
Quiet Professional edition


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He deserved better.

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his parents are forever disappointed

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Kim's pretty based, a good solid wingman and a good and solid bro. Unfortunately, he fucking died when he got sucked out into the vacuum.

He lost my respect when Seven straight up ordered to fuck her and he pussied out. Fuck Harry Wang

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>engage in intercourse with me harry Kim
>b-b-but muh feeelings

He had a girl back home.

Didn't he die and end the Myth Busters franchise?

Why is this thread full of Voyagertrannies…. I wish this was an ENTchad and TOSchad general.

Then by god get your fucking pants off...

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yo hate star truck

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>Harry is so autistic he spills his spaghetti everywhere and spergs out when approached by gigahot Seven
That's why he's so relatable. He's just like me.

How the fuck does a 2024 Latino doctor who treats vagabonds off the street, know how to fix the pretend Picard android?

/trek/ is open to all fans of Star Trek

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ENT+TOS never happened. ENT+VOY always together.

He's not an android he's a synthetic human. He's lab grown meat.
I don't understand why this is so hard for people to grasp.

I think it's time for Stationchads to reclaim /trek/. It's our bloodright.

he's a fracking toaster

And he didn't fuck her either....was he actually gay and thirsting Chad "Tom " Paris ?

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ds9 has its charms, only acceptable feddie is obrien though

no he has a canadian gf back on earth

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He deserved worse.

This, but unironically.

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because how else will they get nurse taco back?

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Naw im pretty sure he wanted Tom's Delta Flyer docked into his Aft Stabliser, he was always complaining that he spent too much time with the Mexi-Klingon after all....

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>Android (robot), a humanoid robot or synthetic organism designed to imitate a human

Sounds like an android to me. Stop defending this fake Star Trek.

it wasn't exactly explained properly and none of it made much sense. They made a full identical synthetic body of Picard and then transferred his brain memories into the body?

Holy fucking based.
FUCK female captains and FUCK enterpriseoids
I have never watched voyager because I hate women so much it’s unreal

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janeway had the key to his cage anyway

On the macro level at least he's human and consequently needs medical treatment and not an engineer.


this is why you would love voy though, janeway is most fun to hate. she's a fucking crazy person. also VOY has best bromances, beyond even kirkspock

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I can’t watch Voyager because it looks like a power rangers show aesthetically.

Mallwalkers are getting to uppity. /trek/ needs to put them in their place once and for all. Their place is the bottom. Under VOYboys. Six feet under. In the ground. Burning in hell.

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That's a funny way to spell mallwalkers.

a single doctor isn't capable of performing open-heart surgery.

Wasn't the original idea to have Janeway end up munching Seven's carpet but Rick Berman shut it down?

Part of the VOY experience is laughing at the incompetent, self-hating Kathy, the literal nutjob Belly, and the only-useful-for-those-balloons-on-her-chest Seven of Sixty-Nine.

caring for aesthetics is for fags
suck a dick already

You can get your photo taken with Dukat at Mission Chicago this weekend

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That sounds wrong.

guys i know its a TV show, but Picard got hit outside a really high-security event and no police or anything were there to stop them from dragging an old man to the homeless shelter.

>Imagine getting blown by in rank by Tom "drunk again" Paris.

Wait...so even male Cardassians have vagina heads too. Who'd a thunk it.

Why do they hate Asians so much, bros?

i dont know, their relationship is very complicated and sexual. like lesbo hatefucking mommydom somehow. the mommy might be bleeding off kim's relationship though.

It gets worse - he's not an old man, he's a robot, a fucking microwave with legs, running a program that's ten million if (something_said) do_what_the_late_picard_would_do(); statements.
It's a good thing they have probably the best cyberneticist in the 25th century Federation along with them - she can really help turning him off and on again.

Spoonheads are a disgrace.

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>tfw heard so much about Deep Based Nine that I’m itching to watch it
>but I haven’t finished TNG yet
Feels bad man
Btw why do you guys call it a mall

Nobody cares about a crusty old white man

I would of prefered it over what actually happened, Seven fucking the indian. At least Janeway would have had some actual depth to her character besides batfuck crazy incompetent captain....


only after smiley has his way with them

I guess so. Racism is kind of bad.

Bajoran hands typed this post

They have crossover episodes...

A lot of the series is spent on the station, with the Promenade being the main set piece there, alongside ops, which is the bridge equivalent. Deep Space Nine is like a frontier town in contrast to constant exploring. That said, there's still a lot of going to other planets.

>being so bored and unhappy with yourself that you're entertained by console warring Star Trek shows against one another
What the fuck is wrong with you spergs?

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DS9 bros, we've conquered them WITH ideas. Now let's here our captains song.

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>can’t handle a bit of banter

if you don't enjoy star trek maybe you should go somewhere else? perhaps I might suggest back to /pol/

I've attempted to seriously kill myself at least four times.

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just watched Gary's summary of spic 7
what a bull crap it was

It's all pretend.

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>The Mall
They reference the promenade in every other episode.
To the Spoon-bois it was to overlook their higher caste slave camps.
To the Wrinkle noses it was to overlook their new mall that the help installed.

Congratulations, you're probably one of the few people in this thread that's actually honest with themselves.

>why do you guys call it a mall
The main DS9 set is literally a mall. With shops and everything. All they do is mallwalk.

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>Btw why do you guys call it a mall
Because it's a place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space. . .all alone in the night.

he's not your friend

honestly the fact you're not dead means you didn't actually ''seriously'' try or you would be dead.

They should stop giving Paramount free exposure.

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I pay him to be my friend

I have tried to escape /trek/ for many years but i've literally never figured out who this gary is (thank christ)

You mean like how TNG references a bar that serves real liquor to on duty officers every other episode?

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>peons squabbling over their pithy little “shows”
Ahem. Kneel.

The main place within the Promenade is another bar that's run by one of the main cast.

Failing at doing something 4 times lifted my spirits.
How hard is it to take a flying leap off a building you retarded loser?


hahaha no why would anyone click this shit?

>All they do is mallwalk.
They do run one hell of an exciting mall motherfucker.

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eugh no. it's awful, thanks.

I want to live in a fucking space mall shut up

Well it makes sense, it is a civilian-run station that's basically a port-of-call for the gamma quadrant. Starfleet doesn't own the thing, the nose terrorists do. Starfleet just manages it cause the je-er, noseys are too incompetent. Why wouldn't such a place have a casino with shops and jerk off booths?

>tfw the best Star Trek didn't have it's best scenes on a bridge, teleporter or medical bay but a common bar and tailor's shop
>tfw the best Star Trek character is a fascist
>tfw Nu-Trek will never learn from these feats and will always bash the fash in 10k pew pew space battles from pristine 2009-film style bridges

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