How did Oliver Stone go from anti war to making Russian propaganda films?

>2016- Ukraine on Fire and The Putin Interviews
>1 is a “Ukrainians are nazis” propaganda regurgitation
>the other is 4+ hours of Stone blowing Putin
Seriously what the hell?? His son worked at RT also

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Google Zelensky Panama papers and Kolomoyskyi.

Putin showing stone a US Marines video and claiming it’s Russian soldiers Kek

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No Igor

Wait a sec he made Snowden in the same year too. Did Putin pay him the propaganda package?

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Stone is an old-school liberal whose hate for the deep state supersedes anything else. Kennedy was like Jesus to these people and Dulles and H.W. crucified him.

>Stone voluntarily took the Russian Sputnik V vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, despite being a decade older than the recommended maximum age for it. He also said it was "madness" that their vaccine was being ignored, and further added, "Russia’s been one of the most advanced countries, if not the most advanced country

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Fuck off Ivan back to pol. That's been thoroughly debunked.

Enjoy being on a FBI list idiot.

Idea clouded his judgement

russia is absolutely seething about Sputnik KEKKK

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>Oliver Stone is based
The second someone starts calling you a Russian shill, that's when you know you've pissed off the right people. Go use entire populations as proxies for wars you're unwilling to fight somewhere else you liberal faggots

Enjoy being a coward

What the hell he made a sequel in 2019 fucking kek

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>Yikes bro

>Kikes bro


Google Azov Battalion you tard

so hes one of the very few good jews?

>Ukrainians are nazis” propaganda regurgitation
I've been following this since 2013/2014 they literally made a nazi (Bandera) their national hero lmao. As soon as the invasion started the propoganda from both sides but especially the U.S. exploded all over social media in a way I've never seen before, lots of memory holing tons of shit that went on prior to 24 Feb 2022 CIANiggers don't want you to know.

Watch her movie.
It's called Donbass:

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I'm starting to suspect Stone is a glow n-word, supposed to make people with similar views look like schizos

Same, I remember /pol/ being pretty excited about Azov getting so popular back in the day too. Now they're kind of broken between the Russians and Ukranians. It's two different groups of far right nationalists driving the conflict so it kind of makes sense.

Jews are like Christians you can't just lump in the Quakers with the Catholics. You got the based ones like the Marx brothers and Mel Brooks, the annoying ones that are walking stereotypes like the Hasidic, and the pure evil ones like the Israelis.

Zelensky is a Jewish puppet of Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi, a Jewish Ukrainian billionaire and Jews in America.

Zionist war just like Iraq and Afghanistan, decades of Zionist NATO warmongering. They wanted nukes within 4 minutes of Moscow on the Ukrainian border.

Zelensky was chosen by international Jewry not Ukrainian voters.

Yes but Snowden was an unironic patriot who exposed our government's most egregious violations of our right to privacy.

Putin says the same thing. Stones son converted to Islam in 2012 and worked for RT Russian propaganda until the invasion this year

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Says the same about what? Putin talks shit about Snowden all the time. Stone made a vaguely positive Putin doc series but also exposed how corrupt our ruling class is.

>nooooo you have to accept the fact that the NSA was violating the civil liberties of American citizens
>What are you, a Russian shill or Muslim
Doesn't work anymore, Moishe. Only boomers and faggots like you believe this shit.

yes and then he became a kremlin whore after that

I hope someone will make a movie about redditors dying for upvotes.

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because he’s a russophile, those people are mentally ill
no matter how shitty, pathetic or retarded that country proves itself to be he will still simp for it
interestingly none of those faggots ever move there to live or if they do it’s very brief (like Depardieu)

Just 2 more weeks

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Kek forgot about Gerard

>Everything I don't like is propaganda
Ok, bro.

Because his critical stance toward US government runs so deep that he now readily believes Russian propaganda, because it reinforces his anti-US beliefs

Stone is Russian propaganda and MSM is cianigger propaganda pick your poison.

this. It's a common retardation.

>he thinks the KGB isn't a kosher buffet.

Weird how Russian shills try to pretend they want to liberate ukraine from neo-nazis, while calling the ukraine president (or whatever his government head role is called) a jewish pawn in the same breath.

Putin literally said this 4 hours ago LMAO

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putin criminalized both anti-semitism and holocaust denial in Russia and has made fighting nazism a core part of his foreign policy

Hell, he's hosting an antifa summit in august

just because Putins war is bad (and it is) does not mean that Ukraine is good or that the west does not want to fuck Russia.
you know that the world is bigger than America, UK and a few western european countries right?
Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc all have their own agendas

The religious zeal of liberals is actually kinda crazy. They think that it's impossible to be genuinely against their ZOG nigger tranny empire. Every single person who says they are must be either paid off or an insane genocidal lunatic.

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>your own country tries to murder you

>Hell, he's hosting an antifa summit in august
>and has made fighting nazism a core part of his foreign policy
that's why he supports fascists parties all over europe. Makes sense.

Trump for 2024!!

I support the geopolitical enemies of ZOG whether they are islamic, communist or whatever retarded mishmash of ideologies Russia is now. The only thing that matters right now is that Washington and Jerusalem must fall so that racial nationalists can reassert power in the west.

look at the arguments to this post

you can say fuck america without sucking putin's dick. Though i know it's hard for you to comprehend.

have you watched his putin interviews? he sucks putins dick so vigorously you would not believe it lol

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>American itt scared to death by the fact that the age of western rulership is coming to an end

most leftists hate israel tho

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Israel and China love Russia and thats why Ukraine will lose no matter how much the media wants you to sob about Zelinskys holocaust family history

It makes perfect sense. Westcucks will be marked as fascist by rulers of the new world.

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Like Assange did? Going to Russia was the smartest move to escape glowies

People don't even seem to realise it's a possibility that china and russia could say "fuck you" to the dollar. What exactly do they need dollars for again? Netflix subscriptions?

This is a pretty stupid thing to believe when Ukranians are beating the Russian invaders back


More like Oliver Based

I used to think Israel was the underdog, now they're just bastards

Outplayed in geopolitical 5d chess. Nothing personal.

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