Is literally and unironically better than most of the films in both series it was developed from

>is literally and unironically better than most of the films in both series it was developed from
How does this happen? Pure fucking kino from combining a great series (NOES) with a mediocre one (friday the 13th)

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I've never watched but I love both franchises, is it worth it?


Yeah, it's worth it. Also the hottest girl out of both franchises is in this film.

>NOES great
I haven't watch yet but from what I've seen, it's impossible to make a good NOES without Nancy so I doubt it's good

Friday the 13th is infinitely better than gay ass freddy lmao

I love how the movie embraced that Jason Voorhees is unironically a more likeable and sympathetic person than Freddy Krueger in spite of the fact that they each murdered like 500 innocent people

It's worth watching.

That's because Freddy is a diddler.

jason doesnt even have a personality. hes like a robot

Jason isn't canonically afraid of water, though.

He's afraid of the day he died

A force of nature. He just exists to kill horny teenagers.

horny TRESSPASSING teenagers

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he has always been based

Freddy introduces the fear in the movie and Jason overcomes it at the end

I overcame too.

the writing duo behind it also pitched Shark Tale to Dreamworks

Love the whole vibe of the film, really cool it was the directors first stab at a horror and he nailed it.

Jason X was the best of the series

based and high test

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You're forgetting the Friday reboot, user.
He did Bride of Chucky.

Little known fact but the original working title for Freddy vs. Jason was "Content for True Chad Film Enjoyers"


>I love both franchises
>I've never watched
Yeah, guess you're a huuuuuuuuuuuge fan huh.

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>Also the hottest girl out of both franchises is in this film.
very true

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It used to go in cycles, but Freddy vs Jason's release in 2003 marked the last peak of mainstream American culture.

i'll never forget the hype at school for it. we were at a fever pitch arguing who was going to win

On opening night, me and my friends bought tickets to some romcom that came out the same weekend because were around 14. Definitely up there with my all time top theater experiences. It was awesome.

Don't forget AVP

And snuck into FvJ, I mean.

I'll have to rewatch AvP. I wasn't big on it when it came out, but movies from around then have all aged really well because everything that has come since has been soulless garbage. It was definitely way better than that turd AvP:R.

The best way I can rationalise this is that kid Jason was (at least starting from the moment he was drowning) and Freddy used that somehow. Jason snaps out of it anyway so it's not super dumb.

AvP:R has the better actual alien versus predator content even if you hate the human characters.

avp:r was only cool because of the predalien, that was a cool design and idea, unfortunately the movie was too dark so you could hardly make it out.

AVP was actually fucking cool though, it gets way more hate than it deserves.

AvP:R looks like it was shot in a closet. It's like they heard the complaints that the first one wasn't R rated but didn't want to risk giving it any budget so the whole movie is an overly dark mess. I also think it overcorrects from AvP in that it tries to be a little too "mean" with some of the kills and nihilism if you get what I'm saying.


I posted my comment about the AvP:R darkness 45 seconds after yours and saw it on the refresh. I'm thinking you're probably pretty based, user.

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lol get rekt bitch

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In the directors commentry he says it was his first attempt at horror .

I saw this in kinoplex in american while on holiday and they really do whoop holler clap and talk to the screen in america it was funny as hell

Interesting, maybe he considers Bride of Chucky a full on comedy. Bride of Chucky is also based, by the way.

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FvJ threads are too high test for onions-maxxed Yea Forums posters.

I guess you just can't have the nonce be the hero. Freddy has some great moments in this though.
Fuck I might have to watch it again tonight.

Jason and Michael Myers spare little kids. Freddy exclusively killed them when he was alive.

Movies suck so bad now. Thank you FvJ, thank you.

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>Friday the 13th - 9 good movies
>Nightmare on Elm street - .......
Remind me again why nightmare on elm street is considered one of the 3 big slasher franchises

It's carried by Englund's charm.

i like 1, 3, and New Nightmare a lot.

"How sweet, dark meat."

Even that can't save most of the movies
I genuinely can't decide what the worst one is because so many of them are bad
4, 5, Freddy's dead, and New nightmare are all borderline tied

Nightmare 1,3 and 7 are great

>3 instead of 2
I mean 2 is really gay but I still think it's better than 3

Don't understand the love for new nightmare. It's a cool idea but the kid is annoying and it feels like the movie goes nowhere until Freddy kills the baby sitter in the hospital. Plus them being in the script the whole time was pretty retarded

i thought Freddy was really menacing in NN and i love Heather

new nightmare is literally the best you absolute braindrained mouthbreathing retard

I unironically loved AvP as a kid. I watched it dozens of times. I liked that the last human protagonist was a black woman, she was super cute and not completely incompetent like the other humans. She even killed an Alien, and later the Queen as well

>i-its the best
>doesn't explain why
Stop seething and defend your trash heap