For me it's You're the Worst

For me it's You're the Worst

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Imagine the children... literally BUILT for bearing your sons.


Darude Sandstorm

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Lucyna Winnicka

Yes, very fertile

Idris Elba

>tfw she eventually passed peak THICC and went full whale in the later seasons
First season Aya Cash is God-tier hot

I’ve been dying to rewatch, but it doesn’t get good till the third season

never change, user

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>not this one
nice one

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She was a delightful slampig.
However her sister on the show was the Worst.

Very gay way to experience arousal

Hope Solo, she has nudes.

literally the absolute least gay way to experience arousal possible but ok


>Aya Cash
>tfw she has the same birthday as me

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Nope.. Still gay

>slampig without a cute face

built for forcible 24/7 insemination

seething tranny. you have no womb, you will never have eggs

>slampig without a cute face
The literal definition of a slampig you nigger brain moron. That's like saying a butterface without a cute face. Kill yourself retard.

you might have to resort to fucking filth but i only fuck fat chicks if they have a cute face. maybe you should follow your own advice you hideous failure

Lol you fucking retard

>nigger brain moron is a complete fucking tard
Color me surprised. Also
>nigger brain moron can only fuck fat chicks
>calling someone else a hideous failure

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pretending to be two people because you got told is pretty fucking cringe ngl

you're literally low t

nah i just literally can afford to have high standards. nice cope though

>getting dunked on
>y-y-youre samefagging
Pathetic nigger brain moron.

why are you so triggered? are you just regulated to fucking ugly chicks or ARE you an ugly chick? which is it?

>I can afford to have high standards
>fucks fat chicks

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which episode?

i only fucked one because she was my friend and asked nicely. you don't have sex OR friends so you wouldn't get it.

>you might have to resort to fucking filth but i only fuck fat chicks with cute faces
>i only fucked one
>that backpedaling
You really nigger brain moron with awful taste lmao imagine being so pathetic you can only manage to sleep with landwhales

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Guys, I was always into skinny chicks but for last few month I started to get HORNY by meaty ones, with big chest and hips ( not obese, more something like OP picrel ) what's happening to me...

You cannot fight it, user.

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getting older, T may be increasing. maybe you finally started working out.

But what do I do, what's next for me
My whole life I was a leg man ( not foot, leg ), but now I just fucking need to touch and choke breedable women. Is it maturation? I'm in my early 20s

he's beggining to believe
also you are not fag

Pull a Brosnan and get with a skinny woman, and slowly shape her into your ideal image. Embrace your calling

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leg man? lets check

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>Not this one

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meh. she barely has enough fat reserves to last a 4 month long winter

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I've been swimming my whole lifez last three years lifting, yeah
Probably there's correlation
Noooo it's too big, right now I'm about a little bit of THIC on hips and tits, really meaty, but not fatso
Those built pretty god, definitely for BITING and HOLDING by ankles
Although I was more into slim and long legs, with tasty calves ( God, I love calves so much bros....)

The definitive slampig

It's gay to only post screenshots, you know

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what an absolute unit

The gayest post currently on Yea Forums

Fucking hell, Yea Forums hackers, I came here being a stick legs enjoyer, now I'm into this

is the her only half-nude scene?

Try keisha grey looks identical

she’s so…slippery

Literally my first fetish he he, like my girls oiled and lubed

watch you're the worst. She's sexualized (in a positive way) in literally every episode. It's an awesome fapmaterial, while also being a smart and funny show.

Oh my...

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me getting arrested for public masturbation off screen

>Noooo it's too big, right now
For now, user. For now

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Your sperm is looking for breeding material now, not just fuck material.