Based Johnny taking on Disney

This show does look like shit desu. None of the actors look right and it all has a militant edge that is fabricated. The original punks were just working class and art school kids taking the piss to annoy the old folks

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Wasn't Sex Pistols a record label manufactured group made of middle class nerds and preyed on the commercialisation of the real punk movement?

yes they were a boy band Sid Vicious didn't even know how to play the bass

he talked shit about the allman bros when he was on conan you can't trust him

Attached: Johnny at airport.jpg (960x957, 154.87K)

is he still fat?

>he talked shit about the allman bros when he was on conan

Ramones biopic when

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Johnny Rotten is an absolute embarrassment to punk music. He hasn't been relevant since the 70's, and I thought selling out and doing butter commercials was the lowest he could go, but supporting Trump just took the cake. Fuck this guy and fuck the Pistols. Dead Kennedys all the way.

they were supposed to make one years ago with Howard Stern playing Joey but it fell through

Malcolm McLaren was a nonce, lest we forget.

Is this the show where the globlin girl from GoT has prosthetic tits

What a bunch of edgelords

>whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dead kennedys!!!!
fuck the dead kennedys, jello biafra the faggot commie whjen it suits him jew, their spoiled rich faggot fanbase and fuck you.

Johnny was based and redpilled

>Sid Vicious didn't even know how to play the bass

If anything that supports his punk

I mean the commie endorsment

Touch grass homie

thumbs down generally means disapproval
Johnny loved Reagan

stop touching your dick and children.

He didn’t take the bass and turn it into his own thing, he just held it like a prop and pretended to play, like he was told to.

What do sex and children have in common?

you’ll never have them


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Shit now I see.
Then I guess they are based

his Hall of Fame induction speech was god bless president Bush and god bless America

The cry of the soft cunt

Great selfie.

supporting Bush at the time was based, now it's cringe



John Lydon has been financially ruined by legal fight with former bandmates over Sex Pistols hits being used in TV drama Pistol

>be me
>see flyer for what looks like a punk show
>mask/proof of vacc required at door
I doubt they'd see the irony, and if they do they'll employ pilpul or diversion to avoid badthink

Johnny was a fucking idiot by all accounts. Great playing endurance, but that’s about it


I never cared about Sex Pistols, but Public Image Limited is amazing.

Punk with ska/reggae roots = genuine. Punk with pop roots = posers.

Basically any punk band that came after the 70s is pop punk and sex pistols were riding that wave.

>got cancelled for calling out Savile

He's a hero

>but supporting Trump just took the cake.
Supporting the guy who disrupted the political status quo?

Yeh, i think thats actually based you commie FAGGOT

We know you're a Redditor, but you don't have to amp up those attributes and pretend you don't know what a Wojak is!

thank God, unfortunately you will never be a man

Posting his superiour band.

the absolute state of Yea Forums

Yea he disrupted it but not in a ron paul way it's more like he farted during sessions of congress

i heckin love the dead kennedys, the republican party and the CIA!!

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You’re mad he became Norf FC IRL

No.. They were pushed together by Malcom mclaren to sell pants and bust into the music industry. The music industry couldn't really deal with them and paid them to switch labels a few times.

The Ramones were technically first but it wasn't popular anywhere until the pistols made it popular so this is completely inaccurate.

>hasn't been relevant since the 70s.
>never heard PIL

PIL was fantastic into the 80s and 90s and had a wider reach than the pistols.



This photo is the single most punk thing to have happened since the fall of the berlin wall.

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Sounds based to me.

Punk is fucking shit, what a terrible "music", almost as bad as Jazz

Wow influential people in industry entertainment and politics are nonces in Britain. No shit Sherlock. John Lennon used to make fun of the Beatleas manager to his face all the time for being a nonce.

Based PIL bros

The punk scene is long dead. It would never been born or thrived in this climate. Bands have to kick out band members for wrongthink and fucking underage women or else your band will be banned from venues. How the fuck is any sjw shit punk.

>Basically any punk band that came after the 70s is pop punk and sex pistols were riding that wave.
Sex Pistols were a 70s band, so your argument here is retarded.

Punk with garage rock or rock n roll roots is good. Punk with bubble gum pop roots is good if it's done ironically

>Punk with bubble gum pop roots is good if it's done ironically
I'd say "sincerely" instead of "ironically." But either explains why The Ramones were so great in the beginning but turned into "let's milk it for the cash" after their third or fourth album.

Sure the Ramones did sincere punk takes on mowtown pop and was good but I'm thinking more like making bubblegum pop but fucked up more like now I wanna sniff some glue

if they dont get ron wasleys dad to play him then disney can go fuck itself

user do you smell toast?

its sad that zoomers dont know history

It has topless Masie so idgaf what this boomer says.

Yes. They are frauds. Only The Clash were legit

That's the face of a man who has seen Maisie Williams nude

>Only The Clash were legit
>Joe Strummer wrote a song about moses
nice try

Tell me you don't know shit about the Ramones

>leftypol and redd-it think they own the place
Yea Forumsbros, what went so wrong?

fucking poor me, I dont know about a band who thought their fans were retards and wrote every song in the same key. Why don't you take your fagged out performance art frou frou fagnasty theater crap with you and leave everyone else to post about "real music". The ramones fucking lmao

>now I wanna sniff some glue
Not bubblegum. Bubblegum for The Ramones was stuff like "Rock and Roll Highschool," which came much later in their career.
>The Clash
First two albums, yes. After that they took themselves waaaay too seriously and their music suffered for it.

t. pleb

get down moses
this poster is a fag
sitting all alone in his glitter and his drag

user, you're defending a band whose entire appeal was treating pop music like "performance art" while they were dressed in gay biker camp. Tell me that you take it up the ass and slam amyl nitrates all night long without actually telling me, user.

Un-ironically touching grass and living in the real world makes people more right wing. I’ll keep touching grass.

the ramones suck worse than the beatles, and thats saying something