing to see what they were able to squirt out.

Money men want an established 'brand' to guarantee a safe return on their investment, while the creative people want to do their own thing. In the end the creative people do their own thing but dress it in the skin suit of an established property, assuming, quite rightly, that the money men won't know the difference. If the creatives were committed to the brand, or the money men were willing to take a risk we might just get kino, but as things are going at the moment, we just get messes, time and again.

Globalism is technics, progress for the sake of progress


Even ab broken clock is right twice a day

Gold chiggen ain't cheap nigga

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It's not about money or good writing. It's about sending a message.

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99% of everything made in the West for 15 years has been unwatchable. It was always propaganda anyway but it is just so boring nowadays with the woke shit repeating the same predictable injections of poz

>Law'dem Rangz: Da Rangz o Powuh an shiet

lmao no way

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It was never about making a good product.

Germans BTFO

>What are they spending all that money on

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theres so much old shows and movies to watch, its literally not necessary to watch anything new

Was Tolkien a brainlet who did not know what IndoEuropean is or was he joking

Do you have any idea how expensive filming in NZ is (during a pandemic) + signing up Weta workshop, Weta digital and Howard Shore?

What is the jacket with orc ears about. Muh racism

Wig fixes and catering

Seriously easier than you think.

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inclusivity good i think.
some twitterfag ''artist'' designed the hoodie and the 13 year old actor who is playing some unknown role post herself wearing it on her insta or whatever

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That's Kween Dwarf to you cracka!

It used to be that writers could dress up their propaganda in an interesting way that could prompt the viewer to consider viewpoints not their own. Now we're just a couple of steps away from the actor turning to the camera to monologue why 'current year issue' is good or bad.

You don't understand, Yea Forums dweebs just want to consume all this shitty media while feeling superior to it.