Why are boomers so obsessed with vietnam?

why are boomers so obsessed with vietnam?

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cause it's fucking awesome
forced to serve your country by wandering around in the jungle with your bros blasting and raping gooks for insane proto-boomer commanders is a teenage fantasy come true

Do you sometimes look in the mirror and realize, "I am retarded"?

You had to be there

You weren't there

he sure was handsome back in the day

Their parents had ww2. Vietnam is perhaps the biggest, most embarrassing point of comparison between boomers and their seniors.


if you mean raping young boys, yeah

t.15 years old battlefield kiddo who would shit himself after 1 second in a warzone

Cause they lost, and they still can’t get over it. The most entitled generation ever didn’t get it their way

the average US infantryman in ww2 saw 40 days of combat while the average infantryman in Vietnam saw 240 days of combat

Becasue it actually happend, it changed the culture for a decade and was a fertile setting for stories.
Unlike cgi bukkake capeshit you are absessed with.

Yeah, like most actual vietnam soldiers, retard

>The most entitled generation ever
Millennials weren't alive back then

That's what losing looks like.

So you're not supposed to enjoy art about things that one typically wouldn't enjoy in reality?


>they won in a sixth of the time it took the boomers to lose
damn it do be like that

Because it actually happened, unlike 9/11 or the holocaust

You're right, they were called "the 'me' generation".

Boomers own everything. But oh no, not the avocado toast!

Let's be honest here, every demographic that loses a war becomes assblasted over it and won't let it go. WW2 was essentially a chimp out by German WW1 vets angry they lost. Before that the French couldn't wait for WW1 to start because they were assblasted about being defeated in the Franco-Prussian War. Hell a huge part of the Iraq War 1&2 was the Boomers chimping out over Vietnam.

So, when’s the next major war after Ukraine? Is it the final boomer seethe over them dying and not wanting to leave anything to the millennials?

it was their Afghanistan

which unfortunate country will face the millenial/zoomer wrath in 30 years?

The Ukraine engagement isn't a major war.

Charlie Sheen raped a little boy with crisco, he lubed up his cock and fucked him with chicken fat

>dude i would totally fight like these kids back in vietnam

sure, faggot

The reality is the country known as Republic of Vietnam ceased to exist but America was remembered as taking the L because it was the first time an American-backed nonwhite country got meme'd by communist forces.
If South Vietnam had continued to exist until now thanks to American taxpayer-funded bux (similar to Israel) nobody would have said America lost.

t.Retard brainwashed with the "millenial" buzzword since circa 2016 by Fox and other right wing propaganda. Boomers are the only generation who had it better than both their parents and their kids. Try buying a house today for your family on a single wage today you stupid fuck. The spoiled cunts sucked all the resources, spent freely on credit, and let millenials and zoomers pick the bill AND have the gall to act all judgemental.


Crisco is hydrogenated seed oils, not chicken fat.

Those were normal young men before being forced to use a rifle in the jungle, user.
They weren't a different species, wtf your point even is?

I don't really think Millennials/Zoomers have ever had a war they really felt was "theirs" to be assblasted about. Sure technically Iraq 2 and Afghanistan happened with Millenials in the military, but they were always viewed as Boomer projects even by the Boomers themselves, and even then the modern military is both small in percentage of population and often socially separated in a way the Boomers were not. Think the Vietnam eras large conscript army that took Americans from all across society in large amounts, so everyone was "involved" in the war even if only second or third hand, vs. the Iraq2/Afghanistan eras professional one that is either from the dregs of society no one cares about or hereditary military families who are basically there own separate Jannisary caste. In fact the guys who created the modern form of the U.S military was purposefully created it as such, so that if it ever lost, to avoid the kind of national assblasting that Vietnam caused from ever happening again.
TLDR; If they have one, it hasn't happened yet.

t. butthurt entitled millennial.
You will be the first to serve a plate of shit to the next gen.

Name a War with a better Soundtrack than Vietnam?

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You can't even order a pizza without breaking down, retard.

we used to stack mud bugs like you 6 feet high

Because it’s a pretty crazy war and the first to be highly televised

Vietnam was the first in a series of wars where the US takes their retards and newest equipment abroad to blow shit up and the retards come back with PTSD and cry about it. It was the start of a long and glorious American tradition.

Vietnam? What's that?

I did exactly that loser LOL

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Great music, everyone knows the war is pointless, cheap gook whores, going camping with your bros
Shit music, retards believing globohomo propaganda, only goats to fuck, no comfy nature

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I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading "Guns and Ammo", masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that?

Only Americans manage to invade a country, lose and then pretend they are the victims

who would win?
>american boomers equipped with latest weapons, aircraft and tanks
>some 3rd world rice farmers with 20 year old weapons

'sheen was in 'nam?

Yugoslav wars

Turks did it too

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we're like a big brutish simpleton with an evil corrupting sorcerer whispering in our ear, we don't try to do bad things, honest.

Women with guns are extremely based

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literally the most kino war

American imperialism is a necessary evil though, without them governing the world who do you think would take its place? China? Iran? (I'd say Russia, but lol @ them ever being a world power again)

For my money, let it be the USA.

Because the USA invaded other country and raped and killed children, like Russia is doing in the Ukraine right now?

>cause it's fucking awesome
Nothing is awesome. Only hype makes it so.


I don't get it either especially because it makes the US look shit because
>they lost
>they killed many civilians including with chemical warfare
But they still make movies about it, I guess partly because it's easy to make a WAR BAD flick in that setting

just copying his dad

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Yeah, tell that to the 5M displaced Ukrainians

Pretty much this. It's better for the world that the hegemon is an incompetent idiot rather than competent and malicious like China.

return to reddit faggot

>do I fit here, guys? Ugh, faggot! I said the word!

I think it's weird that he gives an asian wife and hapa son to the stereotypically racist "gook killer"-man. He's obviously not that racist if he has an asian wife and half-asian son.

i've been coming here since you were in diapers, kid. your kind seriously isn't welcome here. prepare to be mocked every time you post because your redditness just bleeds through the screen

This cartoonist is so jealous that he isn't white.
Notice how he draws himself light-skinned compared to the other Asians

Is it true the coof lockdowns were driven specifically by selfish boomers neurotic over their mortality?

No old fag from 2003 talks like you, nigger. Get fucked

>no comfy nature
The jungles in the context of Vietnam would have spooked not enchanted the soldiers. Enemy can hide there, they set traps, etc. They probably had a constant uneasy sense of being watched with Gooks hiding in the greener spying and watching at all times.

Why are zoomers so obsessed with memes