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yes chef

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instead of allowing Gordon inside your restaurant here's how to kitchen nightmare properly:
1. Never serve anything frozen not even ice.
2. Zero trinkets or curios around the restaurant, only bland colors and design that look like a Starbucks or kinkos.
3. If the head chef speaks English he's an asshole moron or a creative who isn't allowed to shine.
4. If the head chef speaks no English they are golden.
5. There is one bad guy in each restaurant, find him or her and isolate them.
6.people don't care about portion size or value, only taste and plating.
Go now and make ye restaurant dreams a reality.

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Dude can’t cook for shit but somehow he’s still relatively popular. How?

Some good fucking food

gino > gordon

Good presenter. Doesn't matter whats happening on screen he can sell it however needed.


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I never would have thought the word "donut" could be used as pejorative until I saw this man. Godspeed, Gordon. Godspeed.


>multiple 3 Michelin stars restaurants
>can't cook
nigga used to be one of the best chefs in the world, now he just stopped caring

season beautifully
tomatoes, in
season beautifully


What are you some ancient boomer? No one cares about that you fuckin faggot.

Local flavours, yeah?

>HAWHAW funy britsh man yelling!!

fucking reddit shit, go back faggots.

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His eggs are good.

I just watched Gord's 10-min steak and eggs over kimchi rice and I now realize that all of you guys are retarded.

Look at the grease
Was this frozen?

Ah, another thread where /ck/ shits on Gordon while cooking $1 frozen pizzas


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In all seriousness what was he thinking when he made that awful thing? Why did he do it? How did he make an abortion of a cheese toastie, looked at it, and thought "yeah that's fine, I'll publish this video"



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>No one cares about that you fuckin faggot.
lmao lol
boomers and pretentious faggots care about that alot
my friend owns a restaurant that gets recommended and has stickers of approval on his front door and normies eat that shit up
now imagine that with michelin stars

>Gives it that Mediterranean

Or a lot of olive oil, it's your choice

cock, nice and hard

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Time to add
The garlic


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why dont they ever do cooking shows in realtime? its always a million cuts

Michelin is a car tire company. Why the fuck should I care what they think about food?

And the one thing that every chocolate cake needs....a Knorr™ stockpot

When he cut it open and had to play off it was melted. Marco Pierre would have slapped him

You seen his 10 min carbonara? He puts chilli and peas on it.

Gordon is a hack who got eternally mogged by Marco Pierre White crying like a little bitch because he couldn’t handle making the lobster ravioli

I went to his restaurant once and bloody hellfire, what an awful fucking experience. I ordered the risotto and when it arrived (after 1 hour) it was literally a bowl of fucking water. Just water. I complained to Ramsay himself and he assured me that the bowl was just to dip my fingers in before the meal, and I was incredibly embarrassed but we still had to wait another 2 fucking hours for my risotto to come. It came and it was alright, but then we ordered a desert afterwards (chocolate mousse cake) and when Ramsay brought it over it had a big bite out of it and Gordon had chocolate crumbs around his lips. I confronted him about it and he began nervously laughing and said he had to go the bathroom. We could clearly see him sneaking out of the window into his car, so I followed him into the parking lot to see what the fuck was going on. He was crying alone in his car going on about how sorry he was, and said a bad review could ruin him. He kept saying how "Hungy hungy" he was and that the mousse looked "real munchy good". I said it was okay because he clearly was on something, and so we turned back to the restaurant to finish our meal. As soon as we turned our back to him, he began to bash the back of my wife's head in. She was knocked out cold. I franatically began to call an ambulance as Gordon began fleeing towards the nearby treeline, on all fours.

there's some french fag with like 30 stars
gordon is a scrub
Gordon’s first tv appearance in 1989

what's the problem with that? traditional carbonara is bland wh*te people food, adding some heat and greens will only improve it
i put curry powder in mine and it's way better than le traditional pasta carboring

People mock him about it but here in Mexico every mom and grandma use Knorr stock cubes for almost every dish.

Gordon Ramsay is not a real man! Allow me to explain. 6 years ago I was hired to do some carpentry work for one of Ramsay's new restaurants in the Lake District. My crew and I were tasked with building a restaurant which could cater to all the family - from grandparents to a newborn. The job seemed to be pretty straightforward until my buddy started pointing out weird things about the floor plans. Secret rooms, a hidden tunnel, peep holes in the walls, just a lot of weird stuff. We figured ok whatever they maybe needed these things speedier service. So we go about building this place. Halfway through this black limo pulls up and Gordon Ramsay pops out. He runs right up to me and starts screaming. "You FUCKING IDIOT! HEY, you, yeah, you big boy! Come here! These nails are iron! They should not be fucking iron!" And I remember he touched the nail and it seemed to burn him. Now that was really odd. He went around inspecting all the corners in the restaurant. Specifically the corners. At this point I was legitimately spooked. It just didn't feel right. But the money was so good. My buddy and I stayed late trying to get the job done so we could get away from this place. It was at exactly midnight that we heard a howling sound coming from the woods right by the restaurant.

I grabbed a shotgun I had earlier pinched from a drunken farmer from under my truck seat and when I turned around I saw him. Gordon Ramsay. Pale as a ghost with red glowing eyes. He opened his mouth and inhuman sound poured out. I fired off a couple rounds but they seemed to pass right through him. I yelled to my friend but he didn't respond. I had no choice but to leave him. I drove straight home, packed, and took a ferry across the English Channel and into France that very night. I never heard from my friend again.

Sometimes I look at the news in the area. A couple small villages and market town. There are always reports of missing children and mutilated pets drenched in lamb sauce.

>why dont they ever do cooking shows in realtime?
>Go to kitchen
>Fill pot with water
>Put pot of water on stove
>Turn on stove
>Stare a pot until it boils
That's why.

>he doesn't have a gas stove that heats instantly
You've no right talking about cooking

you must have an intense stove if you can flash boil a large amount of a substance with one of the highest heat capacity among liquids

The food in Mexico tastes like shit

Yes, its called being a grown up and buying a decent kitchen appliance

>he doesn't have a gas stove that heats instantly
~2,600Kj to boil a liter of water from 20 degrees C to vapor. That's about 2.3 kWH if my calculations are correct. What the fuck is powering your stove, Chernobyl?

Fag clearly has an electric stove from the 90s

When you switch that fucker on, do the streetlights dim?

If it takes you longer than a minute to boil 500ml of water you need to upgrade

Bamboo rat, in.

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Stop getting baited you fucking retards

> boil 500ml of water
I'm not talking about making a cup of tea, I'm talking about COOKING. As in picrel.

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I will LITERALLY go down and make you a webm of how quickly it takes to boil water Jesus christ

Why don't you boil that lobster in some olivol. It will really compliment the butter.

Youre cooking for 1, 500ml is fine

Itt: yank mutts who aren't allowed to eat real food get confused by one of the world's greatest chefs. Lmao, guys everytime this thread comes up you all embarass yourselves.

Grill me a cheese like ramsay and tell me it is good

Only a dumb Mexican would say that.

I will but not fake American cheese

If you like salsa and tomatoes its fine like Italian

Why would you waste1.5L on a single crawdad.

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Jack just depresses me now that his arm's fucked


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> drops half a jar of turmeric
> keeps adding more shit to it instead of scooping it out.
Also , after 2 years of shilling for free for that Profile by Sanford diet company ( they never even acknowledged him , and yet he implied that he was sponsored by them lmaooooooooo) he is fatter than ever , so is his swine wife.

He looks so proud kek, no wondier normies who can't cook for shit adore this guy. They all make the same accomplished face when completing a simple task. Wow. You made a burger.