Disney bros...?

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>White woman wants to fuck the local dog (monster)
>Based Gaston tries to kill it
>Is somehow the bad guy
Typical Jews.

I can never hear that name and think anything other than
>aggressive pedophiles

I’d be all for it if women would read a fucking book

>Local dug turns out to be a recluse Chad
Your move incel

They cancelled the Gaston movie because it was too masculine

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Still a dog. Kill it and the woman.

Lefou I’m afraid I’ve been thinking, a dangerous past time I know.

What’s funny is at Disney World, the Gaston impersonators always have the biggest line of women ready to meet them. Women love Gaston, wether they want to admit it or not.

I bet this movie comes with a warning now

Oh my god he's such a chud

I want a kids movie were a Gaston-like character is the protagonist and the good guy
Closest thing I can think of is the sleepy hollow cartoon

You see this fucking piece of shit right here. This thing wants to destroy all of civilization. Women are the cancer of the world. Have something you enjoy? They'll ruin it. Have something you want to build? They'll tear it down. Have something you want to invest in? They'll crash it with no survivors. These pampered, privileged creatures have life so god damn good and easy that they actively seek out ways to introduce difficulties into others lives, so they can pretend to solve problems. They are envious of the male drive to create and build. They are envious of the male intellect and physical capabilities. They sit around all day every day for their entire lives wishing they had a penis.

Even worse, there are fellow men who fail to see the destructive nature of these emotional beasts. They actively fight against their own interests to help women destroy what men who are more successful than they built. These traitors deserve hell. They go by many names, they betray their brothers out of jealously and act like women in response to that emotion.

I’m a dude and I love Gaston. He’s one of the best villains Disney ever made. Of course he makes women wet, he’s everything a girl would want. Full of himself, attractive, confident, and funny. What else do you want?


>kill white women
>kill white men
C'mon Chud.

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It's ok to be brown, Chud.

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he might make good points

I find that women are perfectly pleasant and nice to be around if they are put under an oppressive social structure for their entire lives. Otherwise they just start doing destructive things and you have to deal with it. I always get a chuckle over guys who come up with elaborate copes to justify being with a girl who isn't a virgin. Enjoy having your wife even having the idea of comparing your dick to other dicks she let inside of herself

I like how incels cope with being alone by pretending they’re rejecting women for having sex

How did they get away with this?

I wanted the Gaston in the 2017 live action one to be a complete Chad. Too bad we got shit

>Yidsney actually squashed an idea which would have furthered pushing the Gaston/Le Fou homo romance
I don't believe it.

It's ok simpy,enjoy being a cuck as much as you want. I don't care

Because he's the villain and it's set in like the 1600s

Enjoy never seeing a pussy in your life

now show reddit meetup

>*completely mogs you*

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Gaston has sharper jaw and no nigger lips

women always lets out a little surprised sigh of disappointment during this scene. They'd rather have him in beast form.

>google doesn't exist
tell me, why should I simp for a walking cum dumpster when I can get it for free?

its fine and also funny because he is the bad guy

henry cavill would be perfect for this role in another remake.

>Why should I reproduce and pass down my genes
I guess you don’t value yourself enough to consider your genes worth preserving.

>reproduce with a modern women
>she ends up aborting half your babies and turning the last one into a troon for social media credit after divorcing you
>you'll have to pay for the neo vagina through alimoney
yeah seems like a good plan, let me know how it goes

>I guess you don’t value yourself enough to consider your genes worth preserving.
you can have children even if you think about yourself like that. I mostly want my gf not to be alone when she's old and I'm already dead

You spend too much time on this site. It’s rotted your brain. Touch grass retard, the world isn’t as bad as you think it is

>the world isn’t as bad as you think it is
Oh, over half of marriages don't end up in divorce?
Faggots aren't spreading a demented agenda?
Troons aren't being shoved into every nook and cranny?

That was a generic Yea Forums meetup not pol specifically. Source: The mutt in the costume.

Half of marriages last forever friend. No, there isn’t a faggot agenda. Walk outside. I’ve literally seen maybe 10 trannies in my entire life, that shit is so uncommon and a vast majority of people think they’re weird, they just don’t say anything.

>women shouldn't read
>gaston doesn't read either
you can't have it both ways big guy

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Didn’t one guy get fired for being really rude to women?

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Sinbad 2003?

Peacemaker was almost that until it went woke

i can't believe how based this nigga was they did him dirty for no reason

The live action his turn seemed so forced

Am I the only one that always associated this character with Bruce Campbell? I always imagined Bruce playing him in a live action version.

What exactly would this series even be about? Just the adventures of chad?


The charges, officer?

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The Gaston guy has the biggest line because that guy puts serious 100% into the role doing dumb shit like intentionally losing a push up contest and doing tons of jokey photo ops
The most famous one has broken character because a drunk girl kept trying to grope him until he flat out said.
“No, you’re done. There are children!” in his normal voice.
He didn’t get fired though. The incident made him more popular.

i always thought gaston was based as fuck. hes a hero right out of ye olde tyme local legends, back when every hamlet and village had an operator guy who was getting shit done, swinging dick style.


my ex loved gaston, she used to say i reminded her of him. pretty based tbqh

>blue eyes, light brown hair.

Oh no feminist sisters we can’t allow this!!!!

You got it confused with Yea Forums

We're not aggressive

>its ok to be brown
no, it isnt

looking back that whole movie was a psyop, I know they started the shit way before that but it's so weird to see seemingly innocent things from our childhoods as what they truly are. they created a strong male character specifically to character assassinate the alpha archtype, there was no such character in the original story


Don't hate yourself too much, bro

That's not what the defenseless people your friends shot would think
Around the chains, never relax

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*Around the chans, never relax

homie ate five dozen eggs for breakfast every morning, was jacked, 100% natty, and could fuck every girl in town, and also LeFou, if he so desired. He took on a fucking furry in hand to hand combat, and could only accept defeat through death. Gaston was based, and is someone I aspire to be

kek, im white, at least ill never be a brown pile of shit

Self hatred won't make you white, bro. I accept you for who you are