Biopic when?

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Fuck off, faggot.

What a fucking racket

genuine kino moment of humanity


low fruit

This. I don't understand why people want to watch this rubbish. It's not even like a stage musical which are bad enough.

Probably lost social credit for such an impropriety

Don't some operas and musicals have actors perform from balconies and shit that the audience wasn't expecting? It was probably staged.

why are you, a Yea Forums shitposter, more human than a 24 year old chad chinkoid opera singer lol

good thing there are chinks like him to carry on european culture after they destroy us

As a white man, I want a white genocide because based Chinese will carry on european culture. Plus AMWF is based and Chinese men are handsome and tall


as a fellow white man i completely agree. also big black cock

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>”we have to save european opera!”
>hasn’t been to a single opera performance in his life



some faggot needed to be in the center of attention and couldnt stand everybody looking at the trained singer so he interrupted the entire show so that everybody would look at him instead?

Well, that's nice.
*closes thread*

jannies delete sneed threads in favor of this sewage

Her reaction here is so genuine. What a fucking chad in the audience, even if I had his pipes I doubt I'd have the cajones to actually join in

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So real.

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cus im not a yellow insect?

>nigger meanwhile is
>"shieeet nigga i fuck that bitch in my whip then i sip some of dat lean, roll up a blunt smoke that shit then i drop the top and fuck a thot!!"

>>hasn’t been to a single opera performance in his life
what's your argument? that doesn't mean you have to destroy it and erase it you fucking retard

Wowww!! Velly, velly implessive! Totarry no scripted eider!!! China numma 1!!

I'd have let rip an earth-shattering fart and stopped the show dead.

chang definitely smashed afterwards
you could see she was swooning gushing by his alpha initiative

alpha move

>zoomers and boomers are retarded enough to think this wasn't staged

His argument is that you are saying European culture should be carried on, while doing nothing to carry on your actual culture yourself. Whites are truly the most cucked race, glad you’re going extinct.

>after europeans destroy themselves through suicide by negro/muslim

But you're right europe has a decent chance of being partially preserved as a kind of museum exhibit/wildlife reservation by the chinese. there's a good chance that they'll want at least a small community of authentic brits and french and italians living according to their customs for chinese people to look at and admire and feel kindly towards. The way you do when you set up a forest for endangered pandas or wild tigers to live in.


>hasn’t been to a single opera performance in his life
What kind of fucking troglodyte never went to an opera performance?
Its like never have been in a Museum.

absolute retard who can't read human emotions

>His argument is that you are saying European culture should be carried on, while doing nothing to carry on your actual culture yourself

still doesn't change the fact that there are people doing that and it has a right to exist to matter how triggered you get over it because it represents european "white" culture
Kill yourself faggot

absolute invalid who thinks everything on tv is real. you must be european.

>the retards at /pol/ literally can’t not immediately go for some low hanging racist jokes
nice ones you fucking troglodytes

I've never had my balls hit with a mallet but I don't need to try it to know it's not a good thing.



imagine getting mad because of this video lol

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No one ever said it shouldn’t exist or that non-whites will carry it on. Learn to read. People were just calling you and your race a bunch of cucks, which like the cuck you are, agree with lmao

i'll smite yer skull, low born oaf

Hello fellow whites, death to all whites

>one in a million chance of an opera themed thread
>le niggers
>le chinks
>le cucks
>le white culture
>muh sexual inuendos over everything i see
Truly, the dregs of society.

go back faggot, tv is pol2

based useless micro prick, you know you belong in the gutter
I am pleased

the rope will hold ye

Opera is still mostly done by white people, so how is that cucked? Same with orchestras, theatre, movies etc

And your argument is that if you don't actively contribute to opera then you must not contribute to upholding any part of European culture, which is clearly a retarded, invalid argument, isn't it?

Even if he didn't contribute to a single one of the "high" arts, he would still be contributing to upholding European culture because culture is not just the arts of a people but all of their collective behaviour, including their manners, mores, values, language, rituals, past-times, holidays, dress, customs, etc.

Furthermore he's pretty opposed to the forces trying to denigrate and spread animosity against European culture and European civilization and is an an advocate for european peoples and their civilization and culture against enemy forces, so that also helps carry on and protect European culture.


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Wait, so white culture is a thing now? But I've been told by reliable sources that it's not real. My world is shattered.

Kys. Chinks are based and European. That's why white women love them


The American recoils at culture.
Has to use his buzzwords to defend itself.

>white culture is not real right up until european countries don't take in niggers and sand niggers, then they're white supremacist countries and every single white person in them has white privilege

So which is it? you leftists cannot even maintain your argument

>bugperson cope

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>be white
>ejaculate deep inside asian female
>this happens

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>"We have to stop the Holocaust!!"
>"Hasn't saved one single jew"

Yeah you are

>"We have to stop police brutality!"
>Hasn't beaten the shit out of cops yet