Sauron literally lost to this

>Sauron literally lost to this

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how much is that dogie in the window
*wurf wurf*

No one is going to understand what you mean no one has read the silmarillion here.

>Sauron got the shit knocked out of him by a dog and a girl who sat on his face until he squealed like a bitch

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the silmarillion really makes melkor and sauron look like two pussy ass bitches

melkor runs away from elves screaming literally the entire book

They're really big bro, like really big.

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I've seen a mutt of one and a dalmatian and holy fuck that thing was like a horse
a white woman was walking him

>6'2 vs 5'10

>Sauron isn't even Middle Earth's Satan, just Satan's lame autistic fan boy
The guy was a fuckin spaz, it's not a surprise he got bullied by a dog

Pretty sure it's outright stated that Melkor was a huge coward in spite of all his power. Before they could fight, Fingolfin had to trashtalk him in front of all his army just to get him out of Angband.

>gets punked by the itsy bitsy spider

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Lúthien casted a sleeping spell at Sauron
It wasn't a fair fight

>that russian fanfiction where Lúthien shags Melkor

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>Author: [email protected]

The one with the waggly tail


One simply knows...

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Ivan please

If sauron was real he would be playing factorio right now

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Tfw no qt redhead autistic sauron bf

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Yea Forums is an illiterate board.

Legolas was jockin his style

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too bad the breed is so fucked

imagine if these things could live to 30

Daily remainder that the sorcerer bitch known as luthien enchanted Huan to turn against its master

>illiterate board.
>because no one has read capeshit fantasy

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>is called Irish wolfhound
>doesn't look anything like a wolf
Fucking false advertising

it hounds wolves retard

huan was based and he turned against his incel master when he showed his true colours

Yeah I'm sure that a dog that had your back when you genocided the lesser elves and orcs would completely turn against you when a woman started bitching for being in a room for a day

he literally tried to kidnap a woman he deemed too hot, biggest incel move i've ever seen, killing your kin is at the very least manly, but this? Huan was so ashamed he turned against him

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>morgoth/sauron fujos

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>he literally tried to kidnap a woman he deemed too hot
It was a political move you idiot, with Doriath (and the rest of the moriquendi) united along with the rest of the noldor kingdoms Angband wouldn't have resisted or broken the siege.
>Huan was so ashamed he turned against him
DoriathrinLuthienandNoldorinLhūthienmeant "enchantress", deriving fromPrimitive Quendianluktiēnē("enchantress"; fromrootLUK"magic, enhantement)

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Unironically before the beren and luthien arc, everything was ""salvageable"" at least

I see the feanor house defense force has found the thread

Even Beren and luthien could have run away and married silently(like they did eventually) and avoided all the bloodshed that their irresponsible actions triggered

>Letting your maiden live in the forest like some kind of filthy beast
Beren knew better than that, he wouldn't allow that


They literally went to live in some mudhutt in Dor Firn-i-Guinar

cú faoil

Grond pepper

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Because they had no choice, they wanted to go Nargothrond but they didn't have the Silmaril

>The board that frequently has 300+ reply threads discussing the lore of Lord of the rings hasn't read the book

They went to Tor Galen after they killed Carcharoth and got the Silmaril back
Do Sindar simps really?



Well maybe they did that because they were fucking dying

>uhhh.... Akchually they were dying!
No they were completely healthy after Mandos returned them. They even had a kid afterwards
Stop making lame excuses

They were also with King Elwë, who was so moved with Beren's death that he took in that highly charismatic retard Túrin

You just know there’s some fujo fanfic of Ar-Pharazôn and enslaved Sauron

I fucking love dogs

Left: Russian wolfhound enjoyer
Right: Irish wolfhound fan

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I fucking hate noldars

That is an Irish woman you putz, post the dog.

I miss my dog bros.

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On the one hand, I've always liked villains having flaws like that. Under all their cruelty and scary spikey armor, they're utterly terrified of running into someone who could actually put up a fight.
On the other hand, it *really* deflates the heroes accomplishments if the villains are weaklings.

I fucking hate moriquendë barbarians

How much is that doggy in the window

>mountain range gets named after it
>screams still echo there

Yeah, Sauron used to show his face from time to time in the First Age. Everything used to be better in the First Age >pic rel

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Was Celebrimbor in Shadow of War based on Feanor? The dude was turning into an elf sauron