What did Rian Johnson mean by this?

What did Rian Johnson mean by this?

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Rian Johnson is Holdo in this instance. He just made shit up as he went along and expected other people to clean up after it because he doesn't know anything about Star Wars.

>Johnson made tlj complete garbage to crash Disney Wars with no survivors
Based if true.

>It is outlawed so apparently people did it in the past already
>Call it "The Holdo maneuver" anyway
Dumb shit

Rian is so based

>Holdo committed war crimes

Ship is called Supremacy
Its destroyer is brave sassy blue haired womxn with maneuver which was non standard and breaks steal ceiling in Star Wars

The Emperor so such a good guy he avoids using illegal tactics because he doesn't want to be a war criminal.

Why even make a Death Star? Make a really large, dense ship and have a Droid run it through the planet's core.

You know this of course, but it's so absurd considering they enslave aliens, murder padawans, glass planets, etc.

they have autopilot, they don't even need to sacrifice a droid

She literally flies through the right wing of the Supremacy

I guess blowing up whole planets isn't a war crime.

He's genuinely too stupid to realize that the exact problem is that she just sat down and could pull this solution out of her ass because apparently lightspeed projectiles are just that easy.

Padawans are just future war criminals and ideological thugs. Nothing wrong with slaughtering them wholesale. It would be like killing little Hitler.

i forgot what this controversy was all about.

....But wasn't the whole Holdo subplot that she actually planned this all out way in advance, and was like a tactical genius, in some weird way, with her suicidal manuver that made no impact at all on the situation...?

Well why even have ships if this is a viable thing? Just strap lightspeed engines to some asteroids. Hell, no need for a death star then even, just fire them at planets.

Allahu Akbar, my fellow rebels.

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What's stopping them from anyone building manless ships that can travel at warp speed to annihilate planets? What was the point of the Death Star if this power existed?

It means Jonson never bothered to ask, since he rightfully treats the story group like the impotent monkeys they are even if his own ideas are flat out retarded, but they later had to come up with any excuse to pretend they were still relevant.

its weird the story group goes out of their way to defend him though even though he just shits on them

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>space samurai
>space kamikaze
Part of his in-joke demolition of the franchise to reshape it into his personal Freudian father figure fuckups

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Rian just kinda forgot

Star wars 8 literally has no plot, every character arc has no climax. I respect the hell out of Rian for tanking starwars on purpose.

In one scene homie is going to kamikaze the giant laser weapon and asian chick comes out of no where and stops him. What's the point of anything? Really makes you think.

The thing that bothered me the most was
>Ship is on the run, imperials hot on their trails
>can drop off the mothership, go to casino planet for some reason
>manage to catch up to mothership even though the imperials can't
What the fuck was the bad guy doing, wasting fuel?

I started to read this bullshit which I knew I would disagree with but after a few sentences I realized I don't give a fuck so i stopped. I suggest you all do the same. Why get worked up over a stupid movie you didn't even like?

I think it was something that Rian (kek) pulled out of his butt in the moment.

The fact these ꜱoy gremlins honestly think that commanding officers never explain their orders is the funniest part of the damage control.
It shows far more about their own standards of hierarchy than I think they wanted to let on

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Well they hyperspace jumped or whatever. Which begs the question of why the imperials don't hyperjump some ships up ahead. But I think the more important issue is that they left and returned completely undetected, which kind of undermines the entire point of the resistance attempting to escape the First Order since even with a single ship they could easily ferry people away to safety.

it makes sense to me that female admiral does not have to explain orders
I bet 100% of female ship commanders would have mutiny in war

I will NEVER watch TLJ.

Literally doing everything different for the sake of doing something different, fuck me dead

TLJ was so bad I didn't even watch the last one. Dropped 25+ years of caring about Star Wars in the hallway outside the theatre.

I don’t think he ever really gave a shit to be honest

In Rogue One, Andor shoots a guy that just gave him intel because he was afraid the guy would snitch. But he wouldn’t fly into the Death Star because ethics.

ironically, the biggest problem is sub-commanders who don't ask questions when they get ambiguous orders. if command knew that their orders were ambiguous or confusing, they'd have issued them differently. so they need to know when that shit isn't. history of war is rife with dumbfuckery done by sum-commanderes who did retarded shit because they misunderstood their commander's orders.
my favourite is probably the british landing in turkey during ww1, where the commander told them to push in hard and fast, but the way he worded it in that typical british understated way (something like "until you meet too stiff resistance" or whatever) was misunderstood by the commanders on the ground, who were giant pussies, as they should stop pushing the second they encountered any resistance at all. so since they got shot shot at as soon as they landed, they just sat there on the beaches there for like three days or something while the turks dug-in, until the commander noticed what the fuck they were doing, but by then it was too late and the whole thing just became yet another trench warfare blender defeating the whole purpose of the operation.

Why didn't they just scatter the ships too? Like everyone just jumps in a different direction then meet back up somewhere?

Trust me, you aren't missing out. TROS is a bad movie. It's not even the kind of bad that you can take any pleasure in. It's just awful.

I just enjoy reading the seething desu

But to answer for myself I guess, it just was a huge letdown. Not because the movie itself was bad, but because it also actively dragged down all the other films in the series at the same time. TLJ was an attack not just on that trilogy, but on all the other Star Wars media before and since. All the story and such will be written into the "lore" of star wars somehow to justify it. But after watching TLJ in theatres I left with a vague sense that something broke in-universe. One line too many was crossed, and the fan reaction is just the mass reaction to the film. For some fans, it didn't matter and was an interesting exploration. For a clear plurality though, it broke the universe of star wars.

because its fucking stupid and no thought was put into it. you don't have to try and think of a reason there isn;t one

also its the kind of situation where people really need to know whats happening in order to keep morale in shape.

The script never saw a single revision for anything more than copy-edits and it shows.
Hell, they probably left the spelling mistakes in and the poor bastards reading it had to just muddle through

The first order should have split their Force. The anlyst nerds must have some clue of how much fuel they have and where they can realistically intercept. Have some of your ships jump ahead to cut them off and others to give chase its simple as that. Nerds have sense of combat or conflict so they always rely on mcguffins and twists.

>What did Rian Johnson mean by this?
it means he thought of the visual first, then wrote it into the film without any further thought. he should have the class to admit he is style over substance but that would require a backbone

>giving Johnson credit for anything
nah, he's just a lazy hack
>“We did all go, ‘How do bombs drop in space?'” Morris told Nerdist. “And we sat there for ages. And then Rian [Johnson] said, ‘They’re Maglev [magnetic] bombs. It’s Star Wars. Let’s not worry. Let’s move on.'”

it's funny that people bitch about this scene in TLJ but no one cares about them going lightspeed within Jedha's atmosphere in Rogue One

According to the NuEU, the trip also took them nearly the span of the galaxy and back.

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>the journalist who should know even less about the setting still corrects his half-assed answer

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What’s supposed to happen if you go light speed inside the atmosphere? Don’t they do it inside of a ship hangar in TFA

Didn't similar thing happen in TCW?

you know, every six months or so since the movie came out, i revisit discussion about it.

to this day, still, i realize shit that makes this movie just fucking mindboggling.

i'm gonna sound like doomcuck by saying this, but kk is the worst thing to have happened to star wars.

Jonson is a goldmine of absolutely retarded quotes.
Take pic related, for example. To my surprise, I found that the headline is actually clickbait, and doesn't mean they didn't bother including it because it's not about Rey.
The real reason in context is actually far worse; they didn't include anything because Jonson was literally unable to come up with a way of expositing it without Snoke telling Rey about it, hence the headline.
The man is such an amazing retard.

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I think it is kind of wild that even one of the most beloved, and valuable franchises in the world is capable of blundering not just this movie, but an entire trilogy so badly.

Even more baffling is that everyone has basically let them get away with it, if anything Star Wars is even more popular now.

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Maybe rian gets that Star Wars is a childrens movie with space wizards and only Yea Forums autists spaz out about the physics and lore of it

People care about old star wars and maybe mandalorian, not this trash. see the new lego game for instance, you think if it was only about the new trilogy people would give a shit about it?

It invalidates what Luke did being tough to pull off. Also invalidates the need for Death Stars and other mass weapons. Just lightspeed ram everything.

Star Wars is back where it was in the late 2000s/early 10s.
There's shit that gets the odd buzz, but mostly it's background noise that some consume by obligation, and nobody really expects anything out of it.

>a liberal arts degree fag tries to act like he knows shit about military leadership

>The man is such an amazing retard.
I never understood why people liked Looper
>what if gangsters had a time machine?
sounds like it came up in a meeting

Suicidal wine aunt couldnt handle that her sisters already had kids in college and she was going to the bar alone that weekend.

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buddy, nobody remembers anything from Rogue One except the Vader scenes.

If you treat children like retards, they will grow up to be retarded adults

>mid rim system
>Luke calls it middle of nowhere