We'll convert your children

We'll convert your children

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Why are Americans like this?

Nice try Russian bot

>The We're Diddlers Company
what did they man by this

This is why I support Russia. Z.

ok groomer

Why are women so fucking stupid?

t. Tranny.

Russians didn’t create this culture. Mutts are.

>urban white women as globohomo sleeper cells who got activated by their Jew overlords as Trump won the election
>Jews owning all media, political parties and the judicial system, they got decadent and crazy with power, overplayed their hand
>ineffective, placated cuckservacucks who serve as controlled opposition
>Bioleninism as the emerging attempt to unite the multicultural mess that is modern America in order to make a coherent social system out of it

Low IQ

Also, social media. It polarizes the population and gives a voice to small groups of lunatics

Also: plutocrats wanting to replace the focus of the Left from class struggle to this


euro-communism has found its way into America.

Leftism, racial diversity, womens rights

Because Europe spent 50+ doing it first and demanding we do the same.

t. ranny

groomer industry, remind them every time you can

retard. if there was one tranny at your school but i spammed the shit out of it, you'd think it was a bigger issue and thus get riled up.
>disney content honcho

Low testosterone

All this shit 100% comes from the great satan and it's humanities departments. Euros are just copying ot from them. The term "lgbt" was invented in the US.

Marxists planted the seeds years ago. McCarthy tried to root them out, but boomers cries antisemitism, since “coincidentally”, most were kikes.

That's funny. Didn't the US willingly fund the commies?

Literally the opposite. Do you seriously have no idea what the Cold War was?

The Alex Jones rant about the gay mens choir is unironically the fucking funniest thing I've seen in years and I lost it, I cant find the date the show aired and I cant find the clip online because youtube keeps scrubbing it

The OSS/CIA funded Marcuse, Steinem, Davis, Fanon and other leftists who redirected leftism from class struggle to social justice (or "cultural Marxism" if you will)

So did she make the poor kid transition, or is the mf on “completely safe” puberty blockers? Either way rip.

okay, let's say you're right. it's all a big conspiracy lead by the jews to ruin western society and usher in a non-while world full of degeneracy and hedonism. so what? what are you doing about it? the left has all the cultural power in the west and we all know politics is directly downstream from culture so, again, what are you DOING about it? and i'm asking you that question even tho i already know you will not answer it and so i will tell you right now that i will simply keep asking you the same question until the thread is deleted or you, by some miracle, answer it.

>I suppose this opposing but also utterly retarded faction for no other reason that being a contrarian
thank you for sharing your double digit iq with us

Russia had every right to defend itself. 2000km land border with Ukraine and Jew Zelensky wanted to put nuclear tipped missiles within a 4 minute flight time of Moscow.

Would America tolerate Russian nuclear weapons in Tijuana? You leftists are stupid ignorant fools barking like seals at everything the Jewish media tells you.

Never forget the millions of white Christian Ukrainian citizens murdered by Jews like Kaganovich, Yagoda and Berman in the Jewish run Holodomor.

Why do they never talk about the quality of shows, its always just trying to hit some made up quota

>politics is directly downstream from culture
Not necessarily

not immediately but give it another 5 years and the tumblr genders are found on every government form.

There is nothing normal people can do besides not watch this crap. They're going to enforce what they want on society either way. It's literally fucking over.

Yup the word is ending. There's a bunch of gay people oh no. Do you need a safe space user?

this is what happens when you fuse capitalism with social and political ideology, corporatists have too much power, you gave it to them when you sold of your identity in order to consoom more.

>Why do they never talk about the quality of shows
With the sheer amount of garbage that has been produced where the main objective has been to be more "inclusive" and has failed, at this point it's no longer about just making money.

nice try Jewtin shill

Most people will blindly follow whatever ideology is in place. Usually in history, culture was downstream from politics because the ruler would have all power and shape the culture as he sees fit.
So, present-day America with its slow institutional takeover by libtards is kind of an anomaly actually. But if you overthrew this power structure you'd easily be able to reverse the culture simply by having power

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This was always the case, capitalism erodes the existing social values and norms. In the Middle Ages the giga-rich Medici family pressured the government into legalizing trade with Jews and Muslims

This fucking LARP again? France gave the world Sartre, De Beauvoir, and Foucault. Every philosopher that set the stage for this shit? France.
Those guys weren’t just going to America to teach that shit either. They specifically went to California to teach during the latter part of the hippie movement.
Europe bitching about American woke culture is like Dr.Frankenstein bitching about his own monster coming to kill him

>Overplaying their hand
Everything has been going exactly according to their design. You can no more oppose them than a flea can oppose a lion!

we will rape your children and you won't ve able to do shit about it chuds

>What are they doing about it
Nothing, because even if they are correct the point is never to win. They need a eternal enemy to fight as a way to avoid responsibility for their own actions. The moment they achieve victory, which granted they will never, they must instantly invent a new threat to fight lest their worldview falls apart.

>Every philosopher that set the stage for this shit?
No, not every. John Money, Judith Butler, Angela Davis, Noel Ignatiev, etc., all Yanks.

>Your children
Lol. As if.

>reverse the culture simply by having power
which will never happen because we are living in a democracy and not a fascist dictatorship that values a strong leader above personal freedom, even if it's an illusion.

How is it possible for a child to realize that they’re pansexual?

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Sexhaver bell curve:
>non-sexhavers are right-wing
>sexhavers are left-wing
>children-havers are right-wing

It's easy when your mother crawled out of some hellpit to give you advice

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horny when making pancakes

Because American pig-people will watch regardless while huffing down turnips and apple cores like the hogs they are.

She’s not wrong. Already many government bureaucrats are including their preferred pronouns in their email signature blocks.


Jews, how many times do we have to say it?

>President of Disney is a woman
Giving women the right to vote and then not gatekeeping them the fuck out of certain spaces and positions is literally the cause of all that's wrong in the west.

Americans get their political ideology from Netflix documentaries

T. Moishe goldberg

Hungary has democracy, the US doesn't.
Nobody voted for this shit in the US. Hell, even gay marriage was enacted by the courts, which decided to overturn the referendum results which were against gay marriage (and this was in California!)

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If you stopped posting schizo shit people would be more willing to side with you.
You clearly are in the right morally yet you manage to throw away any public support with that shit.
Even if you retards actually believe that everything is a conspiracy try to keep it on the down low, theoretically that's how your "opponents" managed to sway public opinion, slowly and only providing more information gradually when it was time to do so.

i don´t have any and even if i did they wouldn´t be allowed to own smartphones but a burnerphone and internet only under heavy observation until they turn 18.
in other words , not my problem.

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It's mostly the difference between sell out corrupt right wing politicians and insane far right reactionaries. Basically: The difference between actually believing in stuff and just using it to fleece rubes.