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Comfiest TARDIS set edition

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I always thought 11's was exceptionally comfy. The console controls were a little too goofy, though. But the warm lighting and asymmetry worked.

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You know I'm right.

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Continuing my chib/Jodie hate watch and finished flux this morning - awful mess - but Timeless child was fucking PAINFUL to get through lads
I think i'm done. I miss the pre-13 era so much. Next regen and retcons cannot come soon enough

*It's not a full marathon I literally cannot do it to myself so I've jumped around and watched some of the ultra cringe stuff on 1.5x

she is fat af

take it back

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People hate on it but it's a great set and I have a real soft spot for it. One of the few to actually really feel bigger on the inside

Still would

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10 y old photo

I don't hate it, I just think it was a tad too "copper toy box", toning that down just a bit would've done wonders.


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>The best Doctor Who episode of all time only had 2 characters in it
How is that possible?


It's this thing called "good writing" Chibnall, you wouldn't understand.

Chadpaldi makes everything possible.

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Feel like pure shit just want him back lads

dubs of truth

Started a rewatch boys, wish me luck.

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It's a shame the Master didn't meet the best Doctor


>this is fine

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There would have been a scene where John Simm's Master kisses 11, I know it

tfw no messy haired girly room chav pussy

9 or 11?


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Flux had the potential to drag the show out of the mire but it just wasn't to be.
It looked amazing however, the production of the last three seasons has been pretty spot on, but the writing and acting are just dire.

Should have made the Doctor lean into being a mother/guardian/guide type personality instead of just redoing Tennant, something unique.


>It looked amazing however
Bull. Shit. Everything looks uncanny in this era.

>It looked amazing however, the production of the last three seasons has been pretty spot on
I wish this was true but it absolutely isn't.

Sure, the production budget went up but it doesn't mean that the quality of the show went up. It's just shit but with expensive set dressing now.
Miss the soulful era of Who when they clearly had no budget but put the effort into the writing and atmosphere.

Just because the production budget went up doesn't mean the production quality went up. There's more to a show's production quality than just letterboxing the aspect ratio and getting anamorphic lenses. It's also about creativity with camera angles, clarity, visual storytelling, good sets and so on. None of those looking too bright right now when you actually keep track.

I'm fully aware, and it's distracting how often a lens flare would get thrown in during Chib's era so far just to make things look more intense or dramatic.
Show seriously sucks now I hope RTD2 reminds people they like DW for the stories now the production value.
Also that rumour of a "MCU style makeover" is 100% bullshit right?

RTD2 era will inarguably be better but the MCU style makover thing is a rumor built on things RTD publicly said. Making the show accessible and popular is the end goal of that.


So we're just getting the Golden Years of NuWho with bigger budget?
I'm already down.

I hope that's what we'll end up getting but I'm worried it'll be something worse. RTD's tendency to chase sensationalism was evident in his original run and only became more evident in his future projects, and I worry it will infect his second era even more.

This is comfiest Tardis.

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Don't mind if I do.

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The funniest thing about Heaven Sent to me is that it's the best episode of the show, and yet it's barely like a typical Doctor Who story at all
>no Tardis
>no companion
>no aliens or time travel

Like how before it people were saying Blink was the best episode ever, and it's even less of a DW episode.

HS feels stupid in isolation for me, it's the surrounding context when it comes to character histories and their usual behavior that makes it work.

They did a really good job in this scene. Very memorable moment, love to see her spin around on the bbc like she's in space. Mind robber is a big fave for the wife and the fans, always come back for it

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kys NL

I think you need a Doctor

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you need to die NL

When are you gonna stop with this stupid unfunny routine?

when NL fuck off

What race is he?

A little bit Irish and a whole lot of something else. He is quite spicy. Moffat knew what he was doing casting the hottest actors of nu who and having them bang

Numenorean, according to Netflix.

I like to think that Danny was a secret incarnation of the doctor and that's why he protected Clara and that's how he was able to live in the cyberman suit


You know for a fact that 6 and danny pink are going to have a big finish adventures boxset one of these days

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this joke is dead
as should you be as well

Hey calm down bud it's going to be okay watch some doctor who maybe something comfy like new earth

Finished Rose and End of the World.
Rose is is okay. End of the World is kind of shit until the last 10 mins, who the fuck keeps the most important button on the station behind 3 sets of death machine ventilation fans blocking the pathway?

comfy is for fags
like you

>who the fuck keeps the most important button on the station behind 3 sets of death machine ventilation fans blocking the pathway?
its a fail safe that would not be necessary when they were not expectating sabotage

The End of the World is really kinda lame. There's nothing particularly remarkable about it aside from that last scene, and it's a pretty weak second episode
Honestly thinking about it, Series 1 doesn't really get good until you hit Dalek

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I like the part where chris goes balls deep in the tree lady

When does the latest DW episode air?

you are idiot

Easter Sunday
Prepare yourself for more Chibshit that mines old monsters for cheap easy nostalgia

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Cool thanks bros do you know which channel I could watch it on?

you know what channel you twat, now fuck off

KYS network
or the NL website

Clyde Langer


>The cat is FINALLY out of the bag: I produced and directed a very gay, very trans OFFICIAL @BBCDoctorWho fiction podcast by @junodawson


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