Attached: cod.jpg (481x403, 28.98K)

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god I hate women


I want to RACEMIX.

i love women

Bros... If I fucked her I can still be in the racist club right?

Go home gamer girl etc


Don't worry, they hate you too.

have sex

>jim not knowing how to play games


This woman owes me sex.

fuck you if you like the office
fuck that show

>half nigger
>half jew
I dont trust her just like I dont trust Saul "Slash" Hudson and Lenny Kravitz

>is endlessly clingy and needy for attention
>barely talented as an artist
>only like 2 of her outfits are sexy
Why would anyone choose pam?

Attached: fysil5jk59fb7adb1bf0a012782236_600x900.jpg (600x900, 87.59K)

>is endlessly clingy and needy for attention
>barely talented as an artist
>only like 2 of her outfits are sexy
>Why would anyone choose pam?
Because Pam fulfills the white girl fantasy of doing nothing but making kind of terrible choices, but still getting the reward in the end

So I watched this episode last week deadass why they play some whack ass cod instead of bo2 I get the show is old but it’s not like apex or fortnite or some shit

I said anyone, women's opinions need not apply

fr fr no cap

I love Kung Fu

Attached: kf.png (447x252, 70.91K)

>is the sex icon of The Office
>didn't even need sex scenes like Angela + Dwight

Attached: rashida-jones-sexy-55059.jpg (1200x800, 186.65K)

>Sex icons
>Le flat chest

She’s got green eyes and I want kids with nice eyes


Attached: Rashida Jones Karen The Office S03E10 [10.39-10.42].webm (1200x1080, 2.83M)

What part of me licking the back of her sweaty knees is racist

>no appreciation for petite women
tasteless scoundrel. Begone with ye an let all hear my cry

Attached: rashida_jones_sexy.jpg (1000x1000, 194.77K)

jim fucked up

>Went with the white girl
only thing he fucked up is colonizing Rashida Jones's exocytic puss

Just say you're gay, we'll understand

I honestly didn't know she was part black at first, thought she was dark Italian or something.

>only like 2 of her outfits are sexy
I can tell you're a low test nigger or some type of shitskin with horrible tastes. Everything she wears before she hooks up with Jim is oozing with sex appeal. Not because they're sexually explicit in some way, but because of how she completes the package of an office lady/secretary with the clothing.
You'll never understand. Faggot.

have rape

She's not a nigger

Attached: Chipmunk.jpg (1000x651, 158.46K)

>dark italian

>sex icon
>anyone but erin

Attached: 1648031644654.webm (1080x1350, 1.19M)

It’s weird I am obsessed with Karen so I have watched almost everything else Rashida has been in but it just doesn’t hit quite the same. More into the character than the actress herself

She has bangs in everything because her forehead is grotesquely large

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i can see the camera crew in the tv screen

>Is part of a deep south white supremacist elite group

>office lady/ secretary
she's the fucking receptionist. She's a shy prude who's sex appeal is an unending lust for the slacker at work, cucking the slacker at work with some dude from the warehouse, before forcing him to make a move on her by pushing ever closer to her original target.
I. Hate. Women.
I'm just glad Rick or Ron or whatever the fuck his name was ended up with a total babe

Attached: bmSEMYrAN8XoScKuGjpWKn.jpg (1920x1080, 306.49K)

no shit retard

Attached: ret.webm (460x252, 621.89K)

She dated Roy since high school, before she even met Jim. In the episode when she wears sluttier clothing she just gets sexually harassed the entire episode.

>HUrR huRr dUrR yEah bRo u goNnA sMasH daT?
What the fuck is wrong with you where you click post and think “nailed it”. Jfc you’re a virgin. Just go back to plebbit.

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what episode ?

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Karen was hotter than Pam but even Jim was tired of Karen's shit. She wanted a different kind of attention from Pam. She wanted the "lets talk about every little problem that I perceive in our relationship" attention.

you watch too many chinese cartoons user her forehead is perfectly fucking acceptable here.

Yes. And that's a good thing

Idk just look up the scene when Kelly does fashion show, fashion show, fashion show at lunch.

she lokos like kate in this

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I hope she sees this man.

her mannerisms and uptight behaviour coupled with outrageous entitlement really are repulsive as fuck. would rape but not marry.


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Wow that’s just mean.

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while i agree that paunch tumtum is sexy here can anyone else see that Donny Lump looks like a harlequin babby here?

based gamer girl, that is the correct response

>be unattractive and thus not interesting to a woman:
>expect anything else
At that point you're better off hiding in the lgbt crowd as a "Bi" guy who "had" sexual experiences with men but leans more towards women. Women eat that shit up

Isn't this the anti porn advocate Rashida Jones?

The office is genuinely one of the only shows that depicted vidya correctly

Good morning