Any alien/extraterrestrial horror movie recommendations?

Any alien/extraterrestrial horror movie recommendations?

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Dark Skies

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the color out of space


Killer clowns from outer space.

This one fucked me up

Fire in the sky

Which year was it released in?

The Mist in a way


Everyone always says Communion, Close Encounters, or Fire in the Sky as the must see "Most realistic" alien movies to watch and while I agree that all three of these movies are great there's another that I recommend people watch that tackles the subject of alien hybridization more than the other three and would you believe that it's a Lifetime channel original movie from 1995?

I first came upon this movie when I found a DVD copy of it at the local goodwill. I had never heard of it until then but was thoroughly impressed at how seriously they handled the subject for the time despite how hammy 90's it is.

Definitely check it out.

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Cross your fingers that this is alien kino and not some anti-white soapbox crap.

The release date is the same day as the Roswell crash so that gives me some sliver of hope.

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Under the Skin
Event Horizon - although it's not really about aliens

my 12 year old me was fucked up after the abduction scene

The whole movie is up on YouTube. Not hard to find at all.

I'm gonna guess it's some kind of allegory for technologically advanced whites abducting blacks for slavery
wypipo really do live rent free in that man's head

>from the demented mind of Jordan Peele

It really is almost this on the nose. I’m hoping he sticks with a straight alien film because it’s been too long since we’ve had a good alien kino.

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While not 100% proven to be aliens, I keep seeing Missing 411 threads pop up on Yea Forums lately.

Hundreds to thousands of people dissappear under mysterious circumstances in and around national parks in the USA and around the world. Sounds normal until you look at the details of the vanishings and then it starts to get weird.

If you haven't seen them yet look up the two Missing 411 documentaries and make some guesses for yourself but whatever the cause you can't deny that it's just a tad creepy.

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The signs is great, but only on the first watch.
It's just too silly now, after all the memes and Scary Movie.

411 is turbo comfy, but it was totatlly debunked
Paulides is a scam artist that leaves out a lot of details.

Eh. I've come to the realization that whether Paulides is a conman or not these disappearances are still happening and that they're still just as strange with or without his opinion and commentary. He's just bringing light to the happenings and even if he has another agenda behind it all it doesn't change the fact that this shit continues to happen.

True, some cases are really weird, but keep in mind Paulides is a sasquatch believer who spend a lot of time chasing bigfoot.
Even in the fucking movie they run the 'bigfoot can be invisible and summon floating lights' theory.

Honestly, as someone who subscribes to the interidimensional Satchmo idea, I agree that Paulides' belief in the same theory kinda tarnished the whole thing. Especially when you look at that whole bigfoot hoax thing he was sorta involved in years ago.

I still believe in the whole Missing 411 phenomenon but I wish we had some more scientific and credible eyes on it because I think it deserves the attention.

>Especially when you look at that whole bigfoot hoax thing he was sorta involved in years ago.
Never heard of that, what happened?
Tho there's so much hoaxing in bigfoot world I'm not surprised at all.

>fucking whypipo were the aliens all eh time
Bravo Poole you piece of garbage, go and bang your jew bride as your price

Paulides supported a Dr. Ketchum who was a veterinarian years ago who was a part of the bigfoot community who clamed that they were In possession of 100% proof of sasquatch and they were in the process of writing a thesis about it. Eventually it was revealed that it was all a lie and Ketchum had no proof and was just leading people on for hopes of donations and money.

Paulides wasn't really even involved in it but the fact that he supported Ketchum at the time kinda puts a damper on his opinions going further past the whole :controversy.

Is Ketchum the guy who was claiming all the time they have tons of DNA evidence, but never proved anything?

There are more than a couple guys who have claimed that they are in possession of DNA for years but yeah I believe Ketchum was one of them.

Invaders From Mars (1986)

Just watched Super 8 last night. It was pretty solid. Not strictly horror but had a lot of horror elements.

One of the best UFO documentaries in recent years. It basically goes from the beginning of UFO sightings in the early 1940s to present day. The last quarter of the film is dedicated to the Ariel school sighting that happened In the early 90's in Zimbabwe that involved over 40 children which includes interviews with them right after the sighting and then years later in present day where none of the kids, who are now adults, still stand by what they saw that day.

It remains to this day one of the most convincing alien encounters at least to me.

Oops forgot image.

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That shit is fucking stupid, go pick up a real cryptid/paranormal book that shit is all over the place and will just confuse people.

>I don't care about his agenda it's just comfy
>books all about a malicious secret agenda behind disappearances
Another .10c will be deposited into your account when you respond to this with "b-but he doesn't CLAIM anything" why even read the book, all the replies just try to say "LOOK BEYOND PAULIDES TO THE TRUTH HE PRESENTS" as if his books aren't chalk full of convenient inaccuracies. I didn't say shit about bigfoot, so don't go off on that weird fucking script about bigfoot and it not being about his past "research"

>comfy ayykino thread
and i know it's always the same posters

are you so desperate for ayyum proof that you are willing to believe the testimony of some niglets from zimbabwe?

I think that if you really believe Paulides is doing a disservice to the actual research going on, then we should stop plastering his brands (missing 411 etc) across the web. Best thing that guy could ever do for the sake of the research is walk away. Reminds me of how Putin praised JK Rowling and she was like "oh fucking hell you're not helping". Paulides and his defenders never deny his past, which is shady as fuck even just on the surface with his police record (on and off the force). There are actually qualified researchers out there putting their time and resources to good use, and he's dragging them down.

Phoenix Forgotten

Super 8 was killer. A movie with bratty foul mouthed kids that felt super authentic to how kids were and are now.

The guy isn't a stranger to scams. He essentially extorted signed memorabilia from celebrities under the guise of it being for charity, and pocketed the Ebay cash. It's all on public record, and he hasn't come out and said they fabricated it like Lazar did I've never heard or seen him deny it in the least, always skirts the subject like people are ITT. The most disappointing thing is I'm a huge cryptid/paranormal shit nerd and I got hooked by him very early on in the 411 series during one of his Coast 2 Coast advertisements, just to find out he's full of shit and the moment you look up any of the stories he mentions it all falls apart. He misrepresents facts and hinges on you never looking it up, or thinking someone Lazar'd him lol. If he went the "many scary stories" anthology book route where they take a maybe real story and throw aliens or angels in, he could have done ok, but he presents it all as fact.

Basically pulled a Nigerian prince scam lmao

>h-hey guys we have the sample... but not enough cash to test it!!
>link to paypal at bottom of page

Yeah he always had conman aura. But I still love the stories, they're spooky + plus outdoor mystery stories are always kino.

Half of the kids were from white South African families.

You can see some of their interviews here

I don't know what exactly they all saw but just looking at their eyes and the way they all conduct themselves it's clear to me that they all saw something strange.

The best

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There's one about some guys hanging out in a house and you gradually get filled in that they were abducted and are barricading the house from aliens, some of them are sick and have weird diseases from the ship and kind of start rotting, and they spend the night fighting when the aliens show up again I thought it was called Exists or Existence or something like that but I can't find it. I've seen it mentioned in other threads semi regularly so it can't be too obscure. I was probably drunk and stoned but I remember it being pretty good, especially for a movie with so much blood and gore I don't remember thinking it was corny or cheap at any point. The CGI may be a little dated but the practical were good and it has good atmosphere

All good ones. I'd add Annihilation at the risk of my toxic masculinity

>From the sick, twisted, demented, insane, crazy, maddening, fatherless, room temp IQ, evolved from a separate human-esque subspecies, 13 yet 50, prone to violence and aggression, dindu nuffin wrong, mind of Jordan Peele

It's Peele, so you absolutely know it's going to be yet another "le white people bad" movie.

Signal is great. People shit on the ending, and I do agree it could be done better, the character arc of main protagonist is quite satysfying and the court room scene ends movie quite nicely.

Annihilation is good, if you like that cosmic horror alien kinda stuff, check out The Endless.

The Objective is a decent schlock of an ufo film created by the director of The Blair Witch Project for anyone interested.

>Any alien/extraterrestrial horror movie recommendations?
NOPE hehe

saw this some time ago and can confirm it's great.


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Wrong, I rewatched it for maybe the fourth or fifth time last week and thoroughly enjoyed it
It's just not an alien invasion movie

IDk man, I can't watch it without imagining the aliens pissing with their fingers...

>mfw recalling when i lost my shit when it was all that build up and the alien decides to show himself as her father to make her comfortable and i started ranting on how fucking lame that is and ruined the end of the movie for my mom because i wouldnt shut the fuck up

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As far as lovecraft horror goes, this was pretty damn good

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request threads aren't allowed

I've seen a lot of people decry that movie for being muh tentacles and shit.
Probably just lovecraft purists

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OK fair enough the flashback scenes I can't keep a straight face through
>Tom, I'll need a ride home

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But they were demons

On this subject, real life is much more interesting than any piece of fiction.

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>Hundreds to thousands of people dissappear under mysterious circumstances in and around national parks in the USA