
Not Silly edition

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God I love convention time.

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I knew it. Spock is like Mario.

>Hey user, wanna watch some Trek with us today? We've got TNG on blu-ray!

What do?

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>look up Brave New Worlds cast
>one of the crew members is a descendant of Khan
Literally donut steel tier holy shit.
inb4 the inevitable “Spock just kind of forgot he served on a crew with the descendant of the enterprise’s most dangerous enemy”

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watch man of the people

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Spock having another name is canon.

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They keep falling into the same mary sue trap, even when they're getting desperate and doubling down on nostalgia bait.

everything has to be linked with everything these days. Because of dementia parasites.

He also apparrently forgot about his adopted sister, his half brother, the time he had a beard, etc etc

It's fun to go out and do things with your friends.

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>cast qt Uhura
>okay, now let’s make her ugly!
will Star Trek ever be allowed to have an attractive female character ever again bros they make literally every woman look like shit since STD

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It's entirely possible Noonien-Singh is as common as "Smith," as Singh is already an incredibly common surname on the Indian subcontinent and among Sikhs. It just means "lion."

>your gods aren't real, ignorant bajorans, now meet your new captain, zer name is benjalina sisko and her turn ons are baseball and hormone blockers
>drink the synthahol, eat the reconfigured matter and worship le science instead
Is the federation just galactichomo?

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Who goes around telling people they had a beard for a while?
Don't forget Spock only admitted to Kirk Sarek was his dad when he was forced to be in the same room and never mentioned his deviant half-brother.

Khan is literally space Hitler.

it will definitely be something very pronounceable though.

Holy cope.

It's Canon!

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Good heavens

>Common Indian name

Are there that many filthy Irishmen fucking their way through Pajeet country?

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I always assumed that his first and last name was Noonien Singh and that Khan was a title.

Hello sir, I'm Ensign Kahn, yes actually the descendant of the Eugenic war criminal you fought when he came back from being frozen and tried to kill everyone. how may I help you?

I recall Kirk teasing spock about a beard after the mirror universe trip and Spock was acting like "what the fuck are you on about?"

Wouldn't that be the perfect time to mention it?

other way around, fish stick was later

at least it sounds Vulcan, there's that at least. He's always going to be Spock.

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I will hear no criticism against my latina tomboy.

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i have no idea who that is but theres some nice tomboy baits

this picture made me gay

Was there anyone at this convention under 50?

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At least you got the boy part right...

>If you only knew how fucking deranged things really were.

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I wish I could go.

She's the pilot on SNW.

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I've given this example before: Duke is a common name. David Duke used to run the KKK. It doesn't mean every Duke is a direct descendants.
You call it cope, I call it not getting hung up on every little thing and letting it slide. I consider OCD to be a character weakness and a personality flaw if you can't let little things slide.
Noonien I think is Chinese, lots of indo-chinese crossover already in areas like Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet and Assam. Not to be confused with French Indochina.
Khan is also an extremely common name in Pakistan and India. It originated as a title for mongols but is now a surname (ditto for "Shah")

Could have fooled me.

This is still a neelix thread.

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Nigga do you honestly think that a Star Trek show is introducing a TOS era character with the name “Noonien-Singh” and having them be no relation. Like really nigga

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They already confirmed she's a descendant.

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Even wikipedia says that she's Khan's descendent, you look like a retard when you're this deep in denial.

I cant wait to hear the backstory about how it learned to fly a shuttle at five surprising it's parents by flying it's cousins over the border and evading ice.

she got a huge head but this is fine

maybe i will break out my neelix folder for this one

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I fucking hate those, second worse design behind the flying pizza cutter

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Oh of course not, it's a Chekhov's gun scenario (the character was named after the playwright btw). But the CHARACTERS don't know that, just like no one immediately questions the gun over the mantle in act I.

>tfw she’s 5’4
Couldn’t they have gotten a woman that was 5’10? I’m already exasperated by her inevitable displays of super strength against people who are a foot taller than her
>half Chinese bong

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Were still pretending the original khan was not Ricardo Montalbon?
>To the latest I grapple with ghee.From hell's heart do not redeem good sir.For sir's sake, I expect bobs and vageen!

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>three nacelles
What were they thinking?

How tall was Tasha?

Make way for the most bomb ass design.

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They weren't and that's what's so powerful about it.

Oh, racist posting in a tv series general. Aren't you the edgy internet outlaw.

what? best ship design you say?

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He's a rogue, a vagabond. But if you need a problems solved, there's none better.

I think someone needs to have a time out to dilate.

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Anons in /trek/ are rebels, seeking their place in society.

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I'm explaining why the SNW crew wouldn't immediately jump to conclusions.of course she's related, there's likely some Dark Secret

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> CORRENTION: While 'Jabilo' is M'Benga's first name, 'S'Chn T'Gai' is Spock's family name. The family name comes first with the given name second, for Vulcans.

Hmmm... Oksy?

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I can't wait for the webms.

Damn right. Let's do this.

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i never noticed hosiery before

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what is that?

…star trek?

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Mbungu and spock, classic and equally important characters. Whose mbungu again?

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>there's hairs stuck to some of them
Please God; MAKE THIS END.

It's spock's full name being made canon.
It's the family name, and is originally from the 1985 novel Ishmael.

Theme your frogs if you want to be taken srsly.

the crew of the Enterprise already knew who Khan was before they met him.

Typically, all frogs in /trek/ are Star Trek themed.


>/trek/ poster outing himself as never bothering to watch TOS
a classic

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>Spock’s last name is “tee gay”
It’s not. It’s never been that.

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