Give a meaningful rebuttal to this line of thought. Protip: You can't

Give a meaningful rebuttal to this line of thought. Protip: You can't.

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He forgot the first part entirely, thereby negating the usefulness of the second.

Also: Suck a cock, OP.


These movies were plenty grim and dark. They just did it in a way that you didn't like. Doesn't make it bad.

Whedon's interview where he tried to justify abusing women proves he has no human empathy, which is generally required to make people laugh.
also Buffy is overrated neckbeard shit

fuck joss whedon

my rebuttal is that its funny and unique the first two or three times (like with "so thats what it does") but then becomes cliche after


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No they are not. You are a child.

Yeah what this scene really needed was a joke afterwards so the audience didn't feel too bad

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>no human empathy, which is generally required to make people laugh


These movies are like real life where people crack jokes in dangerous situations all the time.

>These movies were plenty grim and dark.

Holy shit watch more films please.

he was obv talking about movies were guys walk around in skintight suits, the topic is inherently silly, too much seriousness with that can actually be a bad thing, as seen in BvS.

Titanic is a retarded as capeshit.
Forgive me Cameron for saying that but it is.

Can anyone actually give an example of a joke ruining a tense moment in the MCU?


Those crying, panicked phone calls on 9/11 would have gotten all those soon to be dead people a spot in that year’s Just For Laughs Festival.

I have and you haven't given a single rebuttal so far.

To a certain degree this line of thinking is a good thing for family movies, but Marvel went too far a long time ago. The humor is shallow and shoved in haphazardly. Thor Ragnarok feels like a Scooby-doo special.

Zoomers and millenials are afraid of sincerity, of authenticity. It's honest and vulnerable, and they can't stand that so they cake everything in multiple layers of irony and self deprecating humor. That's why modern writers emulate Whedon's habit of horribly using bathos to drain stories of their gravitas just so he could get some cheap momentary laughs. It's a fear of being committed to the moment. Zoomers and millenials were trained to wish for stories to be campy and non-serious because it helps deflect criticism, it's like it pokes fun at itself to deter you from criticising it, to make you say "it's just a movie bro don't think about it, it's not meant to be serious." It's a defense mechanism for writers who aren't confident in their skill and want casuals to defend their work for them.

People don't joke in dangerous situations. They joke in stressful situations. I think there's a distinct difference. I'm not joking if I'm about to drive my car off a bridge, but just before I enter an exam I'll crack a couple of wise ones.

Heckin' quiparinos

Live out in the real world and join the military pls

What if I told you faggots that Nolan and Whedon are two extremes of the same self-indulgent asshole?
All of their creations feel like they are made by an asshole who's too full of himself but doesn't have the talent to back it up, it's just Nolan's kind of "I'm way too smart for this shit" contempt is hidden behind unbearable pretentiousness and Whedon's behind 100 layers of irony.

Sounds like you're confusing bathos with pathos.
Pathos is an appeal to emotion. If it makes you feel sad, if it make you laugh, either way, that means a work has pathos. A comedy can have pathos. A drama can have pathos. All that matters is that it gives you a feeling, any kind of feeling.
Bathos is a failed attempt at artistic greatness. It's when you try SO hard to be deep and meaningful that it just ends up becoming a laughable meme.
Consider for example,
The Dark Knight has pathos. That's why we can talk about it beyond memes and jokes. The Dark Knight Rises went too far and that's why all we get out of it is CIA guy 4U. That's bathos.
Shazam has pathos. It's largely a comedy, but people still can feel bad for Billy when he realizes his birth mom doesn't want him.
Man of Steel has Bathos. It attempts heady explorations about human nature and the meaning of choice, and "resolves" them with a pair of action figures smashing against each other noisily, so poorly that instead of a meaningful discussion we just got a bunch of man of murder memes.

Cope lol


You can have a movie be silly but still take the emotional moments seriously, the Raimi Spider-man movies are the perfect example of this. In one moment you see Peter fighting in a wrestling match and it's goofy and funny, but then right after uncle Ben gets killed and the movie takes it appropriately SERIOUSLY. It's all about being able to balance these elements.

Something can be inherently whimsical and not serious without being self-deprecating or ironic. Some media is emotionally and thematically genuine (and better for it), but that doesn't make it "serious." It knows it's absurd and owns it instead of getting self-serious in a hollow attempt to look more mature and profound (The Batman, Zack Snyder) or playing off the absurdity to shelter itself from criticism (Marvel Movies).
You people keep getting hung up on how serious is used as a synonym for sincerity in a non-media context. In media it means something different: that the work is meant to be considered deeply, and occasionally that its presentation is grave.

>see tower going down
>Ooh, that's gotta hurt!

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They were and take themselves plenty seriously.


The quips are actually realistic desu. People make jokes in real actual life to lighten tension and serious moments. Big “I really love you guys” with a symphony and straight face isn’t real life. Think any group of men like cops and firefighters and soldiers. They might have a brief moment of somberness then they would almost surely crack a joke to break it. This is real life.

You haven’t lived real life at all if this is what you see as an accurate portrayal of intense situations or the reactions to them.

You sound like a fucking dim, sheltered baby. Perfect for these stupid fucking movies about nothing remotely human.

>Someone will rescue us Jack, chill


I encourage you to watch more R rated movies before calling Avengers “grim and dark.”

Don’t get me wrong, I liked Avengers. But it is only grim and dark when compared to more lighthearted PG/PG-13 superhero films. It is most certainly not grim or dark when compared to most R-rated sci-fi films.

I’d genuinely like to know if you’ve experienced any of the situations you’re describing, or if you’re just pulling these claims from stories you’ve heard.

based and true. fuck capeshit and whedoniggers

Suck cock

Ronald Regan was quipping the whole time during a failed assassination attempt.

He was an actor

And a bit of a senile retard. So a DOUBLE actor, really.

>This mental gymnastics


The problem is that tense moments aren't allowed to build up in the MCU

Basically the entire airport scene in Civil War.

Post more dramatic moments with jokes.
Like for pic related. I can’t think of a good joke.

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>Jack looks directly into the camera
"Waiter, check please!"
>sinks into the abyss

that also works in real life. try it. you will have a better life. turn yourself into a marvel quip machine haha

>They's gon fry me, boss?
>Looks like I's the chicken tonight, huh boss?
>That's right, buddy.. you're the chicken *tear rolls down cheek*

>oh wait, there's plenty of room on here, oops

>come home to find a dozen men giving your wife a bukkake bath
"Woah, clean-up on aisle 3, haha"

You'd need tense moments for that

There's plenty of tense moments though.

>Grim and dark
Top lel. Capeshitters have no experience with films other that the MCU and DC. Embarrassing.

>No rebuttal

Neurotic overmedicated Americans cannot tolerate actual tension in a movie, so the Whedon style of punctuating all tension with quips works well for them.

>oh know the cartoon men got hurt
>this is grim and dark oh wow