Tokyo vice

I am super surprised none of you fags are talking about this. It seems pretty good so far to me.

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What’s the point of scrapbooking?

I turned this on two minutes ago, didn't even know it was Michael Mann behind it. I'm hopeful for it.

Any good memes yet?

I dunno, I can never predict how this place will react to something. I just finished episode one and it seems pretty legit aside from the fact they played an American song from like 2010 in 1990s Japan at a bar, that triggered my autism

Which song?

Motivation by Kelly Rowland. Had jap girls dancing to it.

some people have enjoyable lives and would like to remember those enjoyable moments.

I mean it was pretty obvious you fuckin weebs would be into this. All the shit talking about netflix but you gobble the shit up as long as they put your preferred minorities in it.

why you calling me fag???

Outside of the Onyx guy and his brother, I can’t tell the rival gang members apart. All these japs look alike

When I saw it takes place in 90s Tokyo i knew for a fact Yea Forums would watch it

This. Fuckin Yea Forums npc behavior.

>wow I can't believe they're actually presenting a tall white Chad in contrast with Japan--whitey not canceled?
>he's jewish
>japan xenophobes everywhere
TV is ruined for me

Ya they just had to do that lmao

It's a pretty slow start. I don't really like the actor they cast as the gaijin. Something about his face. I don't really like the actress they cast as the gaijin hostess. She has negative tits and her face isn't that compelling either. At least she can act better than the male gaijin. I am hoping the kino score rises as it goes along but there's no telling at this point. That "I'm a secret fag" coworker shit made no sense to me. Are fags discriminated against in glorious nippon?

How much are you paid to shill this? Post mega link

I've read the book, will watch this once all episodes are available

Mann is washed

I grew up in the 90s in America and there were tons of fags in the closet still. So I’d assume in Japan a more conservative society, yes absolutely.

Fuck me I completely forgot about the timeframe aspect. You'd think with fucking cassette tapes and CRT monitors in the mix I would have remembered it's a period piece. Fag shit makes more sense now.

despity faggotism being legal over there its still an extremely conservative society, even more than the koreans

people bitch about netflix taking existing white characters in a franchise and making them a minority/woman in their remake. that is not even close to the same as having a show set in japan have japanese people. if anything, the fact that one of the leads is still white would appeal to the people obsessed with that kind of shit

first episode was great, how's 2 and 3?

> Tom Holland

Instant trash

Blind retard

The series is literally based on the autobiographical book of a Jewish American dude who went to college in Japan and sort of fell into a career in journalism with one of Japan's biggest newspapers. It's not an issue of minorities/diversity, it's literally how it was albeit with maybe some creative licence as tends to happen with TV/movie adaptations.

me no rikey jap shit

The book is exaggerated trash. You shouldn't take it seriously at all, the author has been called out for embellishing before.

this. I'm tired of the constant homophobia on this site.

Everyone is sick of faggot shit even most faggots I know are tired of it.

gay is so passé

>Anna and the King of Siam
>Fucking Marco Polo
What's up with westerners fabricating heroic/cool adventures in the far east?

the charges of him embellishing were embellished

Nah it's just all their activism worked they got everything they wanted and the "normie" gays just wanna be people now but the "activist" gays who made a lifestyle out of victimhood can't fucking stop crying about everything and pissing of the heteros after they pretty much folded is gonna bring a backlash. It's already started.

>All the shit talking about Netflix but you gobble the shit up as long as
it seems interesting and not intentionally pozzed.
But it's true too, I do prefer seeing Japs over niggers on screen. I don't understand the implication, why wouldn't I? Not all minorities are equal

they can’t outright fire the dude, so they demote him to some menial position

The first episode directed by Michael Mann looked great. Second two episodes were a visual step down, still good though

I hear it's good except for that Elgort fag.

>they can’t outright fire the dude

why not? some legal shit? he's just a fucking gaijin no one fucking cares.

I thought the first ep was visually engaging, but Elgort is so incredibly uncharismatic that it's putting me off. I'm really having second thoughts about it since I have to tolerate his "acting" for the rest of it.

japanese business culture doesnt fire employees, it humiliates them until they leave

jokes on them you cant humiliate jews they have no shame.

same. feels like like they grabbed the tallest guy out of a random high school and now we're supposed to watch him believably have all this street knowledge of how to be an investigative reporter let alone navigating a high stakes crime underworld. just feels so phony though he definitely does sell being a fish out of water gaijin.

>they played an American song from like 2010 in 1990s Japan at a bar
How does shit like this happen? It seems so easy to get this kind of stuff right.

Yeah they don't seem to let midget jews do leads anymore. In the 70s that role would have been some tiny rat face bastard like dustin hoffman.

The book seems to about a guy with a really inflated opinion of himself. Ohhhh look, I went to Nippon and faced down the yakuzi all by myself. 20 years later and it was all a nothing burger.

>step 1: install Yea Forums x
>step 2: add this to your filename filters: /\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}/
>step 3: enjoy not having to see any threads made by iphone-posting normalfaggot scum

I make a conscious effort to watch and support the works of anyone who has been attempted to be "cancelled"

I thought it was hbo max?

It would be a good show if they had cast a lead actor with the slightest bit of charisma.

The guy asking him about jews running the world economy was pretty funny. Why are the Japanese so xenophobic?

>Why are the Japanese so xenophobic?

Because they're smart.

>lowest reproduction rate
>spiraling number of suicides
>stunted economy and military
>useless government

because they don't give a crap what other races think unlike the soft west

They're smart enough to know the world is fucked and not worth living in or bringing any new lives into.

cope seethe

no WMAF, no watch

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At least he's controversial for beating women

What a fucking disappointment
It is about some weeaboo jew

You had to fuck with me. You wanna fuck with me?

Ken Watanabe is still alive, didn't he have cancer or something?