Has he replaced gosling as /ourguy/ yet?

has he replaced gosling as /ourguy/ yet?
>kino arthouse films (Good Time, Cosmopolis, Maps to the Stars. The Lighthouse, Rover)
>kino blockbuster films (Batman, Tenet)
>kino taste in women
>kino taste in fetishes
>wrote a death grips song
i mean gosling only had Drive and BR2049 and autism going for him

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i lick my gfs pits and feet whenever we fuck, i love it, based pat

People should keep that shit to themselves.


a true patrician

I thought their relationship was just Twilight PR bullshit

Extremely based.

hi rob, i liked tenet

I do that too I love the smell of my girls armpits and sweat makes me hard as a rock

why bro it's nasty. how is it different from your own sweat or some pajeet

I hereby take a humongous elephantine slimy turd on this zoomer thread. Literally only famous because he was born at the right time and sort of looks the part.

women's body odour is pleasant

>>wrote a death grips song

he wrote the guitar riff to birds

holy based

It was

why not just drink small doses of perfume then?

>>kino taste in fetishes
foot > armpit don't @ me

licking armpits > licking feet
feet in general > ampits

Based Bob

Attached: UnderwaterArmpit.webm (1414x800, 1.78M)

well tenet was shit but at least he was good in it

Too conventionally good-looking to be /ourguy/. Now HERE'S our guy.

Attached: Walton_Goggins_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1944x2736, 2.01M)

ryan is still first

Attached: b4e8498a549a994822e60758595e44ec8aeac24b0df33856127526be84d04554_1.jpg (500x666, 50.82K)

Funny how I get banned for posting an indian joke for """"racism"""" outside of Yea Forums yet 90% of this board is shit like this.

why not just kys you spastic faggot cunt?

My gay friend thinks the Pat isn't good looking
I politely informed him he was wrong

kys, trans grips fan. ywnbaw.

Whats his catchphrase?

so what is Kstew's problem? why did she cheat on him?

It is the undeniable truth

>i mean gosling only had Drive and BR2049 and autism going for him
Bro, our Blade Runner GF?

Attached: 0909.jpg (1068x1094, 129.27K)

>also btfo'd skete d*vidson

its ontopic though

Definitely was, KStew was a working girl then and probably is now

I love doing that and my wife loves it too
its lovemaking kino

no I didn't

Lars and the real girl is more kino than pattinson's whole filmography

I got that reference.

>trump approved

Attached: trump tweets pattinson.jpg (2114x1194, 591.74K)

Fuck him

Attached: 1592498018891.png (970x545, 537.13K)

whats the reference

It was, but they still fucked

Checked and based

Checked and based

Because she is a lying whore? Also might be the first straight person with a gay beard.

PR wasn't as jewy back then as it is now

>he never watched Lars and the Real Girl
But yeah, I’ve liked Pattinson’s roles. His heartthrob role in Twilight is somewhat parallel to Gosling’s Notebook.

This but I rub my face on my gf’s feet and give them kisses and we’re waiting for marriage

Pattinson really grew on me. Good for him I guess, hope he stars in more kino

Pattinson didn't get raised by a single mom, so he's even more based on and off-screen.
>That one interview where he nerds out over Final Fantasy and completely ignores Catlady

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furthermore confirms kris10 as /ourgirl/ too

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He should have listened to Trump.

Attached: Pattinson (3).png (600x780, 289.76K)

>he thinks it's the perfume
Should we tell him?


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Threadly reminder that Gosling was NEVER "our guy"

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She's good in Cold Creek Manor.

kill yourself normalfag bragger

literally /ourguy/

he’s right though

this brah

So he's gay, right?
I had this friend who always went on about how much he liked anal sex with girls.
last year he came out as gay

That's unironically how she got roles

Worship, kneel, worship, praise, worship your PR constructed golems.

>Basically calling anons spamming about him niggers
>Not fitting in and being one of us
Were you being sarcastic? I call you all faggots and niggers as much as i can.