Bros, how do we save him?

Bros, how do we save him?

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Why save? Outside the screed he has been unlikable for a long time, latest since he tried to push his talentless son into the industry with nepotism.

Wtf bros will Smith used to be so cool... What happened ?!

Is Will Smith gonna be Yea Forums's new Brendan Fraser?

He's fucked. Jada would have isolated him over the years so she can take complete control over him. That's why nobody is in his life to shake some sense into him. The evil bitch even got her kids writing letters to dead Tupac wishing he would come back so mom can be happy again. She's a narcissistic BPD. My ex was one of these and a lot like Jada, and her mother was exactly like this too. I recognize the signs well and this all looks familiar to me. You get so mentally disorientated from all their lies and bullshit that you actually can't see reality in front of you.

We cannot save him, he needs to save himself by making the right decision but likely won't.

He’s a spineless bitch that gave another man his blessing to fuck his wife. He could’ve divorced Jada years ago but didn’t. How can anyone feel sympathy for this cuck?

I remember Will Smith recounting that Jada initially rejected him but he worked to win her over.

Hard lesson for you boys. Sometimes, even something that's hard to get isn't worth getting. It's more trouble than it's worth.

I never liked will smiph

I have not been following all this drama since I was occupied with buying a house over the last months. What is Tariq's and black twitter's take on this whole case?

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You can't save black genetics

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We don't. The feeding frenzy has begun. He will be slaughtered for harvest.

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Imagine participating in strange hollywood rituals and basically selling your soul and family to a small, rootless clique just to end up like this
why ANYONE would want to make it in the 'biz' is beyond me

wait I thought middle easterners had higher test? We have ridiculous amounts of body hair

More like cuck fuzz. Welcome to the wild wild test.

You are quite literally hairy women

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I thought will was despicable and should be punished for the slap. but now i see he is punished. I thought Jada should be punished and then i found out she's the child of a junkie prostitute and is probably pretty punished herself. She does this big ego talk as a way of coping with not feeling like she belongs in the 'nice world'. So that's why will gives her so much slack. Will snapped not because of her cucking him but because of the wrong public perception of him as a bitch, which is something that *we* are doing. So really, it is us who should be punished

There's loads of studies of testosterone and race these results don't replicate. It seems environment during childhood determines test later in life. Good nutrition and not getting sick during childhood leads to high test as adults. So poor countries have low test. Study below discusses uses studies where the same race are raised in poor countries and wealthy countries.

That has nothing to do with test amount. People living in wealthy countries no matter the race have higher test than people in poor countries.

>How can anyone feel sympathy for this cuck?

he's spent years making himself in to the black tom hanks, jada would go out of her way to destroy his image and his career. even if it's just accusations, he's fucked.

Look at his body language, it's pathetic.

She agreed to marry him once she was convinced that Will was the subservient one, the "lucky" one in the relationship. Ironically she would only be happy by a real nigga like thug Tupac that TAKES the pussy unlike will smith who is a classic nice guy. Double ironically Tupac was even gayer than will when he was a kid but learned to act thug once he recognized that being a good boy gets you abused.

>What happened
Women happened.

>he's a Le cuck xD
I just realized most of you faggots here must be in highschool because once you're an adult and married and you see how shit really is first hand it stops being funny real fucking fast.

Will should've given into his midlife crisis and got with Margot Robbie. She'd be subservient to him.

However, I have an inkling feeling he doesn't like subservient women. He loves being humiliated. He's a masochist at heart.

So you are a fellow cuck huh? I will pray for you

Will Smith is just redpilling the masses on the reality of marriage and modern women. If a man like Will Smith can get cucked this hard, the average man is a lot more vurnable.

Yeah me too. The gaslighting is probably there too.

*says something to insult you and you react reasonably* “Oh it was just a joke don’t be so sensitive”
*says something to you, you mention it a couple days later* “I never said that, I dunno what you’re talking about”
*mentions something she enjoys to you in private, but then later disparages it in public in a group * “What do you mean? Of course I don’t like that. You never pay attention to me”

Anthony Burch, is that you?

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Tupac and her went to art school she did the same shit to him probably and thats why he changed

Will should drop that evil bitch.

Im not about to help a grown ass man who wont help himself.

If Will wants help, my fee is 10 million dollars.

>He could’ve divorced Jada years ago but didn’t.
this. If he didn't do anything about it then he deserves everything that comes after. It's like a wife that is beaten by a husband. If you don't leave him after he punches you for the first time, you deserve what happens next and don't cry about it.

Rock bottom status : David Hasselhoff

poor will smith
what they say is true, money and fame doesnt get you happiness

>Old video clips shows Will Smith's tense confrontation with Jada
>Old video clips
Old news.

>be nigger
>grow up with no father
>swear you will not abandon your wife nor your children like your father did to you
>marry jada
This dude life is nothing but pain. At least he has plenty money. His kids are adults now, he can drop Jada and have nothing to feel bad about.

You guys obviously haven't come across BPD narcissists in your life. If you leave them they will do everything to slander your reputation depending on how psychotic you are. Jada is the kind of whore that will write books and do television interviews and spill the beans on whatever bullshit she can to destroy Will. It's lose lose no matter what he does. The girl I was dating for 2 years started telling everyone I got brain damaged in a car accident when I was young which made me crazy and also told people I raped her. I had no control over the narrative she was setting. But thankfully she's just enough crazy that people don't stick around with her long. Now she pretends she's a virgin and fully adopted the church going LARP. Women like this exist. Jada is one of them. I used to be Will.

>brutally anti-white activist
>cheats on and humiliates her husband
She is fucking horrible

kys racemixing advocate

His father was there I think but beating the shit out of his mom. The guy just wanted the family he never had but found the absolute worst woman to do it with.

He has joined the cuck hall of fame alongside Brendan. Welcome

Pic related is his best work

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so is there something specific that happened to Jada that turned her into this monster?
surely she wasn't always a maniac

Will said his happiness is his own doing. There is only himself to blame, and nobody else.

she is also bald in her heart.

Lmao I've had women do this while also complaining that men are the manipulative ones. If they ever say something of that nature get away. You will end up like Will

>surely she wasn't always a maniac
will fooled around 6 years ago or something

Narcissistic BPD are born at birth or developed in childhood

As I mentioned above, nobody seems to be aware that she was "raised" by a heroin junkie prostitute who had her at 15. So yes

look at how she grew up man. People like that have a big chip on their shoulder because they will never convince themselves that someone like them can actually be doing well. Her boss-bitch thing is an act to try to fight back the fear that she doesn't belong in upper society. This is why will gives her so much leeway as well

Why should I care about some rich multimillionaire actor and his marriage problems? No sympathy.

>Will Smith is just redpilling the masses on the reality of marriage and modern women. If a man like Will Smith can get cucked this hard, the average man is a lot more vurnable.

I rewatched his older films recently and he was never good. I dont know what were people thinking putting him in every film in 90-00.

She wont want him after the public cuckpocalypse

She actually has a personality disorder and I've known people like this. I watched her interview with Will Smith at the round table and I noticed it way back then. It's the language she uses, how she can reason herself into being the victim or doing the right thing. It's just the way her logic works. And she uses very standard manipulation tactics typical of narcissists. I spent two years of my life with a narcissist gf and her narcissist mother and it emotionally ruined me just as it did to Will. It's what they're driven to do to control you. They manipulate you into questioning your own sanity and whether you're the bad guy. It's all manipulation with them.
But as I grew older it all became clearer to me and seeing their lives fall apart from their own bullshit was vindicating for it. Jada never had that happen to her. Although she managed to raise her kids into becoming disasters which is step #1

>I thought middle easterners had higher test?
the mixed ones do like moroccans for example since they are mixed with caucasians.
pure arabs are super onions.

David Hasselhoff recovered from burgergate tho.

Look like he is going to be the next /earthrocker/ soon

>Women like this exist. Jada is one of them. I used to be Will.
A lot of people used to be Will, male and female. Only the very young and the forever alone find this funny. Everybody else has been there, and hates to see it.

we all know what needs to be done.

test amount is an environmental thing. Arabs in western countries have the same test as whites. Arabs in poor countries have low test. The two factors are nutrition and whether you were getting sick in childhood. all these races have the same test as whites in white countries. And they're a head taller than their parents generation too.

>I rewatched his older films recently and he was never good. I dont know what were people thinking putting him in every film in 90-00.
>t. zoomer edgelord

Brendan Fraser got justed, but Smith got cucked into oblivion. Smith's is a much worse fate, at least Fraser still has the respect of so many people even if he lost his wealth and health.

>If you leave them they will do everything to slander your reputation depending on how psychotic you are.

I too remember what happened to ProJared.

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Staged by the Jewish media.

All of it.
The slap
The reactions
The condemnation

All of it. Stupid goyim cattle. It was staged for ratings. They either had dirt on those two OR payed them an enormous amount of money. Or both. I understand you are emotionally invested in this. But if you had ever been in a real fight you'd know. Unfortunately you are mostly very effeminate men who watch marvel movies. Learn how to chop wood or change a spare tyre. Single mother raised is no excuse for being incompetent.

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>poverty makes you low test
Who knew?

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I meant depending on how psychotic THEY are. Give me a QRD on whatever you're talking about?

A cuck in an open relationship was accused of cheating by his ex even though they were in an open relationship because he intended to divorce her.

>nothing ever happens, everything is part of a scheme
Literal schizoid. Seek help.