For me? It's Tasting History with Max Miller

For me? It's Tasting History with Max Miller.

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Tiger Nut bros get in here

Should be called Tasting Penis with Max Fruito, right?

I legit sort of questioned if maybe I was a little gay when I found this dude's channel. Globohomo is getting good, I actually like this fag.

I've only seen a handful of his videos. I'll let the gay thing slide at long as he doesn't bring it up.

christ he's been tasting a lot recently

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He has a wife. I'm pretty sure the only gay echef is Joshua weissman

He claims he's married to a women. ....right.

>Immaculately groomed man who not only owns a cooking apron and a whole kitchen full of cookingware, but makes youtube vids about cooking.
>LOVES disney shows, and even worked for disney as an actual fucking career.
>Makes constant refrences to show tunes.


He worked at Disney? Lucky fucker....

Had the same vibe, dude emits gay

I hope it's true because I like my history and food content without GRIDS

I'm pretty sure he's married or engaged to a latino man named Jose... he mentioned it in a few episodes. Maybe he was closeted in earlier eps?
Anyway, he's really comfy and nice to watch when you're depressed.

He played Prince Charming on some disney carnival cruise.

He says he has a boyfriend in his older videos. No way is he married to a women.

His lovely wife José

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No, he’s married to a dude. He’s very gay
He’s a likable guy who produces interesting content, who gives a shit if he’s gay? You can oppose globohomo shit on a societal level without hating every individual gay person you encounter without cause.

In wome?

>No, he’s married to a dude. He’s very gay
Lately he's been referring to his spouse as being a female. No idea why he's doing that, he just is. Take it up with him.

My bad. Is Weissman gay?

gay men call each other with female pronouns all the time

t. gayfag

idc if hes gay. max miller is alright in my book.

me too. Lov' em
simple as

Obviously Jose transitioned.

maybe he prefers it spicy in bed?

I like him despite his love of hairy man assholes, it doesn't interfere with the subject matter and keeps current day political stuff absent or neutral. He learned from the orange fool incident, though leftypol sure didn't but thats to be expected.

If I had to bet I'd side on gay, but he doesn't give off any real vibes.

Adam Ragusea is a flaming faggot though, and he is legally married to a biological woman.

Which ep is that?

he's overrating James Townsend's Orange Fool video. Gay man never made a video.

Is he really? Haven’t watched his more recent videos. That’s kind of odd

take the Ethan pill

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I found his channel early when he had like 30k subs. It’s nice to see a guy who makes quality content become so successful so quickly

Despite his raging faggotry, he's pretty kino. His pizza video is great.

I'd have no issues with the fags if every fag was like him.

No he hasn't

for me, it's the babylonian dishes

id eat the shit out of the Parthian chicken desu

What? why?

gay guys calling each other with "she" is the same as straight guys calling each other bro

it's a term of kinship

>guy makes kino videos for once
>Lole gay

I prefer townsend, but this guy is alright sometimes

They did the same with BBQ pit boys and Townsends.

How do you not see yourselves as jokes though? My first thought when reading that is "that's gay as fuck."

You don't have to like your stereotype, but you don't have to strap a dildo to your forehead and march down main street to protest it either.

polcels/sjws are enterally obsessed with identity politics, the content and character attributes always take the back seat if they can instead focus on face/gender/sexual orientation

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what the fuck does protest have anything to do with calling each other she

Search your heart little gay boy and think about why you call another man "she"

because it's cute and sassy

He's like a gay PBS writer who quit his day job. I approve.

That's a pretty good analogy. Like my cooking waifu Bridget Lancaster if she had an actual interesting hobby.

Tranette no passto

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It really does feel like two sides of the same retarded coin.

groomer spotted.


I’ve never been a Disney fan but it would be kind of fun to work at Disneyworld. It’s kind of like working at an ice cream shop or something, you get to bring happiness to people in a very simple and innocent way

I watched a couple of this guy's videos and he substituted a ton of ingredients he could have gotten if he put any effort in, dunno what the point of making a video like that is if you don't want to try.

I dont like how unorganized the topics of his videos are.


he looks like he abuses eye drops


More like tasting cock

>he hasn't seen the Tiger Nut Cake episode

For me, it's my friendship with Glen.

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This video was sponsored by Squarespace

Hello, my name is Adam Ragusea and this is the tenth iteration of my QnA series "Ask Adam". Today I'll be tackling some of the more common questions that I get on my videos, some of these I see asked every day, but don't warrant a full length video, so I'll be combining all of them into this video.

One of the questions I get repeatedly is "How does water boil?".Well, while on the surface this looks like a very simple question, but dont be fooled! It can be rather complicated. To help show you what I mean, I'll be utilising this pot of water and my stovetop. Okay so i turn on my stove top on high, make sure it's on the right burner, these things get really HOT really quickly and you don't want to burn yourself by accidentally turning on the wrong one and then touching it. After a few minutes you can see that tiny air bubbles start appearing and floating to the top. That is the warm water moving to the top. Now, you may find yourself asking "Adam, how does the entire pot of water heat up when the burner is only touching the bottom?". Well, when the water on the bottom of the pot starts heating up, the water molecules start to move around more, thereby explanding the volume of the hotter water and since there are less molecules in one place, the water on the bottom becomes less dense.So this means the colder, denser water starts sinking down to the bottom, in turn heating itself as well. This cycle continues forever, the water getting hotter and hotter overtime, eventually coming to a boil.

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Next question: What is it like being in an open relationship? Contrary to popular belief, it is very fulfilling. After years of marriage with my wife, things tend to get a little stale. This is fairly logical, considering for example that if you were to eat your favourite food every day, it would get boring. This is why we brought a third member into our relationship, "Jamal". My wife and I both agree that things have never been better in our relationship and it truly has revitalised our sex lives, both of us feeling pleasure like never before. I personally prefer to stand back and watch. It has also brought a new element when I give oral sex to her. If this isn't your first video of mine, in which case welcome to the channel, you will know that I don't like it when every bite is the same. I'm a big advocate for heterogeneity in food, so you aren't eating the exact same thing in every bite. Tasting combinations of my old semen and fresh black person semen gives oral sex a whole new dimension, that I otherwise would never experience. Apart from that, we get to experience more heterogeneity in our family. We are proud to announce that Lauren is pregnant again, as of 2 months ago.

The 3rd and final question is "Adam, do you prep your wife or your bull?"

I would like to start off by saying that Jamal is not a "bull", he is the 3rd member of Lauren and I's relationship. To answer the question, I only prep Jamal now, When we only just met Jamal, I had the task to prep both of them before coitus. However, I noticed that by the time I finished prepping Lauren, Jamal would need to be prepped again and so I would have to prep him twice, typically via a combination of a handjob and fellatio. After thinking about this long and hard, no pun intended, I put forward my request to only prep Jamal and Lauren immediately agreed. Either way, Lauren doesn't even need to be prepped that much anymore, after spending so much time with Jamal.

By using the code "Ragusea" you can get a free 3 month trial on and create your own website in mere minutes. In fact , I created a website to find the 3rd member of our relationship, using just whatever I learned from the provided tutorial. Sadly it was not needed as Lauren already had someone in mind.

Thank you to Squarespace and hey, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed the video or found it helpful, please leave a like and subscribe for more content like this.

YouTube has a pretty advanced algorithm. Maybe if you keep getting suggested all these gay guys...

Just think about it.

In this weeks episode, we are recreating the Ancient Greek recipe of a dish they called the “drumpf”. The drumpf is a lumpy orange dish that was described by Herodotus as quote “foul to the senses. Of a relatively deplorable nature. Should only be reserved for the lowest of peasants.” End quote.

I have a parasocial relationship with the Wolfe Pit.

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For me it's Chef John from fOOOOOOOd Wishes DOT com


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