What are some trilogies with an absolutely kino first movie, followed by two smelly turds?

What are some trilogies with an absolutely kino first movie, followed by two smelly turds?

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all of them

>all of them
you're not very smart, are you?

Am i really supposed to believe the boys wouldnt all be taking turns raping her?

John Wick

>gay boys ignoring hot girl
Nothing wrong in my book

The Matrix

>The Matrix

the ugly one tried and failed. its why she climbs the highest thing she can find as soon as she wakes up

>the ugly one
you will have to clarify more, user

Every single trilogy is like this.

oh my rape

chud behavior

The first Divergent was pretty comfy, followed by probably the two biggest stinkiest turds of all cinema

>its why she climbs the highest thing she can find as soon as she wakes up
Because male humans are notoriously bad at climbing stuff

She would be quickly taken control of by a few chads who would deny all incels access to the rapepusy.

I was about to give you shit for being one of those faggots that pretends media that exists after the point of personal interest is invalid.
Then I remembered the 4th movie existed and turned into one of those faggots.


Resident evil
Fast and Furious
Every movie, after the reasonable first one, gets wackier and wackier

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>Because male humans are notoriously bad at climbing stuff
but she's throwing STONES at them!

>Back to the Future in your paths

I'm going to go with Jarhead. I don't know the consensus on the first one, or how many people liked it, but I really did. Followed by 2 straight to DVD sequels that were just godawful.
Another one would be The Crow, also followed up to direct to DVD sequels. And goddamn FUCK if those films weren't made with $2.50 and pocket sand.

>Resident evil
>Fast and Furious
You guys are not the smartest board, are you

Matrix is one movie

Lord of the rings

She'll run out of stones before we run out of dudes that'll rape her

Men in Black

The second one has its moments.

Breh, we are you making it sound like "trilogy" means something "smart"
Apart from Lord of the Rings, I don't know any other movies that were explicitly set out to be ONLY 3 movies, with a clear narrative and a definitive ending. The ring is fucking gone.
And that's saying too much because Tolkien did the job 80 years ago.
Please name me one "trilogy" and I'll easily pitch you a sequel that ties directly to the main narrative and it's not just "the son of the MC shenanigans"


The Human Condition Trilogy

>The Crow
Don't know why they even tried a sequel after the incident

The Godfather says otherwise

imagine if she wasnt wearing long sleeves and u could see her pits...

Welp, you beated me I guess, because I haven't seen it and I don't comment on shit I haven't seen

Jurassic Park

sucks to be retarded, uhn?

Reminder that this character got done dirty in the source books because the author's daughter was jealous of what is described as the most beautiful character in the story that mogged everyone else and was the designated winner of the MC bowl so the author had to write that rocks fell down and killed her in the like the last 3 pages.
The spitefulness of women, even towards fictional characters holy fucking shit.

You can wikipedia????? NANI
I can pitch sequels for every one of the "trilogies" that I can recognize
Do you honestly believe Taken is a trilogy that can't have another entry? Really?
That there's no way another Spongebob can be made?
And I'm the retard?

what the fuck

>third movie doesn’t end in a nuclear holocaust killing off all characters, so akshually it could come back for a fourth
You’re quite clever aren’t you?

The Matrix is a single self-contained movie though

how old are you?


i enjoyed book 1, book 2 tried to pull some twists that felt like they were only there to say "there's a twist"
and the third book was just a mess, by the time "rocks fall and you die lmao" happened i was so unconcerned for the characters it had no impact at all

Maze runner


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>if i feel like there COULD be another movie, it's not a trilogy

The Lord of the Rings

>resident evil and FatF count as trilogies because i can think up another spongebob movie
alright lad, time to go home, you're drunk

matrix trilogy obviously

I remember when Hollywood was pushing Scodolaroo or whatever her name is for five minutes

Pretty much. First one was a pretty good, for YA pulp fiction, mystery.
2 was just odd and yes 3 was a mess.
Read them all during fever week in bed and the second book with all that trudging through the wasteland is stuck in my mind because of how shit I was feeling.
The films didn't go all super high tech scifi "we have fucking teleporters but still have to resort to all this other primitive shit", Was wondering how they were going to handle that shit.
They didn't, sensibly.
Still trash.
Was there even a second film? I only remember the first film and the 3rd where the girl again kaks it on the skyscraper. Everything in between is forgotten.

>4th movie

it was hyped and released last year bro
turned out bizarre as fuck

what the fuck

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I'd like to smell her turds.

>had to write that rocks fell down and killed her

Ah. No wonder the "next HP/Hunger Games" failed so fucking miserably. NOBODY likes watching beautiful girls die in movies, it's just not a fun or interesting plot point.

the hobbit*

Dude have you been in a coma for the past year or something?

How is someone here on a Friday afternoon and never knew there was a recent 4th Matrix movie...?


with the right viewpoint, it all could have looked like coordinated shitposting

nobody talked about it, then it was a bit of a discussion, it came out, and all talk died a week and a half later
i genuinely didn't see any ads for it outside of the internet


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Jeepers Creepers
The Matrix
Iron Man
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Spider-man (2002)

there is no 4th matrix movie user. that shit's retarded

...almost every single trilogy.... exceptions are maybe lotr... and...well....yeah....

>he lacks critical information