How will they fuck up She-Hulk?

How will they fuck up She-Hulk?

Attached: She-Hulk.webm (1082x576, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no major body transformation
>roastie is just bigger
>no ass
>no tits
>no lips
>no hips

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what the fuck is that

ngl that's kinda hot

What do real muscle girls think when they see this?

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good boy

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I am so sick of capeshit bros

this looks fine

They'll fuck up by making her act like she does in the comics. She'll be just another quipping girl power 4th wall breaking character since they've done that to death now. Her gimmick is cringe now, probably won't even get any good sideboob.

Attached: 1649402088899.webm (640x360, 3M)

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Who is this?

Imagine getting your cock crushed between those pecs...

pozzing and diversity hire supporting cast aside
>she isn't subtle about her ability to break the 4th wall, they either go full deadpool and make her wink at the camera all the time, or completely ignore that ability
>she's just a female hulk and they ignore her lawyering prowess; or they go full woke with it and she is convicting nioh nahtsees, cops, or trump/elon musk parodies every episode

I mean breasts, crushed between her breasts!

Is this the daily muscle girl thread

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Only way She-Hulk works is a Sorkin / Fincher legal drama with no action

Look at the OP retard

>tfw no steroid freaky gf

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gay and roided

My brain auto filters tiktok content

imagine getting raped by a mental varbie lol

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Holy fuck that is disgusting. Ruined herself to larp as a man despite the fact that, untrained, I could tear "her" apart

Gross gross gross, kill with napalm

wow, shock

>Doesn't break the 4th wall
>Doesn't hit on the audience
>Doesn't jump rope in the nude

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How to get a gf like that?

>over developed muscles
sad she was diddled by her uncle as a kid

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go to the gym most girls there are nympho

Before you closet faggots get up in arms about she-hulk not being played by an actress with a body building physique; let me remind you what the current male hulk looks like

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Attached: kaneda.jpg (500x500, 55.48K)

Now what does he look like transformed?

Imagine how big her clit must be h-haha

At least she's tall, right?
like 6'3 (190cm)?

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Big as fuck. Their she hulk looks like shit, but im simply pointing out that its not fucked up by not having a bulking huge actress like ive seen some takes say.

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she probably fucks all the girls at her gym with her swollen clitcock haha

Am I on shrooms?

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how the fuck are you guys turned on by big bulging muscles like this? fucking /fit/fags are all closet homosexuals

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Muscles on women turns me on
Muscles on men turns me off

>thinking the manlet male actors would allow that

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>How will they fuck up She-Hulk?
No leotard
No ass
No booba
Ugly face
Stick legs

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The only Marvel actor who was insecure about his height is Robert Downey Jr, and he's dead

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Impossible for Disney and Kevin Feige to be faithful to something from the comics

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This may not be pornographic to you, but it certainly is to me.

>if you want to fuck vagina you’re gay!!!

Spot the tranny kek. Everyone loves abs on a real chick with big tits

bed shattering sexo

imagine the amazing sex with someone that good of physical conditioning.

oh, you've never had sex then... right.


>Female lead
>Female showrunner,
>Female writers
>Ugly lead

I mean I don't care how talented you think she is, she can't act to look like more attractive person. It could work 20 years ago but not today with leftoid agenda in the back.

>Muh women strong
>Muh white men bad
>Muh LGHBT representation
>Muh diversity good
>Muh body positivity good
>Muh black people can't be evil or violent
>Muh ageism bad

You're all homosexual if you like women with man bodies

it's a well known fact that Patty should've been Shulk.

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women have muscles, too, user... are you anatomically retarded?

not to mention that none of their bodies can't be maintained without steroids. all these women look disgusting andmalformed like out of a shitty b-movie about nazi ubermensch experiments gone wrong.


her clit must be 10 cm long

She's gonna be a skeletal like Gal Gadot or Alison Brie.

I don't see the problem

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>being turned on by a girl flexing

they dont watch tv